The Birthday (Part 1)

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We got back a couple hours ago from Star City. The bat-family are out on patrol as of right now. I'm in my room working on a painting. I've got one side of my headphones on when there's a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell as I continue what I'm doing.

"Good evening Ms. Mykie. I have brought you up some refreshments. As well as to tell you Happy Birthday." Alfred said with a big smile. I pull my headphones off and turn towards him taking the tray from him before setting it down and pulling him into a tight hug. "Thank you Alfie. That means a lot." He hugs me back just as tight. "It's my pleasure Ms. Mykie. You should head to bed though, it is getting late and you do have school tomorrow." He told me and I looked at the clock and notice that it's half past one in the morning. I nod and he walked out. I change into my pajamas and get into bed. I plug my phone into the charger and lay down and get comfortable. 

*The next Morning*

I'm woken up startled by my alarm. I reluctantly get out of bed and start getting ready for school. I hop in a quick shower. Once I get out I put on my uniform and grabbed my jacket. 

Once I'm finished I head down to see the others sitting there at the table eating breakfast

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Once I'm finished I head down to see the others sitting there at the table eating breakfast. "Good morning guys." I say to them as I sit down beside Tim. I get a chorus of good mornings back. 

Once Tim and Damian are finished their breakfast we all put on our jackets and grab our bags and walk out of the manor. The whole car ride to the Academy was quiet besides Tim's incessant tapping. "Tim will you quit that. It's getting to be a pain in my ass." I snap at him and he instantly stops. "What's your problem anyway?" I asked and he just shakes his head. We pull up to the school and I'm the first person out of the car. I walk away from the guys and towards the girls.

"Hey Kay! Happy Birthday!" M'gann exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. I hug her back as Artemis comes over with Wally. "Hey Mykie. Happy Birthday." She said right as M'gann let me go. Wally soon after wishes me happy birthday then walks off to find his other friends. The bell rings not too long later I head to dance class. 

The first two classes zoom by really quickly and now it's time for art. The one class I enjoy more then any of my other classes. Once I get to the class I go to my normal seat by the window. "Alright class. So today we are going to be working on your creativity and your interpretation on mythical creatures. You have an hour to work on the rough sketch as well as the painting." Mrs. Andrews said once everyone was settled. I get right to work. I get finished my rough sketch and get up to get my canvas.

While I'm up I take a look around the class to see that most students are going for the creatures such as Mermaids, Vampires, Werewolves, Fairies. Your typical mythical creatures. I had gone with a whole different approach. I grab all my paints and go back to my spot next to Damian. Once I'm completely set up I get right back to work. 

Not too long later the timer rings. I look at my painting and I'm quite please with my work. I had gone for the idea of a male fallen angel dressed in traditional League of Assassin battle gear holding a katana in black and white and the only shade of colour that is on the painting is the blood dripping from the sword as well as the bright green eyes that show over the face cover.  "Alright class. Let's take a look at what we have all accomplished. I will be coming around to each student I want you to turn your canvases around to face that class as I get to you." She explained as she walked around to each student. Once she reached me I turn the canvas to face her and the class and they all gasp.

"Mykayla. This is incredible. Very original. Where did you come up with an idea like this?" Mrs. Andrews asked. I just shrugged but cast a quick glance at the young man beside me. She moves onto Damian who gets the same reaction I did. I look at his painting to see something similar to what I had painted except his is of an angel being held by a League warrior who is wrapped in his traditional battle armour. The angel has a wound right in the centre of her torso as well as being littered with scars. I look up close to the angel to see she has light green eyes and brown hair. Our teacher was going to comment on his painting right as the bell rings. 

The rest of the school day went by just as fast as the first couple classes did. I walk out of the school expecting to see the boys waiting there for me only to be met with an parking lot empty of students and a black limo sitting there. I walk over to the limo as Alfred stepped out and opened my door. "Thank you Alfred. Where are the boys?" I asked as I got in the car. "Young masters had been called back to the manor for important business. You will be going to Master Dick's place in the mean time. I will come to pick you up once they are finished." He explained I nodded utterly confused and he closed the door. 

*At Dick's Place*

We pull up to Dick and Babs' apartment in Blüdhaven and Alfred opens the door for me as I step out. "So what exactly am I doing here?" I asked as I grabbed my bag. "This is where Master Bruce had asked me to drop you off until their business is taken care of. He had never told me exactly what was going on. So I will be back soon Ms. Mykie to pick you up." He said and I just nodded my head before walking up to the building. 

I get to the apartment and knock on the door. It's soon flung open by a sudden force which I soon notice to be M'gann. I walk in to see all the girls from the Bat-family, Titans, Young Justice, and the Justice League. I look at everyone extremely confused. "Okay... What the hell is going on here?" I asked with a small smile. "Well since it is your birthday today we thought it might be fun for us women to go out. There is a 20's themed party not too far from here." Dinah stated making me smile even more. "That sounds amazing." I said as I walked over to the racks and started looking through them. "Who's idea was this?" I asked turning back to ladies. They all turned and look at M'gann and Artemis. I laughed at my best friends. "You girls are the best." I said as I pulled them into a hug. I walk back to the rack and pull out a dress. I turn to them and smirk causing everyone to laugh...

What a way to start my 19th birthday.

This is a bit of a filler chapter. Sorry for the wait everyone. 

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