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Blinking her eyes open, Elianna looks up to her husband, furrowing her brows and humming in response.

"The kids are downstairs eating breakfast. I know the Braxton hicks were bad last night. I tried to stay as long as I could but I gotta go to the office. It's almost eight." he explains.

"Oh," Elianna answers, pushing herself up and kissing him before going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Once she's done, she makes her way downstairs, greeting the kids as they greet her and making herself a bowl of lucky charms. She sits at the table with her kids, having a little conversation with them as they finish eating before cleaning up the kitchen and heading to the playroom with the kids.

"Mommy, can we watch PJ Masks?" Kameron asks, walking over from the train table.

"In a little bit, buddy. Just play with your toys for a bit." Elianna answers, wanting him to do more than look at the screen like she's been allowing recently.


"Kameron," she says, her tone slightly warning this time.

"Okay." he sighs, sulking away.

Soon afterward, Elianna stands up. "You guys wanna go outside for a little bit? It's nice out today."

"Yeah!" the three of them answer excitedly, jumping up from their spots.

"Alright, let's go," she says, following the four of them out of the playroom and to the backyard where she sits on the patio under an umbrella while they run around, hopefully getting rid of some energy to all take naps today.

By the time ten rolls around, Elianna let's out a sigh and enters the house, leaving the screen door open so she can hear the kids while putting together four plates of fruit and yogurt. She then grabs three juice boxes and fills up her water before heading back out onto the patio.

"Kids! Come eat a snack!" she yells, sitting back in her chair and starting to eat her own plate while the kids eat theirs.

When the kids are done with their snacks, they immediately begin running around again, leaving Elianna on the patio to relax through more Braxton Hicks contractions.

As lunchtime nears, over an hour later, Elianna forces herself out of her chair, walking inside and once again leaving the screen door open so she can hear the children. Deciding she's in the mood for grilled cheese, she makes four, adding tomato to each of theirs and leaving it out of her own.

She makes their plates, adding applesauce and a veggie before setting them at the table and walking to the screen door.

"Come eat lunch!" she yells, opening the door for them as they hurry towards the house.

As they're eating, she picks up the four plates from the patio, putting them in the sink.

Taking in a breath quickly, Elianna holds onto the counter, leaning forward slightly as pressure overwhelms her. Once the all too real feeling contraction comes to an end, she shakes her head and sits at the table with the children, eating her sandwich with them.

By the end of lunch, she had felt the same way three times, making her pick up the phone and dial the familiar number and place the phone to her ear.


"Mama Lee, hey."

"Elianna. Hi honey, is everything alright?"

"Um, yeah. Well, either my Braxton hicks are really bad today or I'm in the beginning stages of labor," she explains. "Is there any way you can come over and help me out? I've been trying all morning but I'm struggling."

The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now