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Waking later than normal, I blink a few times and furrow my brows, wondering why the kids didn't wake me as they usually do.

Licking my lips, I sit up in bed, finding my throat raw from the night before. Pregnancy has taken a toll on me recently... hence throwing up throughout the night last night. The nasty taste remains in my mouth even after countless times of brushing my teeth, making me get up and brush them yet again before going downstairs to find the kids and Justin in the living room.

"Mommy!" Kameron exclaims. "You're awake!"

"Yeah." I grin at him.

Justin rises from his spot on the ground, walking over and kissing me. "Gonna try to eat something?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah, I'm hungry."

He chuckles and walks to the kitchen with me. "Do you wanna do anything today?"

"Um, well, I need to order the shirts for the kids so they'll be here in time for your party." I tell him. "And then I'd really like to get out of the house so maybe like go to the store or something and start looking at furniture and like neutral clothes?"

Justin nods. "Yeah, sounds good."

"I wanna take the kids though. If they get to be too much we'll just come home early. But with the dual stroller Elena and Brayden will probably fall asleep anyway." I tell him.

He nods. "Yeah, okay. Go ahead and eat something. I'm gonna go shower and get ready then start getting the kids ready."

I nod. "Okay."

About forty five minutes later, I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my hair and another around my body, drying off before putting on a casual outfit. I then slip on some sneakers, pull my hair into a high ponytail and make my way down the hall to Elena's room to see her already dressed and ready.

"Kameron, get dressed!" Justin yells from Brayden's room.

"But I don't wanna wear this shirt daddy." Kameron responds.

"I got it!" I say before Justin can reply. I walk into Kameron's room, grinning. "What shirt do you wanna wear, bud?"

""That one!" he says, pointing to a blue dinosaur shirt.

"Okay!" I tell him in a funny voice, grabbing the shirt and giving it to him to put on.

He does, then starts to put on his shoes.

"Come downstairs when you're done, okay?" I ask.

"Okay." Kameron answers, focusing on tying the shoelaces.

I grin, walking out of his room and turn my head to the right when Elena runs from her room and Justin carries Brayden out of his. "He wanted the blue dinosaur one." I tell him.

Justin fake gasps. "Oh my."

I laugh lightly, going downstairs with him and the two younger kids.

Before long, Kameron comes jumping down the stairs and smiles at me and his dad, telling us he's ready. After piling the kids into the car, I carry the diaper bag out to the car and climb in.

Once making it to the store, Justin gets the stroller out of the back while I unload the kids. Elena and Brayden are put in the stroller and we enter the store, going towards the furniture immediately.

"I really like this." I say, pointing to a clear bookshelf with gold corners.

He nods. "Yeah, that one's nice. But if it's a boy I don't think it would go with a lot."

I nod in agreement, moving along and pointing out a few other things.

After shopping for a couple hours and finding some cute neutral styled baby clothes and picking out some ideas for a crib, changing table and more, we find our way back and home and take the kids inside.

"Do you want me to cook tonight?" Justin asks as the kids run straight for their toys after their shoes are taken off.

"Yeah, but something healthy. Like, grilled chicken, steamed carrots and..." I twist my lips to the side. "Either mac and cheese or mashed potatoes. Actually, make that mashed potatoes. Mac and cheese doesn't sound appealing at all."

"You got it baby." he says, leaning over and kissing me.

About an hour and a half later, Justin calls upstairs to me, making me go downstairs and eat dinner with him and the kids.

I then bathe them and put them to bed while Justin cleans up downstairs.

"Hey, nauseous again?" Justin asks, entering the bedroom where I lay thirty minutes later.

I sigh. "Yeah. I had to push through dinner, but it's okay. "It'll be worth it."

He smiles, taking off his outfit and putting basketball shorts on before climbing into bed. "This little one." he says, rubbing my stomach.

I grin, nodding. "Yeah. I can't wait to find out..." I pause. "What do you think the baby is?"

"I think..." he licks his lips. "A girl."

"Just because you think it's a girl I'm gonna say a boy but really... I think it's a girl too." I say, sticking out my tongue.

He chuckles, kissing my stomach repeatedly. "I can't wait to meet you." he whispers.

I giggle at the cute actions, keeping one arm above my stomach and the other lightly on his back. "I love how excited you are."

He grins, bringing his face up to me. "I love that we're having a baby."

I laugh, nodding. "Yeah, I got that."

He kisses me over and over again before pulling away and laying beside me. "Okay, movie?"

"No." I whine.

"Friends?" he chuckles.

"Yes!" I nod, grinning widely.

After cuddling up to him, I turn my head to the tv, finding myself falling asleep almost immediately after the second episode starts.


hey guys!

sorry it's such a short chapter, it's more of a filler chapter than anything.

the next chapter will be where they announce to their family that they're having a baby! I'm so excited to write that chapter and post it to hear your feedback!

don't forget to vote and leave a comment letting me know what you thought!

thank you all for reading!

all my love,


The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now