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"Mom! Where's my iPod?"

"I don't know, where did you leave it?" Elianna asks, looking over to Kameron.

"I don't know."

"Well, you better find it before your dad gets home. You know how he feels about you losing that thing."

Kameron sighs, walking off.


"Yes, baby?" Elianna asks, looking over at her youngest child.

"I want to watch a movie!"

"A movie? Which movie?"

"Um, Moana!"

"Okay, I think we can do that," she says, nodding and walking to the living room.

"Why does Jayde get to pick the movie?" Elena asks while sitting on the couch.

"Because Jayde is the one that asked to watch a movie, Elena," Elianna says, giving her a look.

Elena rolls her eyes.

"I know you didn't just roll your eyes at me," Elianna warns.

"Sorry," Elena replies, pouting.

"Okay," Elianna says, sighing and walking into the kitchen after starting the movie.

As Moana plays in the living room, Elianna sits in the kitchen on her laptop, trying to finish the school assignment she had been working on all day. Five kids isn't a walk in the park, that's for sure. Especially when you're going back to school for business management and marketing.

Luckily, Jayde had turned five a couple of weeks ago and her speech was improving every day. She loved hanging out with her older siblings which made it easier for Elianna on a day to day basis. Not to mention all five kids would be starting school in a week.

Sure, she'd still be a stay at home mom. But, after starting the small business nearly six years ago, there's a lot of work to do even when the kids aren't around.


"Daddy! You're home early!" Elena exclaims.

"Yeah, how were my girls today?"

"Good!" they both answer.

"Good," Justin smiles, walking into the kitchen. "Hey, babe."

"Hey," Elianna smiles. "How was the office today?"

"Good, we signed a couple of new partners."

"That's always a good sign," Elianna smiles, kissing her husband.

"Do you want me to cook tonight? I know you have some more school work to do and I'm here, so..." Justin offers.

"That would be amazing," she smiles.

"Good," he grins. "I'll go change and come back down."

"Okay," she grins.

A couple of hours later, Elianna sighs, finally shutting down her laptop and carrying it back to the house from the offices.

"Perfect timing, dinner's done." Justin smiles.

"Good, I'm starving. But, I did finish the assignment."

"Alright!" he grins, giving her a high five.

She laughs lightly, sitting down to eat with him and the kids before making Kameron go get a shower followed by Elena. Afterward, Justin gives Jayde a bath and Elianna sits in the bathroom in case Brayden needs help in the shower since they've just started letting him take them on his own.

After all the kids are in bed asleep, Justin and Elianna take showers of their own before climbing into bed at 9:30, sighing to themselves.

"Another day in the books," Justin says.

Elianna laughs lightly. "Hell yeah."

Justin grins and there's a moment of silence before he speaks up again.

"A perfect day."

Elianna smiles. "A perfect life."

He looks over, smiling. "You think so?"

She grins. "I wouldn't want to live my life any other way."

He smiles, pulling her in and giving her one more kiss. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." she grins, closing her eyes as he turns off the light.

A perfect life.

The End. 

The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now