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Rising at 7am, I let Kameron out of his room, letting him use the bathroom before getting Elena and letting her do the same. Finally, I get Brayden up, putting him on the potty as well and letting him go before taking all three kids downstairs.

I put some music on to play through downstairs and head to the kitchen, deciding to make them eggs and pancakes this morning instead of giving them something less filling.

After scrambling the eggs and cooking a few pancakes, I make each of them a plate and set them at the table.

"Breakfast is ready, come eat!" I tell them.

They all run into the kitchen, getting to the table and immediately starting to eat.

After I finish cooking, I sit down at the table too, eating my eggs and pancakes with them.

"Mommy, water?" Brayden asks.

"Say 'please'!" I tell him.

"Please!" he exclaims.

After getting him some water, I start washing the dishes and wait until the kids are done before making them wash their sticky hands and letting them go play while I clean up completely.

While the kids play, I find myself upstairs cleaning, vacuuming the kids rooms along with their bathrooms. Soon, 11am arrives and I make my way back downstairs, making the kids some chicken nuggets for lunch and serving it to them along with some fruit.

After the three of them are done, I lead them upstairs, making Kameron go in his room for quiet time and the two others go down for their naps.

Soon, they probably won't want or even need to go down. But quiet time will resume, of course. Mama needs a couple hours.

Leaving them to rest, I find myself downstairs again, cleaning up lunch and the toys scattered among everything in the living room before vacuuming and then lying on the couch and relaxing for a while until the kids wake up and I'm forced to get snacks together, put them on the potty and take them downstairs again.

Once their snacks are gone and they're playing again, I take this time to start a load of laundry and fold the laundry that I had finished yesterday.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Kameron tells me.

"You just had snacks!" I say playfully. "What do you want?"

"Ummm," he starts. "I think I want yogurt."

"Okay." I nod, getting him a yogurt... and the other kids since no one can have something without them wanting it too.

As they eat their yogurt, I continue to fold the laundry before going upstairs and putting the clothes away.

As 4pm rolls around, I tell the kids to clean up their toys, wanting them to have some calmer time. Kameron asks for his tablet, making me give it to him while putting the other tablets out in case they want them. I also turn the tv on, putting on Finding Nemo for them to watch.

"Kameron, I want you to practice your letters, numbers and colors while you're on there. That's the deal, got it?"

"Got it." he says, giggling.

As he begins to play and the kids begin to watch the movie, cuddled in their blankets they insist on using, I go to the laundry room, switching the laundry and bringing the dry clothes to the living room to fold.

As 5pm nears, I rise from the couch, putting the clothes away and going to the kitchen.

Taking out a pack of thinly sliced chicken breasts, I clean them and season them with salt, pepper, adobo and a bit of garlic powder before putting them in a oiled frying pan.

The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now