Truth or Dare

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In the morning I wake up and realize I'm not in my bedroom. I look around and recognize that it's Damian's room and slowly recall the events of last night. I look beside me expecting to see him still laying there but he's nowhere to be seen. There lays a note in his place.

I apologize for not being here when you awoke. But father needed to speak to me about something urgent. I will see you at breakfast Kay.

Yours truly. Damian.

I get out of bed and go to walk to my room when I decided to steal one of Damian's shirts to see if he'll notice. So I grab one of his plaid shirts and then walk into my room.

After I put my shoes on I roll up the sleeves so they don't cover my hands then walk out of my room towards the dinning room for breakfast

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After I put my shoes on I roll up the sleeves so they don't cover my hands then walk out of my room towards the dinning room for breakfast. When I get there I see everyone is awake. I do what I did the night before and walk up behind Damian but instead of wrapping my arms around him I walk behind him and kiss his cheek and take my seat. Everyone stares at me like I'm an alien.

"Ummm. Do I have something on my face?" I asked and everyone just stares. "Kay. Are you wearing my shirt yet again?" Damian finally asks and I smirk and nod proudly. "Why yes I am. Do you like?" I ask smirking at him. 'Fuck woman.' He pushes into my mind looking me up and down making me blush. "Kayla. Are you okay?" Jay asks. "Of course I am Jaybird. Why do you ask?" I questioned. "Well. You just kissed the Demon Spawn, you're wearing his clothes for the second day, and we didn't see you in your bedroom this morning only to find you walking out of his room." He listed off and I blush a little more. "Well you see. I stayed in his room last night cause of how exhausted he was. He ended up waking up in the middle of the night and asked me to stay with him and after talking for a little Damian and I are on good terms now. So yes I kissed his cheek and besides he is going to be my fiancé soon." I fired back looking over at the man beside me. I see he's still staring at me. "I think Willy broke little D." Dick says laughing leading Tim and Steph to laugh as well. Damian looks away from me to glare at his brothers and Steph making them laugh even more.

After breakfast I go to the library like I did the night before to see Damian there already with a book in his hands and headphones on. I smile and sit in the chair in front of him waiting to see when he'll notice me. I pull out my phone and go through my social media just relaxing. After a few minutes I feel someone staring at me. I look up and see Damian no longer holding his book and with his headphones hanging around his neck just staring at me. I put my phone down and look back at him.

"Are you okay over there Dami?" I finally ask him as I slightly bite my bottom lip. "I'm just fine. Just admiring how you look in my clothing." He states honestly. He motions me over so I get out of my seat and go over and sit in the spot beside him. He stretches his arm over the back of the couch. He takes one of his headphones and hands it to me before pressing play on his music and picking up his book once again. We sit there just relaxing together. I slowly start to fall asleep with my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat mix with the music only to be startled awake by three idiotic birdbrains.

"WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE!" Dick yells as they slam open the doors to the library. Damian lets out a low growl at his brothers. "YOU IMBECILES! SHE WAS JUST ABOUT TO FALL ASLEEP! DO YOU HAVE AN RESPECT FOR ANYONE ELSE BESIDES YOURSELVES!" He yells at them. I place my hand on his chest whispering to him. "Hey. Look at me." He reluctantly peels his glare away from his brothers. His eyes start to soften when he looks into my eyes. "Hey it's okay. Just calm down. They didn't know." I softly say to him helping to calm down. "What the fuck just happened?" Jason commented and I rolled my eyes. "I seriously think she broke him." Tim states. "I have a great idea!" Dick says. "Dickie I'm sorry to burst your bubble. But those words are never a good thing when they come out of your mouth." I poke at Dick causing Damian to chuckle lowly in my ear before he kisses the side of my head.

"What's your idea Dickhead?" Jay asks "How about we play a little game of Truth or Dare." He suggests. Damian and I both groan in annoyance. I start to shrink closer into the man wrapping his arm around my waist hoping to get away. Tim and Jason agree which leads us to playing the game. "Hmmmm. who should go first." Jay says looking at all of us. "Mykie. Truth or Dare." He asks and I roll my eyes at him. "Truth." I reply and Dick and Tim boo me for my answer. I end up glaring at them and they stop. "What really happened last night between you and the Demon Spawn?" He questions. "I already told you. Damian was exhausted from his lack of rest due to his previous injuries so I brought him to his room to sleep. He asked me to stay with him. I went to tell Bruce what was going on and went back to his room. And fell asleep in the chair in the corner of his room." I left out the part about us sleeping in the same bed and us cuddling in the library. "Dick. Truth or Dare?" I asked "Dare." He proudly exclaims and I smirk. "I dare you to block your phone number and call Bruce and tell him he's the greatest Bat-dad ever." I dared and he groaned but pulled out his phone to make the call.

A few more questions later its back to Jason's turn. "Demon Spawn. Truth or Dare?" He questioned. "Dare I suppose." He replied causing Jay to smirk. "I dare you to kiss Kay." My eyes widen as I shoot up in my spot away from Damian's chest. I turn to face him. "You don't have to do it Dami." I start but am shortly cut off by Jay. "Oh but my sweet Mykie he does. What was your rule from when we first started playing this? No chicken?" He challenged I glare at him about to fly at him only to have a hand placed on my back to pull my attention away from Jay. I turn back around and see Damian sitting closer to me again with his hand on my back calmly. He leans closer with a slight smirk on his face and kisses my cheek. "Nope. That was not the dare and you know it." Jason exclaimed like a kid that didn't get his way. "You dared me to kiss her. You never specified how. So I fulfilled the required dare. Now will you imbeciles please leave. I would like some peace and quiet." Damian calmly answered. The three boys get up and walk out of the room. I go to get up and leave as well but he grabs my hand before I had the chance to get very far.

"You are not required to leave beloved." He tells me slightly pulling me down and into his lap so I'm in the same spot as the previous night. I lay my head in the crook of his neck as he wraps his arms around me. I place a light kiss on his neck a little underneath his ear. He sighs at that action which makes me continue to do it. 'You looked absolutely breathtaking in my clothing Beloved.' He pushes the thought into my mind as I pull a small groan out of him. I'm about to continue when Damian pulls my face out from his neck to look at him. "I advise you not to tease me beloved. Or it will not end well for you." He challenges. His bright emerald green eyes are now a darker shade. They're full of lust and another emotion that looks almost like love. I shift around a little so I'm straddling him wrapping my arms around his neck loosely. He rests his hands on the top of my thighs pulling me closer. "And if I don't stop? What are you going to do then Dami?" I challenged back slowly leaning in. He does the same thing and right as our lips are about to touch.


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