The Aftermath

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I'm sitting there letting everyone process what I told them. They all turned to Damian with looks of anger and confusion. That's when Jason launches himself at him aiming to strangle him. I scream. "Jason don't kill him just yet leave some for me too." Dick says with hatred dripping from his words. But something we all didn't know about this bond is that if anything happens to him happens to me. So as Jason is strangling Damian I start to lose my ability to breath. I scream again as I see three girls come into the sitting room. One with bright red hair in a wheelchair, one with long blond hair and another pushing the red head with short black hair. I just notice the blond run over to me as everything goes black.

Tim's P.O.V

I hear Mykie scream but I'm too busy hitting the demon brat for what he did to her. All of a sudden I hear "TIMOTHY DRAKE STOP HITTING YOUR BROTHER AND HELP STEPH!" Barbara yells followed by Steph screaming at me to help "Timothy stop beating the demon spawn for one minute and come help me!" I look over in her direction to see Mykie unconscious. I lower my fist, drop Damian on the floor and run over to them with Jason and Dick following suit. "What happened? Why is she unconscious? Is she okay?" I frantically asked. I'm terrified of what could have happened.

"Master Jason pick up Miss. Mykie and bring her down to the batcave into the infirmary and Master Dick pick up Master Damian and follow them" Alfred instructed Jason and he does as he's told and goes down to the cave. I can't believe something could have happened to her and I was too busy beating up Damian for hurting her.

I fall to the ground shaking on the verge of crying when I feel Steph wrap her arms around my neck and pulling me to her. "Shhhh It's okay. She's going to be okay. Alfred is going to figure out what's wrong with her and help her." She whispered into my ear as I start crying. "I don't want anything to happen to her. She's the closest thing I have to a little sister. I was supposed to protect her and I was too consumed by my anger to do that." I said through my tears.

"This is not your fault, in anyway. Don't blame yourself. It could have been anything. It could have been stress or pain or being overwhelmed. So do not blame yourself." She kept whispering then kissed my cheek. "Who is she anyways? I've seen her around the school but never had the chance to talk to her." She asked trying to take my mind off this. "We've been friends with her since she was about 15. Her name is Mykayla Wilson. She's Deathdtroke's daughter. But she is nothing like him. If she was Bruce would never allow her in this house. She's gotten so close with everyone here besides the demon." I explained starting calm down.

"But how does she know Damian?" She asked "Her and the Demon spawn were in the League of Assassins together. They trained together and are arranged to be married when they're turn 19." I continued "Okay. Now why were you, Dick and Jason beating the hell out of him?" She asked finally. "Umm. He was the reason she got tortured by Talia back in the League." I finished and I could just feel her anger radiating off her. Before I have a chance to calm her down Bruce walks in. "She's starting to wake up. And Alfred has some information we all need to hear." We nod and stand up I grab her hand and we walk down to the cave. 

We get there and I see Dick and Jason standing over a bed with their back to us. We get closer and I see it's Mykie. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Oh thank god you're okay Kayla." I said walking over to her letting go of Steph's hand long enough to hug her. "I'm fine Timmy. I promise." She said before turning to Steph. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there. I'm Mykie Wilson. Thank you for helping me." She said sticking her hand out for her to shake. "I'm Steph, Tim's girlfriend. It was nothing. All I did was get Tim's attention." She said pulling her in for a hug which she accepted. "So I'm taking a wild guess here and say you're Spoiler?" That surprised Steph, so most so that it caused us all to burst out laughing. She nodded laughing as well. "Yes I know about the birdbrains and the big bad Bat. I work with them sometimes when they don't have anyone to work the computers or comms" She explained still laughing.

"Who you calling a birdbrain Wilson?" We hear from a bed not too far away where Damian is laying. She sits up a little more and looks over at him with a small smile which he returns in the form of a smirk. I turn to Alfred. "So? What's this news you found out?" I asked as him and Bruce walks back in the room with Barbra wheeling in with them.

"So from here on out. No more fighting with your brother until we figure out how to break this part of the bond. Any pain inflicted on Damian will be inflicted on Mykie as well. If he's hurt so is she and vice versa." Bruce explained we all look at each other a little shocked before looking at the two youngest members. Mykie looks down at her hands while she fiddles with the cords attached to her arms. Damian is looking her with an unreadable expression. I can't tell what's going through either of their minds. 

Mykie's P.O.V

I can't believe this. I'm physically bound to this asshole as well as emotionally. What the hell is wrong with my parents. I never wanted this. I never wanted to be bound to someone. I never wanted this whole arranged marriage thing. I wanted to be able to chose who I marry out of love not out of power. I never wanted to run the League of Assassins.

'You think I wanted this either?' I hear in my head. I look over at Damian and he's already looking at me. 'Are you fucking kidding me? We can fucking hear each other's thought now too?!' I practically scream at him 'From what I'm guessing only if we want to. Or we're in moments of weakness.'  I am so done with whole bond. 'At least we can agree on one thing.' He said into my head 'Get the hell out of my head you asshole!' I screamed back 'Can you not scream. I am already in enough pain you imbecile.' He snapped back 'I wouldn't need to scream if you would just get the hell out of my head.' I finally push his presence out of my head so I can rest. If this is how it's going to be from now on then holy fuck it's gonna be hell on earth. I look up at everyone finally.

"Well turns out this stupid bond is everything. Physical, emotional and mental." I explained. "How do you know it's also a mental bond." Jay asked sitting beside me "Well it's almost impossible not to know when I have someone poking around my head and listening to my thoughts." I continued looking over at Damian who has a small smirk on his cute lips.

'Fuck shut up you stupid brain'  he smirks even more and I know he heard that. Fuck me now. 'So you think about my lips now do you?' He asked in my head. I look at him once more. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD YOU DAMNED DEMON!" I yell at him causing him to laugh surprising his brothers and Steph. They look between him and me then back to him causing him to shrug and get out of the bed, which ended in him falling on the ground. I laughed at him, when he got back up he shot me a deadly glare. I didn't stop laughing though.

"Am I the only one that remembers the reason we're down here in the first place?" Dick asked and everyone shot him a glare even me. "What a way to be a dick." I said and he rolled his eyes at me making everyone laugh again even Bruce chuckled at that. "And no we did not forget why we're down here Richard. It's because you three birdbrains don't know how to control your rage. I told you so you knew and because you all were on my ass about it. I didn't tell you so you could beat the hell out of him. No matter how much I may hate him right now he is still going to be my husband." I stated and every single person in the room looked at me surprised even Damian.

"Yes I said that. I need to come to terms with this as do you all. I know you care about me and him so I cannot have you beating him up to protect me because it's just gonna do me damage." I continued and that threw them off even more. "Mykie. Sweetie? Are you alright? Did your fall do something to your head?" Jason asked walking over to me putting his hand on my hair. I look at him dumbfounded and smack him on the stomach. "I'm fine Jason. Just accepting the inevitable. And I think it will do this whole family some good to the same thing." I replied. That caused the girls to look at everyone confused. "Okay what are we missing?" The red head asked. "Oh that's right. You girls were off doing your own thing when we found out. Damian and Mykie here are arranged to be married when they are 'of age'." Jason explains to them. "So even after he was the reason behind her torture the League thought it would be a good idea to set them up together? WOW. That is screwed up." Steph said. "I had no idea what mother had done to her. I never intended for her to get tortured or hurt in anyway. I was just a jealous child who was raised to be the very best." Damian finally spoke up about the topic and it surprised me because he actually sounded sincere for the first time.

I can't believe I'm about to say this but I like this side of Damian. The human side. I hope I can see more of it. 

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