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Time passing quickly, Elianna and Justin have found themselves in more dilemmas than they signed up for.

Justin had once again put himself back into work more, the stress of losing more partners getting to him. He still tried to get home at night but it didn't always work the way he wanted it to.

Abrielle, 6 months old now, babbles non-stop and can sit up by herself. Her favorite thing to do is stare at herself in the mirror and she finds her older siblings hilarious.

"Babe, I'm going to work," Justin whispers, gently kissing his wife's head.

"What time is it?" she asks him, sleepily looking up.

"It's almost seven. She should be waking up for feeding anytime now," he answers.

"Okay, thank you," Elianna sighs, laying her head down only to lift it five moments later as Abrielle begins to fuss. "Okay, okay baby girl," Elianna says, picking her up and starting to nurse her.

While nursing her, Elianna makes her way downstairs and uses some pumped milk to make her some baby cereal. Then, after Abrielle has partially nursed, she places her in the high chair and feeds her cereal. By the time they're done, Elianna places Abrielle in the living room to play on her mat while she makes the older kids breakfast and wakes them.

After they eat, Elianna helps Brayden get dressed while the others dress themselves before she loads all the kids into the car and drives them to school.

By the time she gets home from dropping the kids off and picking up a cup of coffee, the time is almost nine, allowing her to soothe Abrielle until she is sleepy but awake. She then sets her into her crib, in her own room, and turns the fan on for noise.

Soon, Abrielle is asleep and Elianna takes the time to clean the dishes from this morning and do some laundry.

Abrielle begins fussing around ten, making Elianna go grab her and nurse as she watches an episode of Friends.

She then allows Abrielle to play on the floor, doing more laundry before taking a break to play with her until noon when Abrielle takes her nap.

Elianna takes this time to spend some time alone, watching another episode of friends, scrolling through social media and texting Justin to check up on how he's doing.

Sighing, she puts the phone to her ear, calling him instead...


"Hey babe," she grins.

"Hey," he responds. "I just wanted to make sure you were coming home early tonight," she says, playing with the blanket that sits on her legs.

"Of course I am. I gotta pick up the little cupcakes first though. So probably around five."

"Okay, great," she says. "I'll see you at five and I'm sure the birthday boy will be happy as can be."

"I'm hoping so," Justin chuckles. "I love you."

"I love you too," she says, hanging up and deciding to take a small nap while Abrielle is too.

After feeding Abrielle an hour later, she hops in the car with the baby and makes her way towards the school to pick up the kids.

Later, after arriving

g home and feeding the kids some snacks, she allows them to play while she sits in the kitchen, allowing herself to do some last-minute party planning.

"It's someone's birthday today!"

"Daddy!" Kameron exclaims.

"Hey, bud!" Justin says, ruffling his hair and entering the kitchen, setting the box on the counter and kissing Elianna's head.

"Daddy, is my party today?" Kameron asks.

"No, bud, your party is tomorrow, remember?" Justin informs him, grinning.

"Oh yeah!" Kameron laughs. "That's funny!"

Justin and Elianna laugh lightly with him before he runs off and Justin sits to the table.

"Last minute party stuff?" he asks, raising his brows.

Elianna sighs, nodding. "Yeah, there's not much but I just wanted to make sure everything's put together correctly."

He nods. "Yeah, I know. Speaking of, I talked to the entertainment today, they said they'd be here around three."

"Okay, good," she says, taking note of that.

After finishing the party notes and cooking a simple dinner for the family, Elianna cleans the dishes. She and Justin get the cupcakes out, singing happy birthday to Kameron and giving each of the kids a cupcake.

Once they are done, Kameron asks to watch a movie, causing them to agree and put one on.

"Brayden, do we need to go to sleep?" Elianna asks once Brayden begins to fuss.

"No!" he yells.

"I think it is," she says.


"I got him," Justin says, picking him up.

Brayden throws a tantrum, causing both of them to roll their eyes.

Justin places him in his crib and leaves the room, letting him fight it until he finally falls asleep.

Once the movie is over, they put the two other kids to bed and go upstairs with Abrielle.

Elianna feeds her and puts her into the SNOO before going to bed herself.

The next day, guests start arriving around one-thirty, starting to celebrate Kameron's birthday with food, games and lots of laughter.

By the end of the party, Elianna finds herself exhausted, Justin has to work in the home office and the three older kids are hungry for dinner.

Giving them something simple, Elianna eats a salad while breastfeeding Abrielle and then gives the three older kids a bath together and Abrielle one alone in the sink. After their clean and ready for bed, Elianna puts all four kids down before making her way to the office.

"Hey babe," Justin grins as she walks in. "Kids asleep?"

She nods. "Yeah, I'm headed to bed too. Don't stay up too late, you'll need sleep."

He nods. "Okay, baby, goodnight."

"Goodnight," she grins, leaning over and kissing him before walking back to the bedroom and falling asleep quickly.


hello all!

i know it's been a couple of weeks and I'm so sorry but writing has been hard for me lately. 

 you're all amazing and i am going to try to write more today so that i hopefully have another chapter ready for next week. 

thank you all for your patience and love


The Biebers | Book 3 of 3 | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now