Christmas Day

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When I woke up the next morning I'm wrapped up in Damian's arms. I sigh and cuddle closer to him. I feel his chest shake and I hear him chuckle. I look at him with a smile on my face. "Merry Christmas Habibiti and Good Morning." He said kissing the crown of my head. I pull myself up so I'm laying on my stomach facing him. That's when I notice the red smudge marks from my lipstick around his lips. I smirk and lightly laugh. "What are you laughing beloved?" He asked "Oh nothing. Just how good red looks on you." I stated still smiling. He chuckles right as the door is slammed open and the whole family walks in. I groan and hide my face in the crook of his neck as he pulls me closer to him. 

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Dick exclaims as everyone laugh. Even Bruce. "Get up love birds. We've got breakfast to eat and presents to open." Now it was Jason's turn to yell. I look up from my spot on Damian's chest to glare at the two oldest boys. "It's too early to be dealing with you fucking loud mouths. But be thankful it's Christmas because otherwise I wouldn't be scared to hurt you both." I snarl at them and this causes Damian to chuckle. "If you do not mind I would appreciate it if my girlfriend and I could get changed in private." He sternly states and Bruce ushers everyone out. Not before Jason got a chance to make a comment though. "USE PROTECTION!" I groan and use my powers to slam the door before sitting up and getting out of bed. 

I walk over to Damian's closet and grab a shirt for him and a sweater of his for me before slipping on a pair of leggings I had left in his room. He grabs the shirt from where I placed it before wrapping his arms back around my waist. "I love it when you wear my clothes my love." He whispered in my ear. I shake my head at him before turning around and kissing his cheek. "Dami. We have to go downstairs before your brothers come back up here." I say as I go to pull away. "Not until you remove this junk from both of our faces." He stated meaning the makeup on my face from last night and the lipstick on him from our make-out session last night. "Fine. Come on then." I said dragging him out of his room and into my bathroom. I sit him on the toilet before grabbing a makeup removing wipe and taking the lipstick off his face and neck. Which revealed two hickeys on his throat. I giggle as I throw out the wipe before moving onto myself. 

Once I'm done we both head down to the dinning room to join our family for breakfast. As we sit down his brothers start to burst out laughing while looking at him. After awhile Bruce even starts chuckling. "What are you all laughing at?" He snaps at his family. "Kay sure knows how to mark her territory." Tim comments causing Damian to look down at me beside him confused. "Beloved. What is Drake going on about?" He asked me. I blush as I pull the side of his hoodie away from my neck to show him the marks he left on me before lightly pressing down on the marks on his neck. He quietly groans before lightly glaring at me. I shrug with a smile on my face before digging into my breakfast. 

After breakfast we all head into the front room to start opening presents. As we're all opening our gifts there's a knock on the front door. Alfred goes and opens it only to come back with guy who looks a couple years older then me looking down. Once he looks up I automatically recognize him. "Joey?" I question and he looks right at me with a slight smile before he starts signing. 'Hello Mykayla. It has been awhile.' I nod my head before getting up from my spot beside Damian. I walk over to my brother with the straightest face looking him right him the eyes as he opened his arms pulling me into his arms hugging me close. I hugged him. When I pulled away from him I turned back towards the Bat-Family.

"Joey. This is my boyfriend Damian and the family. Everyone, this is my brother Joseph Wilson." I introduced as I smiled. 'Mykayla. Is this the boy that mother and father bound you to?' He signed and I nodded. "Damian Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul. Grandson of the Demon Head." Damian answered as he stood up and walked over to my side. 'It is nice to see you again Damian.' My brother signed as I translated. "Hello Jericho. It's nice to meet you finally." Bruce finally speaks up as he walks over to us. Joey looks a little surprised at Bruce's words. I direct Joseph over to the rest of the family. Damian sits back in the same spot as before and Joseph sits beside Jason. I take my spot curled up beside Damian. I look over at Jason and my brother to see them both signing to each other so quickly that I can hardly make out what they're saying. 

'Beloved I cannot believe you did not tell me about the marks you had left on me.' Damian pushed into my mind. 'Oh Dami you mean like you told me about my marks.' I pushed back laughing a little. 'I do not know what you are talking about my love.' He pushed. "Joseph wants to know what you two are talking about." Jay states looking at us. We both look at our brothers and roll our eyes. "They were probably talking about the fun they had last night." Tim teases so I use my abilities and tip over his glass beside him and drop it in his lap as Damian chuckles beside me.

"Mykie! We spoke about this. Your abilities are not to be used against the boys." Bruce sternly stated with a smile etched on his face. "He started it." I complained jokingly. 'What is he talking about Mykayla?' Joseph signs I shake my head. "Nothing you need to worry about Joey." I replied he looked at me with his eyebrow raised so I sigh and get up from my spot beside Damian and go to an empty spot making sure no one's around. I start taking off Damian's hoodie leaving me in my tank top before letting my wings open out around me.

When my brother sees them he just stares at me with his mouth wide open. "When I was born I had inherited mother's genes. I'm half Angel. And I have the ability to control the elements." I explained to his before he starts signing like crazy. I sigh and tuck my wings back away and put the hoodie back on. "I did not know about my abilities or that I was part angel until I turned 16. Unlike how you and Rose knew about your abilities when we were kids." I explained and he stopped signing. 

After a few hours of talking and celebrating, Alfred walks into the room to inform us that dinner is ready. That's when I get a good look at the clock and see that the time has gone by extremely quickly. We all walk into the dinning room and see that dinner is already set so I take my seat in between Damian and Tim and start digging into dinner. 'So my next question for you Kayla, is how are you and Damian able to communicate without actually speaking?' Joey signed to me from across the table. "Due to the magical bond between Kay and I we are able to communicate telekinetically as well as the ability to read each other's thoughts." Damian explained for me and I nodded. We all go into our own conversations as we all ate. 

After dinner we all broke off into doing our own thing before the men of the house had to leave for Patrol. Damian and I are in the screening room watching a movie and just relaxing. I'm curled up into his side with his arm wrapped around my waist. "I hope you had a good day beloved." Damian whispered into my ear. I smiled and nodded my head against his chest. "I really did." I mumbled as I start to fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep now. Good night Dami. I love you." I mumbled some more not realizing what I ultimately said before falling asleep. I hear his low voice whisper speak into my ear. "I love you beloved." Then everything goes black.

Hey guys. I'm sorry, this was mainly just a filler chapter. But please don't forget to Vote and Comment. I hope you're all enjoying it so far! 

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