Justice not Vengeance

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I'm almost completely healed after Talia and my father abducted me. I have been training nonstop lately trying to get stronger. I've been using my abilities a lot more lately as well. Damian and I have been starting to get a little closer after he brought me home, but he also has not changed at the exact same time. We still fight constantly, especially about missions.

"EVERYONE SUIT UP! WE HAVE A HIT ON DEATHSTROKE!" Bruce yells throughout the batcave where we're all training. "That means you too Mocking-Bird." Bruce said to me. I nodded and got changed into my suit. Just as I'm taking my shirt off someone barges into the change room. I pull on the tank top and start taking my tights off right as I hear someone bark at me.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" I automatically recognize the voice as Damian. "Ummm, following your father's orders. What do you think?" I asked as I turn to him. "Mykayla you are not going out there. This is the same man that kidnapped and tortured you. I forbid you from going out there." He demands walking closer to me. "I'm sorry Dami, but you have no authority to forbid me from doing such a thing. And trust me, I want to catch this halfwit bastard and have him put away for good more then anyone." I said and continue to change. He scoffs at me and walks out to get himself changed.

 He scoffs at me and walks out to get himself changed

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(This is her suit. Just imagine it with the bat-family symbol on her chest)

After I'm done changing I head out into the cave while I wrap the sheath for my Katana around my waist and adjusting the holster for my pistol on my thigh. I hear someone whistle as I walk deeper into the cave. I look up and see Jason staring at me while he loads his guns and Damian just gawking at me. I roll my eyes at both of them and pull my scarf up around the bottom half of my face to conceal my identity. "How do you like the new suit I had made for you Ms. Wilson?" Alfred asked I turn towards him and nod. "I love what you had done. Thank you Alfie. I appreciate it." I replied and he just smiled and nodded. "ALRIGHT. EVERYONE LET'S GET OUT OF HERE." The boys mounted their bikes, Bruce got in the Batmobile and I let my wings out jumping in the air just floating there. "I will never be able to get used to that." I heard Tim mumble as we all left the cave.

We all get to the scene at the same time. We look around for my father when we hear his voice. "Ahhh I see you've brought the whole gang Bats?" I roll my eyes at him. He jumps down from the fire escape he was previously standing on. "My dear daughter, how are you?" He asked me walking closer to me. "Get the hell away from her!" Damian yells running in front of me. "What do you want Slade. You sent in that tip about yourself. Why?" Bruce asked causing him to laugh. "Is it not clear Batman? I want my daughter. I want Mykayla to come home with me. Where she belongs." He said sinisterly, I laugh at him.

"I am not going anywhere with you Slade. You talk about home like you know what it is. Home is not a building with four walls. Home is where you heart is. and my home is right here with the Bat-Family. You are nothing but the bastard that helped create me then decided his position in the league is more important then his family was." I stated while laughing at him. "YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD!" He yelled slashing at me with his sword as I pulled mine out to counteract his attack but Damian stepped in before I could. We're then attacked by League assassins. "Robin, go and assist Batman and the others. I will handle my father." I instructed. He was very hesitant but did as I said. Father strikes me hitting my shoulder. I take my pistol out shooting him in the leg.

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