The truth and the present

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After a long flight we get to my uncle's house. "Mykayla stay in the car. I have to talk to your uncle first." Father instructed as he steps out of the car, I nod my head obediently. He walks up to the door and knocks. Once it opens the man behind it didn't look very happy to see father. I can't hear what's being said but it looks like they're fighting until father says something and looks in my direction the other man follows suit looking at me. Father motions for me to go over to them so I do as I'm told and get of the car.

"Wade. This is your niece, my daughter Mykayla. I need you to look after her." Father stated as Uncle Wade looked down at me smiling warmly. My father just walks away without saying another word.

"You look just like your mother, she was quite beautiful. Why don't you follow me dear. I can show you where you'll be sleeping." I look at my uncle and he looks like a younger version of my father but he had more warmth to him. He seemed to genuinely care unlike my father so I followed him after one last look at where my father previously stood. 

"Umm, Uncle Wade may I ask you a question." I inquired as he closed the front door. He nodded his head and turns towards me. "What were you and father fighting about?" He looked around a little trying to avoid my eyes. "Please Uncle, did father do something wrong?" I questioned him grabbing his hand to try and pull his attention towards me. He sighs before slowly nodding "Mykie, you might want to sit down for this." he directed me towards the living room and to the couch. I sat down and looked up at him to start talking. 

"There's more then one reason I was furious to see your father when he showed up at my door. One of them being that I haven't heard from him in years. Not since the attack on the League of Assassins. And the other reason was that... Your father was the person to organize the attack on the compound all those years ago. I was furious that he put yours and you mother's lives at risk just to get back at Ra's al Ghul for choosing his grandson over your father. I was furious at him for putting you and your mother through all that torture while in the League." He explains looking down I look at him in disbelief, I can't believe what just came out of his mouth.

"WAIT! WHAT?! He orchestrated the whole attack!? All because he was jealous?! Of a CHILD?!" I was furious. How could my father do that to us. What kind of man is he?! I can't believe him.

"I'm guessing you've had a long day and you probably want to sleep and process everything that you now know. So let me show you to your room. I'm going to start signing you up for school. And tomorrow we can go shopping for things for your room and clothes for yourself as well as everything else you may need." He got up and started walking towards the stairs I follow close behind him. 

Age 15

I look at the room I've grown so used to over the last two years.  "Uncle are you sure this is the best option?" I begged the man who raised me since my father abandoned me on his doorstep. "Kay, I'm positive. Working at Wayne Enterprise will help us financially especially to put you through college." I nodded in understanding and walk down the stairs to stand by the door. Once he grabs the last box I grab my last bag from the ground and sling it over my shoulder. 

When we finally land in our new destination and step off the plane I'm thrown off guard by my surroundings. The tall buildings and fog are an extreme contrast to the lush green land that I've been so used to. "Where are we?" I inquired turning to my uncle. "We are in Gotham." He responds looking out at the city ahead of us. 

Age 16

I'm sitting in my room getting ready for my first Halloween party. My friend Tim is supposed to be picking me up for the party. The past few days I've been having slight pains throughout my back but not as bad as I'm having now. I'm starting to get dressed when I see a white light starting to surround me before completely engulfing me and pain ripping through my shoulders and the skin on my back tearing open then everything going black.

Present time

"Mykie! Get up or you're gonna be late for school!" Uncle Wade yells through the door as I groan and roll out of bed. "I'm awake Uncle Wade." I yelled back and start getting ready. 

I'm fixing the collar and cuffs of my dress shirt and get to making my bed

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I'm fixing the collar and cuffs of my dress shirt and get to making my bed. Once I'm finished I walk downstairs to join my uncle for breakfast. "Good morning sweetie. What time is Tim picking you up?" He asked as I sat down across from him eating my breakfast. "Him and Alfred should be here soon. He texted me warning me that Dick and Jay are gonna be joining us for the ride." I explain with a smile.

I swear Tim is gonna kill those two one of these days. As I finish my breakfast I hear a horn honk and shouting coming from outside our door. I look at my uncle and start laughing at the boys and their stupidity. I quickly run up to my room to grab my backpack, my phone and headphones. Once I go back downstairs I run past my uncle and give him a quick kiss on the cheek and head out the door. "Have a good day honey! I'll see you after school!" He yells after me.

I get to the limo and once I open the door I see Tim trying to choke Jason. "Seriously boys! When will you grow up!" I said as I hop in. "WILL!!" Dick yells practically launching himself at me hugging me. "Hi Dick! Hey Jay! Hey Tim!" I hugged each of them. "Hey Al! How are you on this fine morning?" I asked up to the front where my favorite British man was. He chuckles and replied "Good morning Miss. Mykie. I'm doing very well and yourself?" "I can't complain Al. I just hope these birdbrains don't ruin my morning." I said shooting the boys a pointed glance. They all give me innocent looks.

*and before you ask. Yes Mykie knows about their identities. She figured it out on her own. She works with them once in awhile*

We pull up to the school and Tim and I hop out. I look back and see Jay and Dick are about to try and embarrass us but I glare at them both and they just slink back into the limo and roll up the window. I laugh and turn back to Tim. We start walking into the school to the main Gymnasium to collect our timetables. "What classes do you have Tim?" I asked turning towards after collecting my schedule. "I've got Math, English, Science, Photography, Psychology, and Computer studies." He listed off and looked up at me "I've got Dance, English, Visual Art, Sociology, Psychology, and History." "YES! At least we a couple classes together." He said happily and I laugh at his enthusiasm. I was about to say something when Tim's phone goes off and so does mine. 

Uncle Wade: I'm just letting you know, we are going over to Wayne Manor tonight for the Autumn gala Bruce always holds. 

Me: I know don't worry I remembered.

Tim's P.O.V

Bruce just texted telling me about the gala and that the little demon will be coming back to school today. God damn it. I don't need to deal with his bullshit here too, I deal with it enough at home. I start to walk Mykie to dance class when I see Bruce, Jason and the little demon himself walk into the office. I stop and raise my hand to my head.

"What's the matter? Are you okay?" Mykie grabbed my hand pulling my attention towards her. "Oh sorry Kay. I just saw Jason, Bruce and my youngest brother walk into the office." I shake my head looking down at my best friend as she looks confused. I chuckle and turn my back towards her "Hop on, I'll give you a piggy back ride to class." I directed as she squealed and hopped on my back. "You do know this isn't gonna get you out of the inevitable right?" I nod my head knowing what she meant. "Good. Now onward trusty steed!" she yelled pointing in the direction of her dance class.

Once we get to her class she runs into the change room and gets changed into her dance clothes, comes running back over to me and hugs me and pushes me out of the room. I chuckle as I walk to my first class.

"Hey replacement! How's our girl?" I hear Jason yell laughing "She's in class now leave Jason I have to get to Math." I yell back and walk away heading to my own class. 

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