Could you possibly be any more stubborn?

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It's been a couple days since we had that encounter with my father and since I've been grounded from patrol and missions because of my anger. I've been keeping up on practicing my abilities since they were dormant for so long.

I'm finishing my little workout when I get a sharp stabbing pain in my shoulder and stomach. As I'm heading up to my room to change I hear the Batmobile drive into the cave. "Alfred! Prep the infirmary!" I hear Bruce yell. "What happened Master Bruce. Who is injured?" Alfred asks. "It's Damian..." That's all I hear before I run back down towards them. I run into the infirmary and see him laying there covered in cuts, bruises and blood. He's got a split lip, and I can see his suit's been cut right through and there's a cut on his stomach and a stab wound on his shoulder and he's unconscious.

"W-w-what happened to him? Alfred. What can I do to help?" I asked as I start to shake. "Ms. Mykie. There is nothing you can do..." He starts I shake my head. "No I have to do something. I have to." he sighs. "Grab that needle and stitch up the wound on his stomach." He directs and I nod and do as he says. After I finish sewing up his wound I grab a wet cloth and start cleaning the blood and dirt off of his face and now exposed chest. Alfred and I soon after finish patching him up and we leave him to rest.

Upon walking back into the cave I start getting a wave of pain and confusion. "What happened to him?" I asked the other four men that stood around the Batcomputer. "We were fighting some of Talia's assassins, when Damian jumped in front of one of them stopping them from attacking me, which resulted in him getting stabbed in the shoulder. We believe he got slashed by another assassin before saving me. He then passed out from his loose of blood." Dick explained. I sigh and drop to the ground worried about Damian. Then I got an idea. I get back up and walk into the infirmary. "I'm going to need you guys to stay out. I know a way to help him." I stated and all of the guys look at each other then back at me before walking out.

Tim's P.O.V

"I'm going to need you guys to stay out. I know a way to help him." Mykie stated and we all look between each other then back at her. I notice her eyes start changing to a brighter shade of green. We all walk away from the door and wait in the main area of the cave. Next thing we know there's a blinding white light coming from the infirmary door. "What the hell is she doing in there?" Jason finally asked. We all look at him and shrug. "How do you expect us to know what she's doing Jay if we're not in there?" I snapped at him. "Oh calm your ass Timothy. It was just a question." Jason scoffs causing me to roll my eyes at him.

Once the white light starts to disperse the door swings open and Mykie's standing in the doorway. Her wings are just getting tucked back into her body. Dick, Jason and I run over to her. Right as we're about to ask her what happened she collapses into Jay's chest. As she hits his chest we hear a gasp and a cough come from the room behind her. Jason picks her up and we all rush into the room to see Damian now sitting up looking confused. "What happened? Why am I in here? What happened to Wilson?" He questioned us as Jason placed her on the other bed. "When we were on our last mission you got injured protecting me. Myke did something to heal you and now she's unconscious. She saved you Little D." Dick explained and he looked surprised. "You had a stab wound on your shoulder and a slash across your stomach and chest. You had lost a lot of blood Dami. Alfred couldn't do anything to stop it. She had to step in." Dick continued and Damian looks over at her and I notice an emotion I've never seen come from him before. Love. I elbow Jason and nod towards the kid and smirk. He nods understanding what I'm saying.

Mykie's P.O.V

All I can see around me is darkness. Everything is black. What happened? The last thing I remember was kicking the guys out of the infirmary, after that everything is all fuzzy. 'What's going on?' I thought. "She should be waking back up soon. Her body just needs to regain the energy she lost when she healed young Master Damian." I hear Alfred's voice say to someone. I can feel the energy of everyone in this room but there's only one person who's energy stands out to me. Only one person who's got the strongest presence. 'Please wake up. We need you back. Please beloved.' I hear his voice say into my head.

"Hey little D you should get some sleep. You've had a stressful day." Dick says to Damian causing him to scoff which causes me to inwardly roll my eyes at him. "I'm fine Grayson. Now leave. All of you." He demands "Whatever Demon Spawn." I hear Jason say as footsteps start to walk away. I finally regain enough strength to open my eyes and look around the room. That's when I realize that we are no longer in the infirmary but in my bedroom. I look to my left to notice him standing looking out my window with his back facing me.

"Beloved huh? Since when did you call me that Dami?" I finally speak up after staring at his back. I notice him slightly jump at the sound of my voice. He turns around to face me and that's when I notice that there is absolutely no sign of him ever being in a fight. Not like before I closed that infirmary door. "Wilson? You're awake? Oh thank goodness you are alright. I must go get Pennyworth." He rushes out. "No. Not yet. I wanted to have a word with you for a moment." I stated motioning towards the end of the bed for him to sit.

"What is it. Can it not wait until after Pennyworth checks you over." I roll my eyes. "Could you possibly be any more stubborn?" I ask causing him to look at me confused. "What are you on about?" He grumbles "I heard you telling Dick off for telling you to go and sleep. I may have been unconscious but I still have ears. You need to take care of yourself. If anything severe happens to you it happens to me too. So you need to stop being so damn stubborn. I'm not always going to be available to heal you when something happens. So I beg of you Dami. Stop being so prideful and stubborn and listen to the others." I stated and he sighed "I must retrieve Pennyworth." He got up and walked out of my room. Soon to return with Alfred walking in front of him.

"Ah Ms. Mykie you gave us all a fright. How are you feeling?" Alfred asked as he walked closer to me. "Alfie. I am perfectly fine. I was just drained. Nothing is wrong I promise you that." I said as I started getting out of my bed only to be stopped by Damian. "What do you think you are doing?" He hissed placing his hand on my shoulder resulting in me rolling my eyes. "Dami I'm fine. I just needed rest . You're the one that I should be worried about. Even if you look completely healed on the outside there could still be some internal damage. So you need to calm the fuck down." I said as I grabbed his hand and removed it from my shoulder but held it as I got up. "If you gentlemen don't mind I need to get changed." I shooed them out of my room as I walked into my closet to change. When I walk out I see a black sweater on my bed. I pick it up and instantly can tell it's Damian's. I smile and put it on as I walk out of my room and downstairs for dinner.

Hey everyone. Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. Been so busy with life right now. But here you are. Just a note that I forgot to mention earlier on. Damian is already 18 in this story. He's a few months older then Myke is.

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