What is she doing here?!

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"DAMIAN! MYKIE! TO THE BATCAVE! NOW!" Bruce's voice booms through the intercoms in the library startling me out of Damian's lap and onto the floor. Sighing I get up off the floor and we rush down to the batcave to see what the issue is. We get there and see Bruce sitting facing the stairs with his arms crossed. "Hey B? What's the emergency?" I asked leaning against Damian who's leaning against the pillar beside the computer. We hear the sound of clicking heels and see Talia walk from behind the bat-computer. I shoot away from Damian and get ready to charge at her in rage only to be pulled back into Damian's chest. He wraps his arms around my waist tighter then before.

"Mother. What are you doing here?" Damian asked with venom dripping from his words. She smirks. "Can I not come to see my son and soon to be daughter-in-law?" She asked and that pisses me off. "I was just coming to see if you had forgotten my invitation to your engagement party." She continued. "Oh quit with the bullshit Talia! We all know that you couldn't care less about our engagement. You already know Damian and I are never coming back so our marriage doesn't benefit you in any sense. So tell us the real reason you're here." I demanded. My body starts to heat up from my anger and the fire in me effected by my emotions. Damian sticks his in face in the crook of my neck and whispers into my ear.

"Beloved please calm down. Before you hurt us both. You're starting to burn up." He presses a firm yet comforting kiss to my cheek as he pulls away pulling me tighter to him calming me down. "I suppose you don't want to see who I was able to track down." She states grabbing my attention. "What are you going on about Talia?" I snap. "It turns out that the Teen Titans were hiding her." She continues just as someone walks up behind Damian and I. I slightly pull away from Damian to look at who it is and freeze in my place as she walks right by us.

"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE!" I yell startling both of the men as my voice starts to boom all throughout the cave. Talia and the girl seem unfazed by my outburst. "Aren't you happy to see me little sister?" She asked smirking. "Not a chance in hell Rose. The last time we spoke you had vowed to make my life hell because you found out that we did not have the same mother and that your mother was just a lowly prostitute. So no I'm not happy to see you. Sister." I snapped at her. "Sister? Beloved who is this?" Damian quietly asked trying to pull me back.

"You heard correct Handsome. I'm little Mykayla's big sister. And who might you be?" She flirted staring at him. She starts walking closer to Damian and I can't contain my anger any longer so I lift my hand and throwing her back telekinetically pushing her away. "My fiancé you stupid skank. Be thankful that wasn't fire Rose you'd have been dead." I growl "Get her the hell away from me before I break the 'precious' code." I snapped at Talia and Bruce. "Talia. I believe it's time you and Rose left." Bruce calmly but firmly states. "I'll be back. You have my word on that. You'll regret this." Rose practically screams as they were escorted out.

Once they're out of the cave I collapse into Damian's chest. "Kayla. Are you okay? What was that about? Who was she?" Tim asked rushing over to me as Damian held me close. I sigh and turn to face them. "As you heard her say. That was my older sister Rose. Well my older half sister. She has made it her life mission to make my life hell due to the fact that we do not share the same mother unlike my brother and I do." I explained to them. "None of us knew that you even had any siblings." He says and I nodded. "That's how I would have liked to keep it. My older siblings and I have never gotten along. Especially Rose and I, Joseph and I did on occasions but hardly ever. He wasn't a very good older brother. He was and probably still is just my father's pawn. From what I know." I explained and he nodded in understanding.

After a little while longer of talking about my dysfunctional family I go up to my room to rest for a couple hours.

A couple hours later (Damian's P.O.V)

While Mykie is resting I go to talk to Grayson about something important seeing as he is the least moronic of my siblings. I walk back down to the cave to see him training by himself. I clear my throat to get his attention. He stops and turns towards me. "Oh hey Little D. What can I do for you?" He asks dropping down from the platform he was on. "I need your advise on something Grayson." I start and he nods sitting on a bench motioning me to join him. "What's on your mind Dami?" He questions I roll my eyes at his nickname. "I have previously told you not to call me that moronic name." I tell him.

"But I need some advise regarding Mykayla. I get this absurd feeling when I am with her. I feel so calm and my heart starts to race when around her." I explain and he starts laughing. "What are you laughing at you imbecile?" I snap and he calms down and just smiles. "You my little brother are falling in love." He explains to me. "What the hell should I do?" I demand as he just sits there smiling like an idiot.

"Obviously you ask her out. Take her on a date." He suggested and I looked at him like he was crazy. "Where am I supposed to take her?" I questioned he sighs. "Mykie is a very simple girl. She doesn't need anything too extravagant or expensive. She loves nature and home cooked foods. But she also loves to stay home and watch movies. She may be mature but she is also a big child at heart so she loves to go to carnivals and water parks and arcades. So you don't have to do anything to over the top. Cook her some of her favourite foods and take her on a picnic or set up the screening room with her favourite Disney movies and both of your favourite snacks. There are so many different things you can do that she will love." He explained. I got an idea on what to do for her.

In the meantime (Mykie's P.O.V)

I'm unable to fall asleep so I get out of my bed and go to look for Tim and Steph. I walk into the kitchen to see both of them sitting there talking. Steph notices me standing there and waves me over. "Hey girl. How are you holding up?" She asked and I shrug. "I'm calmer now that's for sure. But that's not why I'm here. I need your advise on something." I replied and sat on the chair in front of them. They both look intrigued nodding for me to continue.

"So as you both have probably been able to notice, Damian's been different these past couple days. Especially towards me. He's been extremely cuddly and calling me beloved. I don't know what to think of this." I explain and they both just sit there smiling like maniacs. "Well. What are you guys smiling about?" I asked "Thought it would have been obvious to you Willy. But I think the Bat Brat is falling for you." Steph explains as Tim nods his head. "I don't know. Are we even talking about the same Damian?" I questioned and they both just nod. Right as they're about to say something I sense that someone is walking into the kitchen. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I joke just as Damian walks in.

"We're just going to leave you two to talk." They rushed out as he took Steph's spot in front of me. "Hey Dami. What's up?" I finally ask as he looks at me. He just sits there looking at me, so I place my hand on top of his pulling his attention back. He smiles at me and opens his mouth to say something but closes it. I look at him expectantly. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" He finally asks. Heat starts to go up my cheeks. I smile looking down slowly nodding my head. He smiles and nods as well.

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