The Birthday(Part 2) and an uninvited guest

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We're all starting to get ready for the party. Steph just finished doing my hair while I did my makeup. We've just been talking about anything and everything, these women are so easy to talk to. And it feels nice to be able to have some women to talk to because I live in a house full of immature, brooding, loud men. "So where is this party being held?" I asked as I pulled on my dress and shoes. "That is a surprise." M'gann stated smiling brightly. I just roll my eyes as I look in the mirror to adjust my headband and put in my earrings.

 I just roll my eyes as I look in the mirror to adjust my headband and put in my earrings

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"Alright ladies. Our ride has arrived. Raven blindfold Mykie will ya?" Babs said and she nodded before walking over to me wrapping a blindfold around my eyes. Someone grabs my arm and drags me out of the apartment and to the elevator. Once downstairs I'm practically pushed into a car and we're then on the move to the mystery location. 

Once we arrive at where the party is being held, one of the girls help me out of the car into the unknown building. We finally stop and I hear the sound of chatter and the blindfold is untied and taken away from my face. Once my eyes adjust I look around and notice that we're at the manor. I look back at the girls behind me and they all just look at me with smirks. I roll my eyes at them and turn back around to the ballroom and see the five most important men to me and Damian standing there with wide smiles or smirks on their faces.

I walk over to them completely confused. "What's going on guys?" I asked once I reached them. "What's going on Kay is you're 19th birthday party!" Dick exclaimed my eyes widen. "Happy Birthday Mykie!" Jason exclaims next as him and Dick pull me into a hug. "You guys seriously didn't need to do this. I would have been completely fine with a quiet night in. But thank you all so much." I said as I hugged Bruce and Tim. Once it was Damian's turn I just stood there for a moment before leaning over and pressing a really light kiss on his cheek and whispered a thank you to him. Once I pull away I look at the three boys who are like my brothers. "Who's ready to get this party started!" I practically scream causing them to laugh at me. 

It's been a couple hours now since the girls brought me to my party and I can just say that these Wayne's sure as hell know how to throw a party. I am having a blast just dancing, laughing and joking around with all of my friends. Throughout the whole night though I get this erie feeling that something bad is going to happen, but I keep it to myself for the time being.

The music starts to slow down a little and I'm practically being pulled towards the youngest Wayne and my so-to-be fiancé. I feel a tap on the side of my arm. I turn around and see him standing there. "Would you like to dance Wilson?" He asked with a slight smirk evident on his face with his hand stretched out in front of him. I smile a little and nod my head. "Why the hell not Wayne." I said as I take his outstretched hand. He pulls me to him and we start to sway to the music. I subconsciously start to lay my head on his chest while we dance. "Is it just me or does this feel vaguely familiar? Like we've done this all before." I asked as we kept swaying. He just nodded his head agreeing with me. 

We're dancing together then next thing we know the windows to the manor's ballroom are broken in as well as the front door. Damian and I break apart and I see the one person I haven't seen almost four years. My father is standing there in his Deathstroke suit. "How rude. Not inviting your old man to your birthday party. I raised you so much better then that Mykayla. Now come over here and give your old man a hug." He said tauntingly. I start to get pissed off at the man who calls himself my father.

"You never raised me Deathstroke. The man you killed in cold blood did. He was more of a father to me in six years then you ever were in thirteen." I snapped at him as I notice the presence of Damian disappear. I look behind me at where the other men were to notice that they were gone as well. "Now that is no way to talk to me. I brought you into this world. I can take you right out of it just as easily." He snapped at me starting to get angry as well. He signals for the league ninjas that are with him to attack as he starts to make his way over to me. As he gets closer I notice him drawing his katana from the hilt on his back. I can tell he's getting ready to strike. As he goes to make his first attack I notice a katana stop it right as it's about to hit me. I look to my left at the source to see Damian standing there in his Robin uniform. 'Get out of here Mykie. I will take care of him.' Damian shoots into my thoughts. 'No! let me help! We can work together.' I shoot back and he just shakes his head. I do as I'm told by Damian and I run. I don't make it too far when one of the league's assassins get in my way. I start fighting it then next thing I know I'm getting knocked out. 

Tim's P.O.V

We get back to the ballroom in out uniforms to see the assassins holding civilians hostage. Damian is the first to notice Slade advancing towards Mykie drawing his sword. He bolts over to her side to stop her from getting hurt. I notice Mykie staring at Damian with pleading eyes but he just shakes his head which causes her to bolt the opposite direction only to be stopped by one of the assassins. "Red Robin! A little help over here!" I hear Jason yell as he gets bombarded by assassins. 

As we're fighting all of them off I hear a couple screams. From the sounds of it one male and one female. I knock out the last assassin in my area and look over in Damian's direction to notice him clutching his head with one hand and slashing at Deathstroke with the other. I look a little to the left of him and notice Mykie on the floor. I hear the sound of heels clicking on the floor. I look towards the source of the sound and see Talia walking towards Mykie.

"Pick the bitch up! bring her to the ship!" She demanded and the assassin did as instructed. They picked her up and carried her towards the door. "NOOOO!" I look towards Damian and see him trying to fight off Slade to get to Mykie. Slade just hit him in the head with the handle of his sword knocking him out. Dick, Jason, and I run towards the door trying to stop them only to be stopped by a cloud of smoke. When it cleared they were all gone. After we all finish out coughing fit Dick makes his way over to Damian and picks him up. No matter how much I hate him, the kid is still my brother and seeing his body so limp once again brings back horrible memories from when he was killed by Talia.... 

In the Batcave

"WILSON!" We're all startled by a scream. We all turn away from the Batcomputer towards the infirmary where Damian was laying. He's sitting up straight now looking around the cave for Mykie getting worried and angry. "Where is Wilson!" He asked anger evident in his voice. We all look at each other. "TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" He yells. Bruce looks at the computer then back at his son. "They took her. We weren't able to stop them." He starts "WHO HAS HER?!" He yells once again. "Deathstroke and Talia." I said "HOW COULD YOU ALL ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN!" "WE DID OUR BEST! WE WERE OUT NUMBERED!" Jason yelled back. "WE HAVE TO FIND HER!" "We will. I promise you we will find her." Bruce said walking over to his youngest son pulling him into a hug as he broke down crying. 

Hey guys. I'm so happy you're all enjoying this book as much as I'm enjoying writing it. Please don't forget to vote on the chapters and comment. Please do be nice when you do comment. 

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