I love it!

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"I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me." He finally asked. Heat starts to go up my cheeks. I smile and look down slowly nodding my head. He smiles and nods as well, he gets up and kisses my cheek. "Great. Be ready on Friday I will retrieve you at 7 in the evening." He instructed and I nodded once again. He walks away with a rare genuine smile on his face. Once he's gone I just sit there with a huge smile on my blushing face. I hear a throat being cleared behind me so I turn to see Jason and Tim standing there with Cass walking in behind them.

"What's got you all happy little Miss?" Jay questions me walking over to me. I shake my head telling him that it was nothing. "Kayla do you think we believe that? Seriously? What's up?" Tim poked at me. "Umm. Damian asked me out." I explained and Jay practically chokes on his drink. "Like on a date asking you out?" Tim asked for him and I nod my head still smiling. "Do you know what he has planned?" Tim asks. "Nope. He just said that he would get me on Friday at 7. He didn't give me any information." I explained causing the guys to sigh. I shrug and walk away to my room to sleep considering I've got school in the morning.

That night


I look around the room all I see is darkness. My arms are chained up and I'm suspended in mid air. A door opens letting in the slightest bit of light, letting me see that it's Talia and one of her generals. Talia walks up to me and strikes me across the face slapping my cheek drawing blood. She signals the general to unchain me. Once I'm unchained she drags me out of my cell and into a room with a window, I'm pushed into a chair and tied back up. A curtain is drawn and I'm shown into a room where my family is tied up and bloody.

"Because you will not give me what I desire, I am going to make you watch as your father kills every single one of your family." Talia growls. Father goes and shoots Jason in the stomach before slashing at Dicks chest cutting right through the Kevlar armor onto his skin. He continues torturing everyone but Damian. While he's hurting them I try to look away but Talia pulls my hair and forces me to watch. "This could all stop. All you have to do is give me what I want. Show yourself. Your true self." She snaps into my ear. I feel a stabbing pain in my chest I look back through the window and see Damian with a katana in his chest.

Next thing I know I see the whole family surrounding me. "It's all you're fault." Tim snaps. "Why didn't you help us?" Dick says as Jason looks at me. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS." He screams. Everyone kept repeating those statments. I start screaming and...

*End of nightmare*

I shoot up as I see everyone run into my room with worried looks on their faces. Damian runs over to my side and sits on the edge of my bed. He grabs me as I start sobbing and hugs me into his chest. "Kay what happened? Are you okay?" Tim speeds out as he gets on the other side of my bed rubbing my back as Damian held me. I pull away a little from him to look at the others. "I'm sorry you guys, I just had a nightmare. Nothing to worry about." I tried to tell them but they didn't believe me.

"Mykie how long have you been getting these nightmares?" Bruce asked and I looked down. "Kay? How long?" Damian asked quietly into my ear. "Umm. Since you guys rescued me from my father and Talia." I finally answered. "Why didn't you tell us?" Jay asked. "Why didn't you ever come get one of us?" Tim asked as well. "Beloved you should have come to us. We're not able to help if you don't let us in here." Damian said as he tapped the side of my head. "I never said anything because I didn't want pity or to bother you guys." I explained to them. "If you guys don't mind I would like to go back to sleep." They all nodded all walking towards my door. Once everyone walked out Damian lagged behind a little to make sure I was okay. Right as he was about to walk out my door as well I call out to him. "Dami?" He stops and turns around looking at me. "Would you stay?" He smiles slightly and nods. "Always." He replied walking back over to me getting in bed beside me.

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