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Two weeks later, around 6am, Elianna wakes and sighs to herself, feeling unbearably nauseous and her head pounding uncontrollably. Groaning to herself, she grabs her phone and immediately sends a text to Justin, who of course is already back at the office.

To: Babe

I can't come in. morning sickness.

After sending the message, she lies her head back down, almost immediately falling back to sleep.

A few hours later, her eyes flutter open and she looks at her phone, seeing an 'ok, i love you' message from Justin and the time to be 11:08am.

Getting out of bed, she makes her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

*Elianna's POV*

"Mommy! You're home!" Elena exclaims.

"Yeah, baby." I mumble.

"Not feeling well?" Mama Lee asks.

I shake my head. "No. But I need to eat something, so."

She nods.

Sighing, I grab some ginger snaps, pretzels and jello to eat considering normally they're the only things I can keep down when I'm this nauseous.

I then start upstairs, only to be stopped by Kameron who was sitting on the couch.

"Mommy, I wanna hang out with you." he says.

I nod. "Okay, come on bud."

He gets up, running to my side. "Can I have a snack too?"

I nod again, going back to the kitchen and making some popcorn. "Kam's coming with me." I tell Mama Lee.

"Alright, sweetie."

Kameron and I go upstairs, entering my room. He immediately jumps on the bed, obviously excited.

"Alright buddy, momma's not feeling good so we gotta stay calm, alright?"

He nods. "Okay."

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I ask him.

"Um, Finding Nemo!" he says.

I nod. "Okay."

After turning on the movie, I give him his popcorn and lay beside him, starting to munch on my food too.

After watching a movie and a half with Kameron, I find myself dozing off next to him before realizing he had fallen asleep himself. Grinning, l glance at the time. 2:30pm. Sighing, I lay my head back down, falling asleep next to him.

By the time we both wake up, it's almost 5pm, making me sigh and look over at Kameron. "Did you have a good nap, bud?"

He nods. "Yeah. Mommy, why is daddy not home at night anymore?"

I sigh. "Daddy has a lot going on at work right now."

"It doesn't feel good." he admits, leaving me speechless. "Does daddy still love us?"

"Oh- buddy, of course daddy still loves you." I tell him. "Don't you ever think he doesn't. He will always love you no matter what."

"Then why can't he be here at least a little?"

I sigh. "Honestly, buddy. I don't know. Daddy's stressed so maybe he thinks he needs to fix everything so he can be not stressed anymore."

"I miss him." he tells me.

I nod. "Me too. But don't worry, once things get less stressful at work, he'll be back."

"Okay... can I go play now?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah, buddy, go ahead."

He gets off the bed, rubbing his eyes and gong downstairs.

As he does, I sigh to myself, lying in my spot and putting on Netflix.

After a while, a small knock is heard on my door, making me look over.

"I made you some soup." Mama lee grins.

"Aw, thank you." I grin, sitting up and taking the tray from her.

"Would you like me to stay late tonight? I can give the kids baths and put them to bed."

"Y'know what, that would actually be really helpful tonight, thank you."

"Of course." she nods.

"And if you need to stay tonight, you know you're more than welcome."

"Thank you." she smiles, leaving the room and going back downstairs.

For the rest of the night, I find myself binge-watching a new Netflix series and munching on the snacks I had brought up earlier in the day.

Finally, at almost midnight, the bedroom door opens and Justin enters, surprised to see me awake.

"I didn't think you'd be up." he says, walking to the closet.

"Yeah, but sleeping has been kinda hard when you're 24 weeks pregnant and you don't know when your husband will be home." I tell him.

He sighs. "Elianna."

"Justin, Kameron asked me if you didn't love him anymore today." I tell him, sitting with one leg under me and the other hanging off the bed. "Is that seriously what you want your kids thinking? Are you seriously okay with that?"

"Of course I'm not okay with that, Elianna but I have to do what I have to do to provide for my family. You're right, you are pregnant which makes this even more stressful. We have a new baby coming plus three other kids. How the hell are we gonna take care of them if the enterprise goes out of business?!" he replies.

"I'm not saying don't work Justin! I'm saying get up early, work in home and then eat breakfast with your kids before going to the office. Come home on time, eat with your family and then go back into the home office and do what the hell you need to do." I argue. "You're not here! Your kids miss you! I miss you! I get you're trying to provide for your family, Justin but don't make providing so important that you forget to spend time with the people you're working for." I tell him.

He frowns, walking into the bathroom.

Frustrated, I get up and leave the room, going downstairs and to the couch. I cover up with the fluffy blanket and turn the tv on, knowing I won't get much sleep anyway.

*No Ones POV*

After a couple hours of no sleep, Justin makes his way downstairs, finding Elianna asleep on the couch. Frowning, he walks over and picks her up before taking her upstairs and lying her in bed. He covers her up, making sure she's comfortable before grabbing his pillow and taking the couch instead but still unable to sleep... Elianna's words playing on his mind.


hello hello!

thank you all so much for reading!

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all my love,


The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now