Please Stay

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As I walk into the dinning room for dinner I see everyone sitting there talking to each other not even noticing me. I walk up behind Damian and place my arms around his shoulders resting my head on top of my arms and just stand there waiting for everyone to finally notice me. It takes a minute until one of the girls do. "Mykie! You're awake!" Steph yells causing everyone else to look towards me. "How long does it take a person to notice someone hanging off them?" I asked lightly giggling looking at Damian.

"Mykie! You scared u... WAIT ARE YOU WEARING DAMIAN'S SWEATER?!?!?!" Dick exclaimed I blush hiding my face in Damian's neck. "I left it in her room this afternoon when she woke up. Must have forgotten to take it back when she got changed." Damian explained and everyone must have believed it because they dropped it. 'Dami. I know you brought it into my room while I was changing. Thank you.' I pushed into his mind while I lightly pressed a kiss to his neck. 'I do not know what you are on about Wilson.' He pushes back. I pull away and look at him and sit in the chair beside him not believing him. 'Yeah. Okay. And we're not bound to get married.' I say sarcastically rolling my eyes yet again. 'You can believe whatever you want Wilson.' He scoffs out loud causing everyone to look towards us. "Umm. Mental argument?" Tim asks and I just nod before digging into my dinner that Alfie just brought out.

After dinner I go to the library to read a little bit and relax without people worrying whether I'm okay or not. I curl up on one of the couches reading the first book in the Hush, Hush series. I got so engrossed into the book that I don't notice a presence behind me. Next thing I know, my headphones are ripped out of my ears.

"Wilson. Good God you need to open your damn ears. I've been standing here calling your name for five minutes." Damian exclaims with his signature scoff at the end. "What do you want Dami?" I asked calmly taking my other headphone out and moving over for him to sit beside me, which he does. When he sits down he throws his head back for it to lay on the back of the couch. He subconsciously places his hand on my thigh. I look at him confused. I move closer to him and sit so I'm facing the back of the couch and place my arm across his lap.

"Dami? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked starting to get concerned because not even a minute ago he's yelling at me for not hearing him call my name and now he's sitting here silent. He sighs and faces me. He puts both of his hands on my hips and lifts me up so I'm sitting on his lap with both of my legs facing one way. "I am now beloved." He mumbles. I put my right hand on his face making him look at me.

"Damian. What's going on? You never act like this. Are you seriously okay?" I asked again shifting a little. "I don't know what's going on Kay. But I don't want it to stop." He said looking me right in the eyes catching me by surprise when he calls me 'Kay'. "I think you should go and get some rest love. You look absolutely exhausted." I tell him and he shakes his head. "No I have patrol. Gotham needs their Robin." He states "Dami, I think your father can survive one night without you. You need rest. You've been so worried about me that you haven't given your body time to reenergize after the injuries you sustained." I explained to him.

"I may have been able to heal you but you still need to rest or you're not going to be able to properly function." I continued and he sighed nodding. "I will tell your father how does that sound?" He nodded again in response. I get out of his lap and hold my hand out for him to take which he does and bring him to his room.

We get to his room and I let go of his hand and he goes and lays in bed. I'm about to walk out when he calls out to me. "Kay?" I turn back to him. "Yes Dami?" I ask "Please stay?" He asks and I smile. "I just have to speak to your father then I will be right back." I explain to him and walk out.

In the Batcave (Bruce's P.O.V)

I'm watching the monitor with the footage from the library to see Damian pull Mykayla onto his lap. "Master Bruce. What on earth are you watching?" I hear Alfred say from behind me. "Ah Yes. The young master seems to be growing up. He has been behaving quite differently since we rescued the young Miss." He states and I nod my head in agreement. "He has been less violent towards his brothers that is for sure." I state as I turn my attention back towards the monitor to see Mykie and Damian walk out of the library holding hands.

A few minutes later Mykie walks down into the cave as we all finish suiting up for patrol. "Hey B. Umm. Damian won't be able to come on patrol tonight. He never got the rest he needed from his previous wounds. He's extremely exhausted and has already passed out." She explained I nodded and she turns to walk away. "Mykie!" I call out to her which causes her to turn back around. "Thank you." She looks confused. "For looking out for my son." I continue. She smiles, nods and walks away.

Back in Damian's room (Mykie's P.O.V)

I get back to Damian's room to see him already fast asleep. I go and sit in the chair in the corner of his room. I just sit there and admire him. I notice how peaceful he looks fast asleep.

I sigh realizing that I am slowly falling in love with the man that I used to hate. The man that once tormented me. The man that I was bound to against my will. A truly misunderstood kind hearted man with a bad attitude. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by his voice. "Why are you all the way over there? Come over here and sleep in the bed." He said sitting up and looking at me in my chair. "I'm okay over here Dami. Go back to sleep." I tell him staying where I am. He shakes his head denying my statement. "Only when you come and lay in this bed with me. I will not allow you to sleep in that damn uncomfortable chair when there is a bed over here." He tries to reason with "This chair is actually quite comfortable for your information." I giggled causing him to roll his eyes at my comment.

"Beloved please come over here and lay beside me." He practically begs me. Heat starts raising to my cheeks when he calls me 'beloved'. I sigh and nod getting out of the chair and walk to the opposite side of the bed and get in beside him while keeping some distance between us. He moves closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my back flush against his hard toned chest. 'I do not bite. Unless you want me to. You do not need to sleep so far away from me.' He pushes the thought into my mind as he holds me tightly. 'I didn't take you as the cuddly type of person Dami.' I push back as I cuddle closer to him. 'I am only this way with you beloved.' He says smoothly causing me to blush again. 'I could defiantly get used to this side of you. It is quite a refreshing change.' He chuckles at that comment. "Go to sleep Dami." I instruct him. "Please Stay?" He says and I smile. "Always." I state as I close my eyes and soak up his warmth letting sleep envelope me.

And for the first night ever I slept soundly.

For those of you who don't know. The Hush, Hush book series is by an author named Becca Fitzpatrick. It's a story about a fallen angel falling in love with a human. You should all check it out. It's a great book series.

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