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After the talk Elianna and Justin had, he had been staying home later, coming home a bit earlier and helping out a lot around the house and with the kids.

Today, specifically, Mama Lee isn't present and Elianna wakes early to make breakfast while Justin wakes with Abrielle and takes over cooking so she can feed her. By 7 am, Justin wakes the kids and brings them downstairs for breakfast while Elianna makes the plates and set them on the table.

The family eats breakfast together before Justin showers and goes to work, leaving Elianna to take care of the kids for the day.

Loading all four kids in the car by 7:45 am, Elianna drives away from the house and drops off Kameron off to 2nd grade and Elena off to kindergarten.

After that, she takes the younger two back home, she feeds Abrielle, knowing she's hungry while Brayden watches Paw Patrol and then she puts the baby in her swing and plays with Brayden, not having the chance to do that often.

"Mommy, baby," Brayden says, pointing over to the swing.

"The baby's fine, honey. She's sleepin'."

"Okay," Brayden says, starting to play again.

She grins, looking over to the clock a bit later to realize she had been playing with him for an hour and it was ten. Deciding it was a good idea to start making lunch, she gets up and heads to the kitchen, hearing Abrielle start whining as she does.

Sighing, she makes her way back to the living room and picks her up, feeding her before trying to put her back in the swing. Abrielle refuses, making Elianna place her in her carrier and takes her to the kitchen with her while she makes lunch for her and Brayden.

"Bud, come eat lunch!"

"Okay!" he yells, running in and sitting at his spot at the table.

After lunch, Elianna puts Brayden in his room and Abrielle in the snoo so she can get some cleaning done and by the time they wake, she's swept, mopped, cleaned the counters, bathrooms, and playroom.

Getting both kids up, she looks at the time, noticing it to be about 1:30. Getting Brayden a snack and feeding Abrielle, she then buckles both of them into the car and driving off to the school to pick up the older kids.

"Mommy, why didn't Brayden go to school today?" Kameron asks once he and his sister are buckled in.

"Because Brayden is in preschool. He only goes to school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday."

"Oh!" Kameron giggles.

After they're back home, Elianna gives the two older kids snacks and helps Kameron with his homework while feeding Abrielle before letting him play with his siblings and starting dinner... as her phone rings.

"Hello?" she answers.

"Hey baby, I'm not gonna be home for dinner tonight. Something came up. I'll be home to put the kids to bed though."

"Okay, thanks for letting me know babe," she replies, a grin on her lips.

"No problem. How was the school day?"

"You wanna ask them?"

"Nah, I'll ask them later," he tells her.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get here then," she says.

"Love you."

"Love you too," she replies, hanging up and continuing to make dinner.

After dinner is ready, she gets the kids to sit at the table and feeds Abrielle while eating her own food, playing music throughout the house

As dinner is coming to a close, the front door opens and shuts, indicating Justin is home.

"Hello hello," he says, smiling as he walks into the kitchen and kisses each of the kids on the head before pecking Elianna's lips.

"Hey babe," she says, grinning. "Are you guys done?"

"Yes," all three kids answer.

"Okay, go ahead, you'll have your bath in a little bit."

"I'll give them one after I eat," Justin says, entering the room again after changing his clothes.

"Okay, that'll give me a chance to give Abrielle one and clean up from the day."

"It looks like you cleaned the house anyway," he says.

Her eyebrows raise in surprise. "You noticed."

He grins. "Yeah, of course."

She smirks, rolling her eyes and heading over to the sink to start the dishes.

Abrielle starts whining, making Elianna sigh and Justin walk over, taking her and eating his dinner as he soothes her.

Elianna smiles at his help, washing the dishes and starting to wipe down the counters before washing his last dish and cleaning the sink.

"You wanna take her so I can give the other kids a bath?" he asks.

"Yeah, let me just get her little bath first," she says, grabbing the flower sink bath they had bought and placing it in the sink before adjusting the water and starting to fill the sink. "Alright."

As Elianna gives the baby a bath, Justin sits in the bathroom with the older kids.

"How was school today, guys?"

"Good!" Kameron says. "I had homework."

"What?" Justin acts surprised. "What in the world!"

Kameron laughs. "Mama helped me though."

"I have no doubt bud."

"What does that mean?"

"That I believe mama helped you."

"Yeah," Kameron nods. "I love mommy."

"I love mommy too." Justin grins. "Elena, what about you? How was school?"

"It was good! I colored and practiced my letters and numbers," she tells him.

"That's good. Count for me."

Elianna smiles at their conversation, passing on her way to Abrielle's nursery to get her dressed for bed.

Now, this is how she wants to live.


thank you all for reading the new chapter!

don't forget to vote and comment so i know you were here.

i hope you all have a fantastic week!

all my love,


The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now