The move and what happened

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We finally finished packing all of my things. The whole time Damian was complaining about how I can't be trusted because of my father, Jason was making stupid jokes to try and cheer me up, and both Dick and Tim were constantly asking me if I was okay. It was getting to be too much.

I see the limo pull up in front of the house right after the Batmobile drives off. Alfred gets out and runs over to me pulling me into his arms crushing me in a hug. "Are you alright Miss. Mykie?" He lifted my face and turning it every which way inspecting me to make sure I had no visible wounds. "Alfred I'm fine, at least physically that is." I said placing my hands on his pulling them away, then turned around to start grabbing my things. After everything is  loaded into the limo I get in as well and slip my headphones on and play my music as I know how long of a drive it is to get to the manor. 

*A couple hours later*

After all of my stuff is put away I'm laying on my bed when I get bored, so pI decide to head to the training room and blow off some stream. Let out my anger. I changed into my gym clothes and head to down. 

I wrap my hands up with the boxing tape and start beating the crap out of the punching bag when Jason walks down

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I wrap my hands up with the boxing tape and start beating the crap out of the punching bag when Jason walks down. "Want a sparring partner?" He asked smirking so I nodded chuckling taking my sweater off leaving me in just my sports bra. 

Damian's P.O.V

I head to the training room for my daily training session when I see Todd and Wilson fighting each other. I hear them talking. "So you wanna tell me who this guy is that you happened to be bonded to?" I can hear what sounds like a growl come from her. "No thanks. I kind of want to forget about the whole bonding situation thank you very much. And besides the kid is a total dickwad." she shot back. I look closely at her back and see all the scars from the league as well as a tattoo running down her spine. 

She turns so her back was no longer facing me and I notice how much she's changed

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She turns so her back was no longer facing me and I notice how much she's changed. She's become quite beauti- 'NO I CAN'T BE THINKING LIKE THIS' Good god what is going on with me. "So how did your uncle feel about the tattoos you got?" Todd asked her and she round house kicked him. "He never did find out. I didn't have the courage to tell him." She said kneeling on the ground breathing heavily. 

Mykie's P.O.V

"So how did your uncle feel about the tattoos you got?" Jay asked so I kicked him in the jaw knocking him down then replied with. "He never did find out. I didn't have the courage to tell him." I kneeled on the ground trying to catch my breath.

"You should have-" He started but turned towards the stairs and said "You know it's disrespectful to listen in on peoples conversations right Demon." and Damian walks out of the shadows and down to where we were. "I was always taught that knowledge is power. And this is my home so I have the right to know what's going on within these walls." He said as if it's obvious. Jay walks closer with every word he says until he's in front of Damian "The manor is Mykie's home now as well, and I personally think after everything she has gone through she deserves some kind of privacy." I can tell Jay is starting to get irritated with him, so I walk over to him placing my hand on his arm pulling his attention to me. "Jay calm down it's fine. If he wants to stick his nose in other people's business then so be it. He may not like what he finds out." "To me it seems like you're with every guy in this manor. All except father and Pennyworth that is." Damian jabs at me. "So are you sleeping with these idiots?" "Not at all you الاحمق. (asshole) Not that it's any of your concern either way. These boys have been nothing more then my family. Bruce has become more of a father to me then my own father. So why don't you get your head out of your ass. You're no longer the royalty you once thought you were. Just because you're Bruce's blood son doesn't mean anything. Not like you were taught to believe back in the League." I snapped at him. 

I run out of the training room and into my bedroom. I throw my sweater on the ottoman at the end of my bed and run to the chair placed right by my window. 

 I'm sitting there staring out my window watching Damian walking his dogs Titus and Ace in the backyard

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 I'm sitting there staring out my window watching Damian walking his dogs Titus and Ace in the backyard. I get lost in my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door that draws me back to reality. "Mykie! Are you there?" I get up from my spot and walk to my door. I open it to see Tim standing there. "Oh, hey Tim. What's up?" I ask plastering a fake smile on my face, hoping he would believe it. "Oh don't give me that fake bullshit Mykie. I know something is wrong. Jason told me about what the Demon said. How he treated you." He said walking into my room sitting on the ottoman. "You don't know half the shit he has caused or put me through as a kid." I said sitting down beside him laying my head on his shoulder as his arm goes around my back. "What happened back in the League? You never did fully explain it to us." He said I was about to shake my head then I changed my mind. He has the right to know. 

"Umm. It all started when I was 8. Damian and I were training, dueling like always. He was known for being the best of the best all because of who his grandfather was. He was thought of as royalty. So when he was beat by a girl who was a few months younger then him, smaller then him and of lower class then him, he couldn't handle that kind humiliation. So he went to his mother and complained to her about how I humiliated him. She couldn't handle that someone was better then her son so she punished me for my hard work. She used to whip me, beat me, burn me... Essentially she tortured me. And it never stopped there at that one time. I actually remembered when uncle Wade told me about how I was going to be forced to marry Damian; but it got even worse the day that I first found out that I was to be bound and betrothed to Damian. That night his mother erased my memory of the conversation. I didn't know why at the time but it kept happening after I found that out. Every time I disobeyed orders, messed up or bested him. He was the true reason as to why I'm covered in scars and marks." I explained taking in a deep breath as he looked at me extremely surprised. "Yes I know it's a lot to process. Now you understand why I have such a deep hatred towards the boy." He nodded his head frantically.

I look at my clock then outside me window and notice the time. "Tim, it's getting late. You have to go get ready for patrol and I need to get ready for bed. You know with school tomorrow." I stated and he noticed that I was right. "Good night Mykie. I will come in and check on you when I get back from patrol." He finally said kissing the top of my head. "Night Timmy." I said before going for a shower, changing and hopping into bed.

And he did. When he got back from patrol he came into my room to check on me. I only know because I was still awake and heard my door being opened and closed.

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