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With time winding down until her due date... and her doctor telling her that there's a big possibility the baby will come early, Elianna finds herself in the kitchen putting together multiple casseroles and frozen dinners together so they have some things to eat when Mama Lee isn't at the house.

The kids sit in the living room, watching tv as Elianna cooks and cleans, coming into the living room once she's done and sitting with them... desperately needing a break. Almost immediately, her phone rings, making her sigh and answer.


"Hey baby, how ya feeling today? I know last night was bad."

Elianna sighs. "I'm alright. I've been cooking up some stuff to freeze for dinners once baby comes and just sat down with the kids."

"Good. Any more contractions?"

"Some. But not bad. They're just braxton hicks."

"Are you sure though? You know what the doctor said baby."

"Justin. I've been through this before. I'll know when I'm in labor."

"Uh-uh. Every pregnancy is different. You know that."

"Babe, relax. I know I'm not in labor because they're not excruciating or five minutes apart. I am fine and you know I wouldn't lie about that. Especially with what the doctor has told us about this pregnancy." she explains.

"I know, I know. I just, I want to be extra careful since he said it's so high risk with all the stress." he sighs.

"I know babe. Don't worry. If I feel off or anything I'll call you and the doctor immediately. I promise."

"Good. Let me get back to work baby. But call me if anything happens, I mean it." he tells her.

"I will." she laughs. "I promise babe. Get some work done. I love you."

"I love you too baby." he replies.

They hang up, leaving Elianna to finally lean back against the couch and relax with the kids for a while... although she didn't expect to drift off to sleep.


Jolting up quicker than she normally would, Elianna comes face to face with Kameron who has a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong? What happened?" she asks.

"Elena fell down the last three stairs." he tells her.

Gasping lightly, Elianna gets up and walks as quickly as she can to the stairs.

"Oh my god, baby, are you okay?" she asks, pulling Elena into her arms.

Sobbing, Elena nods, hugging Elianna tightly.

Taking her to the couch with her, Elena cuddles with Elena, knowing she's been feeling a little left out with everything going on. She soon glances at the clock, wondering if Justin will be home for dinner.

"You wanna facetime daddy?" she asks Elena, looking down at her.

She nods, wiping her tears.

Taking out her phone, she clicks Justin's name, starting the Facetime call, Justin's face appearing on the screen seconds later.

"Hi my princess!" he says, smiling.

"Hi daddy." she says sadly.

"What's wrong?" he asks, pouting now.

"She fell down a couple of the last stairs." Elianna explains giving him a look.

"Ohhh, my poor princess. Are you alright?"

She nods, pouting while continuing to cuddle with Elianna.

"Good." he grins before directing his attention to his wife. "What's up baby?"

"I was wondering if you'd be home to dinner. I was thinking pizza."

"Pizza!" Kameron yells.

Justin chuckles. "Yeah, I'll be home. I was gonna leave here in about fifteen minutes. You order and I'll pick it up on my way home."

"Okay, great. What kind do you want?"

"Just make it simple. Three meat or something."

Elianna nods. "You got it. See you in a few."

After ordering the pizza, Elianna puts on My Little Pony for Elena despite the complaining for the boys and heads towards the kitchen, cleaning the mess she had left earlier after cooking.

Soon, Justin arrives home, setting the pizza in the kitchen and serving the kids before he and Elianna sit to eat as well.

Once the kids are done, Justin turns to Elianna, sighing.

"Go upstairs to bed baby. I can tell you're exhausted. I'll bathe the kids and put them to bed." he tells her, grabbing the leftover pizzas and placing them in the fridge.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Yes, baby. Go." he assures her, kissing her head.


After saying goodnight to the kids and making her way upstairs, showering and getting in bed before tossing until she falls asleep.

"Daddy?" Kameron asks once they're in the bath and Justin is washing Brayden's hair.

"Yes, buddy?"

"Why is mama so tired?" he asks.

Justin sighs. "Because mama has your little sister in her belly and it takes a lot of energy to carry her around so it makes her very tired. Does that make sense?"

He nods. "Yeah! Mommy's carrying baby sister in her belly and baby sister is making her very tired."

"That's right." Justin smiles.

Once the kids are bathed and in bed, Justin makes his way to the bedroom, showering and climbing into bed before placing a kiss on Elianna's head and going to sleep.

A few hours later, Justin rolls over, his eyes opening and his brows furrowing when he sees Elianna's missing from beside him. Rising from his side of the bed, he checks the bathroom first before making his way into the hallway, a light catching his eye.

He sighs. "The nursery."

Pushing the door open, Justin rubs his eyes at the brightness. "Baby, what are you doing?"

"I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep." she sighs, putting some baby stuff into the hospital bag she was finishing up."

He sighs. "How long ago was that?"

"About an hour ago." she sighs.

"Then come back to bed." he says, crouching and taking her head. "Try to go back to sleep and if you can't, you can come back in here and do whatever you feel you need to."

"Okay." she agrees after a moment, using him to get up and following him back to their room... this time falling asleep for the rest of the night.


hey hey!

I know the past few chapters have been super boring but I promise it'll get more interesting when the baby comes! 

thank you all for being so patient with me. i really appreciate it.

don't forget to vote and comment to let me know you were here.

all my love,


The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now