Uh Oh

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Oliver's POV

Kylie's pregnancy was starting to effect her. And bad. I had to move in with the Gilbert's bad. She couldn't sleep, and she was moody, and upset because her clothes, she thought, looked fat on her. She upset because none of her shoes fit right, and her belly almost had the same diameter as her height. She was at 8 1/2 months. 35 weeks. And looked like she was gonna pop at any minute. It takes a lot to be pregnant and I'm glad I can't be.

Amber has just gotten her to take another picture with the sign that said 35 weeks on it. But she still looked beautiful.

We were sitting by the fire out front with our sweatshirts on and eating fruit salad

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We were sitting by the fire out front with our sweatshirts on and eating fruit salad. It had pineapple, raspberries, apples, grapes, and watermelon. Kylie looked so cute. I don't know how since she was just in a sweatshirt.

"Oh my god

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"Oh my god." Kylie said looking shocked. "Oh my god. Call an ambulance. Now!" She screamed.

"What happened?" Brantley asked loudly and confused as he pulled out his phone.

"My freaking water just broke!" She screamed. I quickly ran inside to grab some clothes to put in a bag for her to wear after she gave birth along with some toiletries. She wasn't due for almost 3 more weeks.

After I got everything, I ran downstairs to see Brantley running with her in his arms to the EMS that was just pulling into the driveway. Amber went with her, and me and Brantley hopped in the truck to follow them. I'm gonna be a father.

When we got there, they made us sit back and fill out paperwork. My babygirl was giving birth and you want me to fill out freaking paperwork! Really people?!? 

We had been waiting 8 hours in the waiting room. It was now 3:12 am and I was tired but wired at the same time. A nurse came out in a blue gown and a mask hanging around her neck.

"Gilberts?" She called out. We all stood up and she smiled. "Follow me." We did as we were told. "Which one is the father of the babies?" She asked.

"That's me." I said enthusiastically.

"Well, we are gonna have you come in first and cut the first babies umbilical cord. It was crowning when I left to get you." I nodded. "Are you the mother and father of Kylie?" She asked pointing to Brantley and Amber. They nodded. "I'm going to have you guys stay outside of the door for a few minutes while she delivers this baby and the next one. Okay?" They both nodded and watched as me and the nurse went back in the room.

Third Person POV

Brantley and Amber waited by the door anxiously as Oliver went inside to wait for the first baby. He watched Kylie as she gave one last push and the first baby was born. It was a boy. Oliver went over and grabbed the umbilical cord scissors from the nurse who was handing him them. Kylie screamed and made Brantley nervous just because she was screaming. Kylie gave two more big pushes and delivered the baby girl. Oliver clipped that babies umbilical cord too while Kylie gave one last push and then rested. The nurse called Brantley and Amber in to the delivery room.

Auto's POV

I watched as Brantley and Amber came into the room looking at the babies.

"What are you going to name them?" The doctor asked. I looked over at Oliver.

"I'll pick one and you pick one." He said. I laughed and nodded my head. "Beau Preston Brown for the boy."

"And Dallas Olivia Brown for the girl." I said.

Oliver took Beau and Brantley took Dallas and put them into their first onesie that Amber got them

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Oliver took Beau and Brantley took Dallas and put them into their first onesie that Amber got them.

I'm so ready for this!

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I'm so ready for this!

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