The truth, The whole truth and nothing but the truth

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"Don't worry beloved. We've got you"

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

'When will she wake up? it's been too long.' the first voice asked 'That I do not have the answer to sir.' Another voice answered back. 'What did they do to her Alfie?' A third voice asked 'They had injected different chemicals into her body that made her lose control. Those chemicals are still in her body. She should be okay soon.' The second voice stated then everything went quiet. My eyes start to flutter open. I'm blinded by bright lights and white walls. Once my eyes adjust to the light I go to sit up when I feel a sharp pain strike through my torso, chest and upper back. I blink back the tears and look around the room.

"Timmy?" My voice sounded shaky and raspy. "Mykie! You're awake." He exclaimed running over to my bed I nod my head slowly. "Tim how did I get here?" I asked and he looks behind himself. "Ummm, Mykie. What's the last thing you remember?" He asked. I look down. "The last thing I remember is being strung up in a cell being beaten, starved and injected with some kind of chemicals. And everything else is a blur. " I said as I start to feel another presence in the room. Tim nods and gets up that's when I notice the other person in the room. Damian Wayne. I look at Tim confused. "What's he doing here?" I asked he sighs "HE was the one who found you and brought you home." Damian answered for Tim. I looked over at him surprised. "How did you guys find me?" I asked they looked at each other then back at me. "Nyssa Al' Ghul sent Demon a message with your location." Tim explained I looked a little surprised then remember what she said to me. "Nyssa did come into my cell to tell me something about my hero's coming for me." they nodded. "Drake would you mind giving me a moment with Wilson." Damian asked Tim looked a little hesitant but left anyway.

Once Tim's out of the room Damian came to sit beside me on the bed. He puts his head in his hands. "I was so worried that you were not going to make it Mykayla. I thought mother had taken you from me as well. I know I do not show it very well but I do care about you. I know we have not been... On the best of terms recently but I would like to change that. I would like to fix what had happened between us. I would like to make up for what my mother had done to you." Damian said grabbing my hand bringing it to his lips pressing a soft kiss to my knuckles. "So you're willing to give me a chance to show you that I'm not the same person I was in the league?" I asked and he nodded kissing my knuckles again. I smiled as I looked into his eyes seeing if he's telling the truth.

"Beloved you should get some rest you've had a horrid past few days." He said as he got up from the bed and walks over to the door. Before he leaves the room he turns back and looks at me before fully leaving the room. Once he's out of the room my eyes start to droop and the exhaustion takes over.

Damian's P.O.V

I leave Mykie in the infirmary to go and speak with Pennyworth. "So what exactly did mother and Deathstroke do to her?" I asked as I walk into the Batcave. "It seems that they were torturing her to see if she was different like her mother was. But I had a closer look at her arms and they seem to have been injecting some kind of chemical into her blood stream or take some blood for a reason we are still unclear of. But one thing I am sure of is she lost a lot of blood. Ms. Mykie will need to rest for a few days so her blood can heal it's self." Pennyworth explained and I just nodded. "Thank you Pennyworth." I said and he nodded. "Damian. Suit up! We have a situation with Two Face." Father demands as he walks in wearing his Batman suit. I do as I'm instructed and change into my Robin suit. When I walk back out I see everyone suited up. "Alright lets get this over with." Todd said as he got on his bike.

We reach the docks and are instantly attacked by Two Face's goons. "ROBIN TWO ON YOUR LEFT!" Grayson yelled and I turned in that direction to be met with another goon. After we have all of them knocked out and we have one guy strung up. "What does Dent have planned?!" Father demanded. He didn't answer. "TELL ME WHAT HARVEY DENT IS PLANNING!" Right as we're about to get an answer Alfred yells into the comms. "Master you need to get back to the Batcave. There seems to be something wrong with Miss. Mykie." I look at father and he nods "Robin you, Red Hood, and Nightwing go back to the cave to see what is wrong, Red Robin and I will finish up here." We look at each other and nod hopping on our bikes.

Back at the Batcave

We get back and we all head into the infirmary to see Wilson restrained to the bed thrashing around trying to get free. Todd removes his helmet and his domino mask and slowly walks over to her. "Al. What's going on here?" He asked as Grayson and I remove our masks. "I am not sure Master Todd. I had come down to check on her wounds and that is when the mistress had told me to restrain her." Pennyworth explained "Will what's going on?" He asked as he walked closer to her. She doesn't answer just keeps yanking at the restraints screaming and growling at us. "Todd move out of the way. Let me handle this." I demand pushing him out of the way.

I walk over to her without hesitation and rest one of my hands on her hand and the other on her cheek getting her to look into my eyes. I lean down to her level "Come back to me." I whisper to her before I lightly press my lips onto hers. Next thing I know she stops thrashing and relaxes. I pull away and look at her. "Thank you." She whispers and I just nod. "Kayla what happened?" Grayson asked just as Father and Drake walk in. "I don't know. One minute I'm fine then the next thing I know I can feel someone trying to control me." She explained I looked at everyone.

"I believe it was mother and Deathstroke. While she was captured by them they must have put something in her system to control her. To try and turn us against her and force her to go back to them." I suggested and they look between each other and at Pennyworth before turning back to Wilson. She sighs. "I am going to take a wild guess here. I am guessing you would like to know what the hell happened back on Nanda Parbat?" She asked and we all nodded. "The Truth Mykayla. The whole truth and nothing but the truth." Father demanded causing her to sigh again.

"Well it all started when I was 16. It was awhile before I found out about you all and I was just starting to get close to Tim. When we first became friends. I had no idea about it up until then. When I first turned 16 I started to get pains in my back right beside my shoulder blades. It wasn't until Halloween that year that I found out. I was getting ready to go to this Halloween party I was invited to. One minute I'm fine for the most part and getting ready and the next the pain becomes unbearable and there's a white light surrounding me. That's when I felt my wings break through the skin on my back and blood start to drip down my spine. My uncle was the one that found me on my floor surrounded by my blood, feathers and with my wings out. I don't know if you remember when I wasn't at school for a whole month. Well that was the reason. I had to learn how to control my abilities that come with being a part angel as well as I had to learn to get used to having wings and having them break through the skin. I also had to swear to my uncle that I would keep it a secret and I swore to myself not to tell another living soul until father and Talia kidnapped me exposing my true nature. I am sorry I never told you guys before. And Damian, I think this is the reason my father and your grandfather wanted us to be betrothed. Because with my angel blood and Ra's training, the children we produce would be unstoppable." She explained and we all stand there baffled.

"So what are these powers that you have?" Grayson asked excitedly. I look at him like he's crazy. Mykie just laughs and looks up at him. "Well flight of course, speed healing as well as heal others, I can control fire, and telekinesis." She stated and we all looked even more baffled causing her to giggle again.

And there you have it! The truth about Mykayla. She's a half angel. Comment and vote please. Tell me what you guys think.

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