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Brantley's POV

Last night I saw this boy coming up to Kylie last night. She seemed super happy to see him. But he did too. I looked over for a second to see Caroline looking at Kylie and that boy with a huge smirk on her face. I knew than that something bad was happening. She was only 17. I didn't want to lose her.

Caroline's POV

I saw that look in Kylie's eyes last night. It wasn't just happiness. She had that twinkle in them. The twinkle I still get when I see Luke. I was about to head over to her trailer in a few minutes to see if I could talk her into telling me what that was all about.

Auto's POV

Me and Oliver had been texting all night after last night. I finally went to sleep around 2 am. It was 9:30 now, and I hated the sound of my alarm right now. Until I looked at my phone and saw that Oliver had texted me already.

Oli: Hey precious. How are you doin this morning?

Me: Tired but happy. Hbu?

Oli: Happy. Hey, wanna do something today? I was thinking about taking you out today before the show tonight

Me: I'd love to! What did you have in mind?

Oli: how about your 3 favorite words. Let's go muddin

Me: yes yes yes. Wanna pick me up?

Oli: Sure! I'll b there in about 2 hours. We can head down my road since there was a storm last night.

Me: sweet! See ya soon

Just as I was getting out of bed, my door came open. It made me jump a little bit and let out a small scream. Then I heard Caroline laughing. Crazy aunt.

"Hey girl," She said drawing her words out. I feel like I know what's coming, "so, wanna tell me about the boy who came to see you last night?" Yup, I knew it. Stupid mother instincts.

"Umm. I guess. Well he's about 6'3. His names Oliver. I've known him for a long time. I've always really really liked him. He told me he liked me too before he moved down to Waco, Texas. He's amazing. He was always there for me. He's strong," I said laughing when I said he's strong, "and he's about to head out to take me on a date today before the show. We are going muddin!!" I yelled causing both of us to laugh.

"Well, in that case. You gotta wear something cute." She said with a smirk, "and we can't tell the guys about this. I'll sneak you out." That made me laugh.

We spent the next hour and a half getting me ready. I ended up doing a Smokey eye again. Put on some foundation and blush. And then got ready. I put on my favorite camo shirt that was cut on on the sides with a sports bra underneath, and with my dark pair of shorts. And tied it in with my black high top converse and my hair in a ponytail.

I stepped back to look in the mirror

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I stepped back to look in the mirror. I was super happy. Just then, I heard the big diesel truck that I knew he had. A 2013 black dodge cummins with a 4 inch lift and 32" wheels.

Me and Caroline both looked at each other with a look of fear. "Oh crap, the boys will hear." We said at the same time. I walked out see the guys and PJ standing in front of Oliver with their arms crossed over their chests. Well crap.

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