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Being out of the office for a week now, I've been able to get myself into a new groove, and being of two days helps with preparing for the baby and spending time with the kids. In fact, the kids are actually getting excited. Brayden still doesn't understand and he still says 'wittle brudder' instead of sister but he doesn't understand so once she arrives, I have a feeling he'll get it. They've even gotten into the habit of going to the baby's room and helping me put things together. Today, in fact, Kameron asked when we could put the hospital bag together... I mean, yeah, I'm 30 weeks but don't think she's coming soon enough to get my bags packed. But, I guess I could let him help in a few weeks when I decide to do it.

Thankfully, mama lee is here today, giving me a chance to take a small nap considering Justin hasn't been giving me too much work to do... not that there's much going on anyways.

Anyway, now that I'm a bit more rested than lately and don't have any work to do, I put on a dress and some white vans before making myself looking a bit presentable and deciding to run some errands... starting with visiting Justin at work.

Walking downstairs, I grab the car keys and look over to the kids, grinning lightly as Kameron notices me.

"Mommy! Where are you going?" Kameron asks, running over.

"I'm going to the grocery store and go see your daddy for a few minutes." I tell him. "Do you want to come?"

He nods. "Yeah!"

"Okay, go put your shoes on." I say, and, of course, he does.

I say goodbye to the other kids and mama lee before taking Kameron outside and letting him get in the car before climbing in the front seat and starting to drive to the get us three some lunch.

After picking up the food, we arrive to the office and I carry the food inside and upstairs before lightly knocking on Justin's door. "Knock, knock!"

"Hey baby." Justin says, a smile appearing on his face.


"What's up little man!" Justin says, picking Kameron up and throwing him in the air a little before setting him back on the ground. "Are the other two gonna run in too?"

I shake my head. "No, Kam wanted to come so I let him. I brought lunch."

"Alright." Justin smiles as I take out the lunch for him and hand it over. I then give Kam his lunch and put mine down in front of me.

"What's Elena and Brayden doing?" Justin asks Kam.

"They were just playing while I watched PJ Masks." Kameron says, taking a bite of his food.

"Oh okay, what episode were you watching?" Justin asks.

"I was watching the one where Lunagirl steals the microphone and stops the concert." he answers.

"Oh, that's a good one. I like that one." Justin nods.

"Yeah!" Kameron laughs.

"And mommy, what were you up to?" Justin asks, looking over at me.

"I finished all my work and took a nice nap." I tell him.

"Ohhh." he grins.

"And then I decided that I needed to go to the store and come see you so here I am." I answer, smiling.

He smirks, nodding while chewing the food in his mouth.

Once Kameron's done with his food, Justin turns on the tv in the corner for him while we continue eating.

"How're the numbers?" I ask, sighing while shoving some food in my mouth.

He sighs heavily, shaking his head. "Not good. I need to figure out a way to raise them. Once I figure out how, it should be pretty easy."

The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now