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As life has been crazy lately, the Biebers hadn't been able to spend much time together as a family... which is why Halloween is that much more important. It was going to good, perfect even... or so Elianna thought.

"You sure you don't wanna go trick or treating, baby?" Elianna asks, looking down at her son who was lying in his bed.

"Don't feel good, mama."

"Okay, wanna go hang out with gammy tonight instead?" she asks.

"Yes, pwease," he says.

"Okay, let mama go call her," she says, walking out of the room and dialing her mother's number.


"Hey mom," she says.

"Hey baby, what's up?" her mother replies.

"Brayden's sick. Do you think you could watch him tonight? Both Justin and I want to go with the kids trick or treating."

"Yeah, honey, of course!" she exclaims. "Oh, I'm sorry. I know you wanted the whole family together for once tonight."

"It's okay. It's not his fault he got sick."

"Okay, well, I'll come on over and get him. That way you have some time with the rest of the kids instead of taking care of a sick baby all day."

"Okay, mom. Thank you. I'll see you soon."

"Alright honey, love you."

"Love you too."

"Mm, bye-bye." her mother says, hanging up.

Elianna sighs, making her way to Justin's office where he decided to stay home for the day.

"Hey babe," she says, walking in.

"Hey baby, what's up?" he asks.

"Brayden's sick. My mom's gonna come and get him so she can have him for the night," she explains.

"Why? I can watch him." Justin states.

"No, you can't. Because the rest of jus are going trick or treating as a family," she tells him.

He chuckles. "Okay baby, whatever you say."

"I know," she says, winking and walking out of the room.

Making it out to the kitchen, she sighs, glancing over to the clock.

"Abrielle should be up in about an hour," she whispers to herself. "Tonights gonna mess up her schedule so I'll let her sleep a little longer than normal for her last nap."

By the time 5 pm comes around, Kameron and Elena are beyond excited to go trick or treating, Brayden is with his grammy and Abrielle is still napping.

While she's still asleep, Elianna puts her in her costume, gushing at cute she looks.

Justin chuckles, helping the other kids.

By the time all three kids are dressed and ready, the clock strikes 5:30 pm and Kameron starts whining about how they're late.

"We'll be fine buddy," Justin tells him, ruffling his hair and putting his hat on him.

"Why do I have to be peter pan?" Kameron grumbles.

"Because mama's weird," Justin responds making Elianna hit him playfully.

Elena grins. "I'm glad I'm Tinkerbell!"

"Alright, let's go outside and take pictures then you guys can trick or treat!"

"Okay!" the kids yell, running outside with their parents following behind, Abrielle in Elianna's arms.

After taking a few pictures of the kids, Abrielle being included in a couple as Justin holds her, they start walking around their neighborhood, letting the kids get their candy for a while before 7 pm nears and it's time to go home.

"Alright guys, we've got plenty of candy, let's go home," Elianna tells them.

"No!" they both whine.

"Kids, listen to your mom. She said it's time to go." Justin demands. "The baby is getting fussy, we still need to eat dinner and do bedtime routines so let's move it."

Pouting, they walk with their parents, getting to the house and heading inside.

"Alright, let's do baths and then we'll eat," Justin tells them, leaving Elianna to feed Abrielle and give her a bath in the kitchen sink.

As the doorbell rings, Elianna sets Abrielle in her swing and turns it on before signing for the pizza they had ordered and taking it to the kitchen. She then puts slices on the plates for the kids and adds a side of fruit and yogurt to each plate. Once that's done, she sets up the kids table in the living room and puts the plates on the table before putting in Hotel Transylvania for them to watch as a family before bed.

"What's for dinner?" Kameron asks as he, his sister and Justin walk into the room.

"Pizza. But I want both of you to eat your fruit and yogurt first. Then you eat your pizza and if you want more you can have some."

"Okay!" they both exclaim, running over to their plates and starting to eat as Elianna starts the movie.

After they've eaten, the kids lay on the floor with some blankets, enjoying the movie while Justin and Elianna are on the couch and Abrielle is now upstairs in the snoo.

By the end of the movie, the children have fallen asleep, allowing Justin and Elianna to take them to their beds.

They then take their showers and climb into bed, exhausted from the day.

"Goodnight, my love," Justin says, kissing her hand.

She laughs at his corny behavior. "Goodnight Justin."

They then close their eyes, both falling asleep quickly.


hey everyone!

thank you all so much for reading the newest chapter!

there are 6 chapters left of this book and it's starting to feel crazy.

don't forget to vote and comment to let me know you were here!

i love all of youuuuu


The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now