Why must this always happen?

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Long chapter ahead

After the winter break ended Damian and I go right back to school in order to finish off the last few months of classes. Within the first week of school being back in, everyone had heard about our engagement and there are rumors spreading around the campus about why we got engaged, one of them is that I'm pregnant with his kid, another is that I'm just engaged to him for the money. Just a bunch of bullshit. I've even had girls come up to me pretending to be friends with me just to be able to come to our wedding.

School's finished for the day and I'm sitting at my desk just working on my homework that my teachers assigned me. I hear my door open but ignore it too focused on my work. That's when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder trying to grab my attention. I stop what I'm doing and look to my right to see that it's Steph.

"Hey? What's up?" I asked her spinning around in my desk chair to face her. "You have a wedding to plan for Kay! And I am here to help." She cheers in excitement. I groan before turning back to my school work. "Steph. This can wait until later. I have a lot of school work to do." I explain to her but she just shakes her head before turning my chair back around to her. "We need to at least get it started. We can multi-task. I know you're great at that." She says and I just nod my head reluctantly. "Why didn't you just ask Dami to help you start the planning? It is his wedding just as much as it's mine. Knowing him he already has his school work finished where as I don't." I questioned her and she just shrugs. "I did ask him to help me start planning it and he just shot me a glare before telling me that whatever you want he's happy with." I sigh before looking at her to see that she's serious. So I groan in irritation before pushing a thought out to my fiancé.

'DAMIAN WAYNE GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!' I hear footsteps running towards my room and I grin triumphantly. "What is the matter Beloved? Are you alright?" He hurries out rushing over to me. "I'm fine Dami. But you won't be so lucky soon if you don't sit that ass of yours on that chair and help us plan OUR wedding while I finished this school work as well." He goes to reject but I give him a look that says 'don't even think about arguing with me.' And he does as I ask sitting beside Steph.

"So when and where do we want the wedding being held? This is the most important decision." Steph asks us. I stop what I'm doing for a minute to think. "I was hoping to have it after graduation. So maybe in May?" I suggest looking at Damian for confirmation. He nods in agreement. "Okay, So May... What day?" She asked and I pull up the calendar on my phone. I scan it before finding a date that I'm okay with. "I'm thinking May 19th." I state before looking at Dami and he nods his head. So Steph writes that down on the paper in front of her.

I turn back to my homework finishing the last little bit before putting it away in my bag beside me.

"Now what are the colours you guys were thinking of going with?" She questions next. "I was thinking of doing Emerald Green and Gold. Emerald Green because of Dami's eyes and Gold because green and gold always go beautifully together." I explain. We continue with a few more things before Steph decided that we had enough for the time being.

A couple months later (March)

School is slowly coming to a close. We've only got a month and a half left before we graduate and two more months until the wedding. Time is flying by super quickly.

Thanks to Steph and the rest of our family, we've got most of the wedding planned out. All we need to do now is find the dresses for the bridesmaids and myself and get the suits picked out for the guys. We've got the venue, the flowers, the guest list, the food, the photographer. The invitations have been sent out.

So today the girls and I are going out to get all of our dresses and I'm making Damian and the other guys go out too. As I'm looking through my closet for something to wear I feel Dami come up behind me moving my hair to the side and starts placing light kisses down the side of my neck and onto my shoulder. I start to relax into his grasp before remembering what I was getting ready to do. "Dami. Not now. I have to go. The girls and I have appointments to uphold." He sighs kissing my cheek and let's go before walking back into our room to sit on our bed. I get dressed and walk out after him.

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