The Mission

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Damian's P.O.V

While Wilson's taking her shower and getting ready I go through her emails on her laptop to see if she is hiding anything. I don't find anything but for all I know she could having gotten rid of the evidence. I hear the water turn off signaling that she was finished showering. I decide to do as father has ordered and that is to work along side her for now, so I start getting dressed. 

As I finish buttoning my shirt I see Wilson walk out in just a silk robe with her hair and stuff done. She walks over to a garment bag hanging on the back of our door. I can't help but stare at her legs. I hate to admit it but the legs I really wanted to wrap around my waist once again. 'God I need to get these kinds of thought out of my head. This stupid bond is driving me crazy. It's causing me to crave this moronic girl more and more.'  I think to myself when I hear Wilson call for my.

"DAMIAN! CAN YOU COME HELP ME HERE?" I walk over to the bathroom door to see it opened slightly. I push it opened even more looking around to see what the threat is just to notice the girl in front of me holding up the top of her dress. I ask her what it is that she wants. "I need you to help me zip up the top of my dress." She replies causing me to sigh. I do as she asks and walk out of the bathroom afterwards to put my tie on. For some unknown reason I am having a difficult time tying the stupid tie. I hear the clicking of heels and a giggle coming from behind me. I turn and see my soon-to-be fiancée standing there. I cannot lie she looks quite beautiful. She walks over to me and takes both sides of the tie from my hand and ties the knot for me before running her hands down my chest.

"We must leave now so we are not late. This is an in and out mission. We apprehend the tech from Queen and we get out. No socializing." I say to her as she rolls her eyes. "Oh Dami loosen up a little. Have some fun for once. This may be a mission but it is also Oliver Queens party." She said as she puts the little comm system in her ear. I roll my eyes at her as I do the same thing then put my jacket on. 

*At Queen Industries* (Mykie's P.O.V)

We get out of the car and walk in. Once we reach the top floor we see security standing there with a clipboard in hand. "Names?" He dryly says looking us up and down. "Damian Wayne and Makayla Kane." Damian answers for us wrapping his arm around my waist. He looks at his clipboard then back at us. "There is no Makayla Kane on this list." He says looking at me. "How about Mykie Wilson?" I asked and he looks it over once more before shaking his head. "If you're not on the list you can't enter sorry lady." He says

"Let them through Andrew. They're with me." A voice says from behind the bodyguard. He nods and moves out of the way. Once we're in I see Roy and Thea standing by the bar and Oliver standing in front of us. "I'm quite surprised the big man sent you kids. How are you Mykie?" Ollie says hugging me. "I'm good Ollie how are you?" I asked him causing his to smile and nod his head. "And believe me I'm not sure as to why he sent the two of us when we can't go a minute without fighting. But the old man must have his reasons." I said causing him to laugh.

'Watch who you're calling an old man kid!' I hear a voice boom in my earpiece. I chuckle and walk over to the bar to get a drink and say hi to my favourite archers. 

After talking to them for a little bit I feel a pull. Like something is dragging me to Damian. Yet again. I walk over to where he's talking to Dig. I grab his hand and give him a little tug. 'Damian we need to get that device so we can go home.' I say into his mind. I notice him slightly nod. 'The device is in a room a few doors down from where you guys are currently.' Barbara says into our comms. 'Follow my lead.' I tell Damian once again. "Dig would you mind if I steal my boyfriend away for a few minutes?" I asked smiling at Diggle who nodded chuckling. I intertwine Damian's fingers with mine and drag him out of the room by his hand. 

We get to room Babs told us to go to and see a whole bunch tech on shelves. "What the hell are we supposed to be looking for?" I asked no one in particular. 'Oh I forgot, I sent you guys an image of the device. It should be on your hologram bracelets.' Barbara said into the comms again. I look down at my bracelet and touch one spot and the image pops up. "Let me see Wilson. That way we can find it faster and get out of here." He says stiffly with a scowl on his face. I show him the image and he walks away to start looking. 'You guys need to hurry up, someone is coming towards you guys.' Tim said through the comms this time. "I've found it. Lets go." Damian snapped as he walks over to me. Right as he reaches me the door opens. And I do the only thing I can think of. I grab hold of Damian's tie and pulling him towards me and hold him in place and press my lips against his. "You two shouldn't be in here! This room is off limits." One of the guards boom from behind Damian. I pull away from him as he turns towards them. "How would Mr. Queen feel about you talking to his niece and her boyfriend like that?" Damian snapped. "My apologies. I will leave you guys." The guy said and ran off. Once he was gone I started laughing and Damian smirked. He turned back towards me smirk widening.

"I was not aware that you felt that way about me Wilson." He said I shake my head at him. "That was only a distraction Wayne. Don't get your hopes up." I said moving around him and towards the door. I open the door and see Roy standing there sporting a smirk of his own. "Don't you two think you're a little young to be doing anything like... That." I roll my eyes at his behaviour. "I now see why you're friends with Jay. You both have a raunchy mind and a mouth you never know when to shut." I said pushing past him. "Damian I want to go home. I'm tired and don't feel like dealing with people anymore." I said turning towards my fiancé-to-be who just nods as Roy starts wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk. I roll my eyes at his idiocy. "You're so damn immature Roy. How does Thea put up with you?" I said before walking away. Once I'm sure there's no one around I put my hand up to my ear to connect my end of the comm.

'Alright B we've got the device. we're on our way home now. That is if Damian can hurry up' I said then moving my hand. 'Alright we will see you guys soon.' Bruce says on the other line as Damian walks over to me. "Alright let's get back to the hotel to get our stuff then head back to the manor." He said as I nodded. 

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