Somethings never change...

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I'm walking down to the kitchen for a small snack before finishing homework. I'm too busy with the book I currently have in my hands to notice anyone else. Next thing I know I'm bumping into a hard chest and  hearing a scoff from the source. I look up to see Damian there with a scowl on his face like normal. Before I even have a chance to apologize to him he snaps.

"God dammit Wilson do you ever watch where you're going?!" Damian scoffs at me. "Well sorry 'your highness' I was too busy actually doing something productive to notice your oh so god like presence. I shall be careful next time." I sarcastically say. Earning an eye roll and another scoff from his plump kissable lips. 'Fucking hell I need to get the hell away from this demon brat before something else happens.' I think as I go to side step around him just for him to step in the same direction. I look back up at him raising my eyebrow. "Umm. Can I help you? I am trying to go to the kitchen, so if you'll gracefully move the hell out of my way, that would be great. Thanks." I say trying to step around him again just for him to step in front of me once again. I can tell he's smirking now which is starting to piss me off. 

I close my book and put it on the table beside where I'm stuck. I walked even closer to Damian placing one hand on his chest and trailing the other one up to set it on the back of his neck. This causes Damian to set his one hand on my hip and the other on my thigh bringing it up to beside him before trailing it up to my hip as well. With my leg in the spot it's in now gives me great leverage. So I bring my leg down slowly and knock his knee out from under him with my foot causing him to fall to the ground on his knees. I move away grabbing my book once again before heading to my original destination. As I walk away I can hear Damian mumbling "This is not over yet Wilson." causing me to smirk even more. 

*A couple hours later*

I just finished my homework when I'm called down to the Batcave by Bruce. I get there and I see everyone there. "Hey, what's the issue? Why am I here?" I asked sitting on the arm of Jason's chair. "Well Mykie, I'm going to need your assistance on a mission." Bruce started causing me to nod my head causing him to continue. "There is an event happening tomorrow at Queen industries. Someone is planning on stealing some tech that Felicity Smoak-Queen invented to be able to take out Meta's and people like Superman. Oliver has contacted me needing us to apprehend it and keep it safe here for the time being." He continued explaining.

"So you want Mockingbird to help you apprehend this tech?" I asked and he shook his head. "No, I need you as Mykie to go alongside Damian to this event in order to get the device." I look at him like he's insane when he says that. "FATHER! Are you insane. I cannot work with this creature on a mission!" Damian exclaimed. "Who are you calling a creature Demon!" I yelled back at him. Bruce sighs.

"You both need to work together on this. It's an undercover mission to just apprehend a piece of tech. And besides, this is not up for debate. This is an order. I am just giving you your instructions." Bruce stated harshly. "You also need to act like you are together in order to make people think that you are only there for the event. You do not want someone suspecting you." He finished with. "It's a good thing I'm a good actress then isn't it." I rolled my eyes once again before getting up from my spot. "Get packing. You both leave tonight." I nod and walk up to my room. 

Shortly after finishing packing my bag and putting my dress in it's bag there's a knock on my door. I walk over to it and open it to see Tim there. "Hey." I say with a small smile as I let him in. He walks in with the same look I have. "What's the matter? Damian's fighting with Bruce again? This time about this mission?" I asked and he nods. He sits on my bed as I sit beside him. "Timmy. You have no reason to upset about that." I start and he starts shaking his head. "We all thought he was changing for the better. He was being so nice to you. You guys were acting like a couple." He stated causing me to lightly chuckle.

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