The past

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Age 10

There's a sharp pound on my bedroom door just before sunrise. Jumping out of bed I quickly change into my training gear and grab my sword off the wall beside my bedroom door before sprinting out to the field where my father waits for me. Before I have the chance to get in a proper stance my father swings at me aiming for my stomach. I stop his sword mid-strike countering it. "Good. I see your reflexes are still strong." Father stated I push his sword away with mine swinging low aiming for his leg which he dodged. 

I can hear from behind me footsteps and a signature scoff and from that I know exactly who it is. "Your counter attack was too slow Wilson. You must be able to do better then that?!" I don't even need to look at the source of the jab to know that it came from Damian al Ghul.

"I must agree with the Prince you were too slow and too predictable Mykayla. You need to speed up you reaction time. I taught you better then that." Father criticized as he straightens out.

And the following days seem to pass the exact same as the last. Training, training, and more training. That is all we ever do.

Age 11

I'm walking through the halls of the compound heading to my quarters to shower and change for dinner when I walk by the throne room the door is left open ajar. I crouch down just outside the door so I'm able to keep listening. 

"Are you sure father? I do not believe she is the right fit for him." She inquires standing infront of Ra's as he sits on his throne.

"Talia you dare to question my judgement? She is the only girl I see fit to be married to my grandson. She is the only girl who has been able to make Damian work harder to win. Plus she is quite beautiful which will make for beautiful babies. So you must get to work on finding a warlock or someone to bind the two together so that once they are of age to rule there will be no complications." Ra's explained to his daughter. "Adeline are you on board with this or must I retrieve Slade?" He asked turning his head towards the third person in the room, who turns out to be my mother.

"No sir I completely agree with you. I think Mykayla and Damian would be a wonderful match." How could mother say such a thing!? I go to jump up and run the rest of the way to my room before I am caught, but I end up falling over and crashing into something and that is when Talia and mother come out to see what happened. "How much of our conversation did you hear you nosy child!" Talia snapped at me. I shook my head in fear. "No matter. I'll make sure you forget what you heard." She picked me up by my arm and dragged me towards a room. My mother stands there, staring at me as Talia drags me away not doing anything to stop her. 

Once we enter I notice it's a torture room. I'm chained up hanging in the center of the room. I hear something sizzle before feeling an excruciating burning sensation on my back I scream out in pain.

I later wake up in my bed with major headache, pain shooting all throughout my body and no recollection of how and when I arrived in my room confused as to why I was still in my training gear from that morning.

Age 11 (later that year)

There was a ambush on the compound and Ra's was killed. Mother, father, and myself were still fighting off the invaders when I see Talia and her son run off and to the helicopter pad.

'Cowards.' I think to my self as I'm left to keep fighting.

Once we get rid of the intruders I look at Father as he looks down at me and puts his hand on my shoulder just as mother walks over to us. "You did good this time kid." He compliments me. I look around the compound and we are the only ones left. Every one else is dead or ran scared. Cowards the lot of them just like Talia and Damian al Ghul.

Age 13

We moved to France about a month after the attack. In the last year since being here Mother hasn't been doing very well, she's not the herself. Her and father are always fighting and something seems different about her.

I walk into our apartment coming home from the store to see mother attacking father. She has a knife in hand and she is swinging at Father like a crazy person. She knocks him to the ground and stabs him in the eye. Not enough to kill as he kicks her off him before she can plunge the knife any deeper. Father takes out his gun as she comes at him again and shoots her there on the spot. Father just killed mother. What happened to her? Why was she acting that way? How could he do that?!

"Father are you alright? What happened? Why was mother attacking you like that?" I ran over to my father's side as he collapsed on the ground. "Mykayla. I'm fine. Your mother was working behind my back to bring back the organization H.I.V.E. she was almost successful. But her work drove your mother insane. She was no longer herself. That is the reason as to why we were fighting so often." Father explained. I nodded my head understanding what he was saying. As much as I could.

"I have to bring you to Ireland. You'll be staying with your uncle." I look at Father like he is crazy. "What why? Why can't I stay with you?" I shook his head in outrage. "By my side is no place for a child." I understood then what he meant. I nodded my head and turned to go to my room to pack what little belongings I had. Once I was finished I headed back to my father and from there we left to make our way to Ireland...

My new home for however long.

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