Interruption at the Last Performance

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Auto's POV

This was my last performance before I had to go back home for my 12 week ultrasound. I was starting to get excited because this was week 10 and I was starting to show quite a bit. These babies are big. I told everyone that before I have to go, I had to do one last performance. I wanted to make this one memorable. It took me an hour to talk the guys out of making me do the whole performance in a chair and not moving around. But I won that argument, finally. I negotiated to not jump around and keep way from the edge of the stage and the cords while I was up there, so it worked out.

I was stepping back to look in the mirror to see how I looked, before I got off the bus. I loved how my dress showed of my baby bump a tiny bit from the side.

I stepped off the steps of the trailer and made my way over to the stadium, excited but also sad about leaving everyone tomorrow morning

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I stepped off the steps of the trailer and made my way over to the stadium, excited but also sad about leaving everyone tomorrow morning. I would have to drive my truck back that was in the truck trailer being hauled behind my trailer. I was also excited to see Oliver. He was at home for this part of the tour and I really missed him.

"Hey Kylie?" Dan called me over. "You have your songs ready for tonight?" I nodded my head and told him the songs that I was gonna do. "Okay great. He looked at his clip board. "I'm gonna have you close the show." I nodded my head with a smile and started to walk over to the others. I realized that I had been subconsciously holding my baby bump when I got there. I smiled at everyone.

"Y'all ready for this?" I asked. They all either nodded or said yeah in unison.

"I think tonight's gonna be the most memorable for everyone." Brantley said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, it is your last night." He stated. "And I just think that it's gonna be memorable." He said with a big smile.

"Alright then," I said. "Let's make it memorable then." I yelled. Everyone chuckled.

It was fun to watch everyone dance around on the stage having fun. The way everyone looked like they were on a cloud, floating around the stage. The big smiles, and the loud crowd. The amazing energy was just incredible tonight. Maybe this was going to be memorable. Finally, it became my turn to go up on stage.

The crowd screamed as I got on stage, and roared even louder then I grabbed my stomach making me laugh.

"Yeah, I got a little something here, don't I?" I said laughing. "Actually, I got two." I said quietly into the mic and started to laugh when everyone started cheering. "Alright, well I got a little something for you guys tonight. I have been working on a little music myself, and with the band. So I have a song for you guys that new. It's called Monsters have good Surprises too. You ready?" I got a roar of screams. "Alright then." The music started. It was a little slow.

Yellow dandelions swayin in the wind
Pink roses in momma's garden
7 boys in shorts and one girl in a dress
Playin outside in the summer sun

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