Could life get any worse?

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*Later that night*

After the gala I went to my room and took my makeup off, put my hair into a messy fishtail braid and changed into my pajamas to relax for a little while.

Later I head down to the one place I know Bruce would be at this time of night.

The Batcave.

I enter the password and the door opens. I walk down the stairs and see him sitting at the bat computer still in his suit just without his cowl. "Hey B. Just the man I'm looking for." I said with a small smile. "Hey Mykie. What can I help you with." He asked turning towards me. "Umm. So you know what my father did to my mother and I correct?" I asked and he nodded a little confused. "Why would someone like him in the League need to use magic?" I asked. "Well there's a few reasons. Why?" As I'm about to answer I hear four sets of footsteps. 

"WHAT IS SHE DOING DOWN HERE?!" I hear 'the blood son' yell. I groan and turn towards the boys all in their suits just getting back from patrol. "SHE KNOWS!? WHO TOLD HER!? SHE SHOULDN'T BE DOWN HERE!" He continues to yell. "Will you please shut up. God dammit. You're so fucking annoying. I'm down here because I want to be. And I allowed to be down here because B said I could come down whenever I need to talk to him. No one told me I found out on my own you moron. So get off my ass you وخز (prick)" I said insulting him in Arabic. "من تعتقد أنك تناديني وخزك أيها الفاضل" (Who do you think you are calling me a prick you peasant) he yelled at me. Everyone looks between us in confusion.

"Kay? Since when did you speak Arabic?" Tim asked walking over to me stepping into the light. "Since my time with them. Father forced me to learn." I stated as I wrapped my arms around his torso. "Okay. Makes sense. You don't need to explain anymore." He said hugging me tightly. "That's where you're wrong Drake. She has a lot of explaining to do." Tim looks over at his youngest brother. "Shut up Demon Spawn. You know nothing about Mykie. So back the hell off." Tim has been very protective of me since he found out about my father and the league. "Timmy once you're out of your suit meet me in my room. I need to talk about something with you." I said letting him go. 

*In Mykie's room*

I'm laying on my bed when I hear a knock on my door. "Come In!" I yelled and Tim, Dick and Jay walk in. "Hey Kay, What's up?" Tim asked sitting beside me as I lay my head in his lap. He starts playing with my hair. "So I found out something that my father and mother both hid from me. I'm bound to someone from my days in the league." I started and they look down at me. "What does that mean?" Jay asked. "What this bond means is that I've been forced to get married once I turn 19. What's worse is that the person I'm bound to is the worlds biggest asshole who thinks he's better then everyone else." They all look at me horrified. "I wish this guy all the best. You my dear are a handful." Jay said laughing in an attempt to lighten the mood I look at him and flip him off. "It's been a long day. So all you losers, LEAVE!" I said chuckling and they all get up and leave my room.

Damian's P.O.V

Who does this girl think she is?! She is nothing more then a peasant. Once father leave to go to bed I sneak back down to the batcave and do some research. I'm looking through her file and something catches my attention. When I hear footsteps walking down the stairs.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING DEMON!? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT LOOKING THROUGH MYKIE'S FILE." Drake yells running the rest of the way over to me. I ignore him and look deeper into her file when I notice something. "YOU ALLOW THE DAUGHTER OF SLADE WILSON TO WANDER THE HALLS OF THE MANOR AND INTO THE CAVE!" I yelled enraged. "MYKIE IS NOTHING LIKE HER FATHER. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS GIRL! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING SO WHY DON'T YOU BACK THE HELL OFF!" Drake yells back. "I used to train with this girl you idiot." I stated harshly "I KNEW YOU LOOKED FAMILIAR! YOU MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL WHILE I WAS IN THE LEAGUE. YOU'RE THE REASON I WAS CONSTANTLY PUNISHED! ALL BECAUSE I WAS BETTER THEN YOU!" I hear yelling from behind Drake. I look behind him and see Mykayla standing on the landing looking furious. I start to smirk thinking how good it felt to piss her off. She runs down faster then I've ever seen her run, once she's close enough I notice things I never noticed before. Like how her eyes shine when certain lights hit them. 'WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING! I CANNOT BE HAVING THESE THOUGHT ABOUT SOMEONE LIKE HER!' 

Mykie's P.O.V

Wait. Wait. Wait. There seems to be some kind of pull towards this asshole. NO! NO! NO! HE CAN'T BE! "No. No. No. No." I mutter to myself "What's the matter Mykie?" Tim asked putting his hands on my shoulder. "It's him Timmy! He's the one!" I said and he knew exactly what I was talking about. "Tim I'm gonna head back up to my room I don't feel so good. I will see you in the morning." I said as I start to get lightheaded, my vision starts to blur. I walk away before I can collapse. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S THE ONE MOTHER AND FATHER DECIDED TO BIND ME TO! DID THEY EXPECT FOR US TO HAPPILY GET MARRIED? NOT HAPPENING!

*Next morning*

When I wake up I leave a note for Tim letting him know that I decided to head home to get ready for school.

When I arrive at home I notice the front door open slightly. The further I get into the house the worse everything looks. Everything is destroyed. There's blood everywhere. What makes this all even worse is... 

My uncle's bloody dead body is lying in the middle of the floor of his bedroom. Slash marks and bullet wounds scatter his body, and a piece of paper laying right beside his body stuck to the floor with a dagger.

My dear Mykie,

Your uncle has proven to no longer be of use to me, so I disposed of him. I am coming to retrieve you and bring you home.

Yours truly,


I can't believe this. I pull out my phone to call the first and only person I trust. "Hello? Mykie? What's the matter?" He asks into the phone with sleep still in his voice when he hears me crying. "Tim. I need you to come over and bring help. Something happened. And hurry please." I said in between sobs.

"BRUCE! WE NEED TO GO TO WADE'S HOUSE! NOW! SOMETHING HAPPENED!" He yelled behind him "We'll be there Kay. Hold tight." He said putting the phone back up to his ear.

"Timmy, I'm scared. I don't know what I'm going to do." I cried even more. "Mykie, we're almost there. Hang in there." Right as he says that I hear the Batmobile and their bikes pull up to the front of my house and footsteps running up the front. "MYKIE! ARE YOU IN HERE!" I hear Jason yell "I'm in my uncle's room! Down here." I yell back I pick up the closest thing to me and throw it out the door so they know where I am. I hear all 5 footsteps. I'm sitting in the corner farthest away from my uncle's body shaking from fear and anger. I look up when I see feet stopped in front of me. 

"Oh sweetie. What happened? Who did this? Are you okay?"  Dick asked dropping to his knees in front of me. I raise my hand and shakily point at the note beside my uncle's body. "Beside his body. T-the n-note." I stuttered as Dick takes me into his arms where I start crying even more. "It was Deathstroke. He did this. Why would he attack his own brother?" Tim asked in confusion. "Father and Wade weren't brother's by blood. They had different mothers. And father said something about Uncle Wade no longer being of use to him." I explained shakily and they all nodded in understanding all except Damian who's just standing there in his robin uniform. "Mykie, you're not safe here. I think you should stay at the manor until all of this is resolved. Until your father is out of the picture for good." Bruce suggested "It's the safest place for you to be right now." I nodded in understanding as Dick pulls me up and brings me to my room to pack my things as Batman calls the commissioner. The whole time I'm packing my things, one question pops into my head.

Could my life get any worse?

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