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With only five weeks until her due date, Elianna finds herself getting home from her doctor's appointment even more stressed than when she had gone. Which makes no logical sense considering her doctor's words were that she was too stressed in the first place.

After Elena's birthday, a bad development in the company came up, causing Justin's main focus to once again become work. She couldn't blame him, he's trying to provide for their family. It was just stressful trying to take care of all the kids while so late in her pregnancy and having to worry if he won't be around when their daughter is born.

"How'd your appointment go, honey?" Mama Lee asks as she enters the house.

Elianna sighs, setting down her purse and hanging her keys up. "Not great. Apparently I'm too stressed."

Mama Lee sighs. "I told you. Now, maybe I should start coming five days again. You're within the last 5 weeks of your pregnancy."

"No, no. It's alright. Pattie and my mother are usually over here after you leave at night and on the days you have off just to distract the kids when I need a minute or help out however they can. I appreciate you being willing to though."

"Of course. I just want what's best for you guys, you know that."

"Yeah, I do." Elianna nods. "So, I'm going to go attempt to take a nap before the stomping of little feet prevent it."

She laughs lightly, nodding. "You do that, sweetheart. God knows you need it."

Elianna nods, sighing and making her way upstairs and to her room.

Laying on the bed, she shuffles and tosses for a while until finally finding a position that makes her comfortable, closing her eyes just as Brayden's cry fills the house.

Sighing, she stuffs her face into the pillow, knowing she probably won't get any peace and quiet now.

"Shh, shh, shh. Mama's trying to sleep, buddy." she hears Mama Lee explain to Brayden.

"Otay!" Brayden screams, running down the hall, soon followed by Elena and Kameron until somehow, the second floor of the house becomes silent.

Sighing comfortably, Elianna relaxes her face, repeating the word 'sleep' in her head until she finally falls into a comfortable slumber.

By the time Elianna wakes, the sky had started to darken and she cusses to herself when looking at the clock, noticing Mama Lee should've left an hour ago.

"Mama Lee, I'm so sorry." Elianna says, walking into the kitchen only a moment later.

"Oh, honey, it's alright. You know I don't mind and I know you needed that sleep."

"I sure did." Elianna sighs.

"Well, they've all had baths and are ready for bed. They just wanted to watch a movie so that's what they're doing now." she grins.

"Awesome. Thank you."

"Of course. Goodnight." she tells Elianna, leaving the house as Elianna eats the plate of food left for her and sits in the living room with the kids.

Later, Justin arrives home, walking through the front door and being as quiet as possible before realizing that all three of his kids and wife had fallen asleep in the living room together.

Grinning to himself, he makes his way upstairs to change into comfortable clothes before picking Kameron up and taking him to bed, tucking him in and doing the same with Elena. As he reaches for Brayden, Elianna's eyes open, gasping lightly as she grabs his wrist..


"Hey baby." he whispers. "You and the kids fell asleep during the movie. I was taking Brayden to bed."

"Oh." she breathes, letting go of Justin's wrist and letting him take Brayden to bed before he reappears in the living room.

"Um, Mama Lee made dinner. It's in the fridge."

"Mama Lee made dinner?" he asks, confused. "That's unusual."

"I fell asleep when I got home from the doctor and was asleep for way longer than I meant to. She made dinner and gave the kids a bath for me."

He nods. "Remind me to give her a little extra in the paycheck this week. She deserves it anyway."

"Okay." Elianna nods. "She's a lifesaver nowadays."

"I know with me working so much and you 5 weeks from having baby girl."

She nods. "Yeah."

"Why don't you go up to bed baby? You seem really tired tonight."

"No. I uhh, I wanted to talk to you for a few minutes." she says.

He raises his eyebrows, entering the room with his plate of leftovers. "Okay."

"I miss you." she sighs.

He sighs. "I miss you too. But, hey, once baby girl comes, I will be home."

She raises her eyebrows. "You will? Even with everything going on?"

"Of course. Baby girl is both of ours and you don't need to be left with all four kids, one being a newborn. Also, why would I work when we have a brand new baby?" he asks, sighing.

Elianna sighs. "See, this is why I love you."

He gives her a questioning look.

"Because even when there's a shit load of stuff going on, you still make time out of work for your family. Regardless of how bad things are at work, you're still taking off in order to be with us." she grins.

He smiles, kissing her. "Of course. We're putting the final plan down tomorrow."

"Awesome." she grins, yawning.

"Okay." he chuckles. "Go up to bed. I'll be up as soon as I finish dinner."

"Okay." she sighs tiredly, making her way to their bedroom and climbing in bed.

Soon, Justin washes his dish and goes upstairs, entering the room to find Elianna had fallen asleep.

Chuckling to himself, he changes his clothes, turning off the light, kisses her head and falls asleep at once.



I have a chapter this week so yay!

I'm sorry it's so short but i haven't worked on my other two stories in quite some time so wanted to make room for those as well.

it's also been SO crazy for me recently so i apologize for missing weeks here and there. i'm trying to write some chapters this week since i'm off work so hopefully i won't miss any!

thank you all for being so patient with me, you're all amazing.

all my love,


The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now