The Bet and The Change.

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Tim's P.O.V

I'm in the cave working on a case for Bruce with Jason behind me cleaning his guns and Dick's training. I'm sitting quietly trying to hack into a company's database when Jason finally decides to speak.

God I'm going to miss the quiet. 

"I was just thinking." He starts and I snort "Yeah okay. Those are the worst words to ever leave your mouth Jay." I said my eyes not leaving the screen of the batcomputer. "Oh shut it Replacement. I'm being serious." He continues and I just shake my head. "What's on your mind Jason?" Steph asks walking into the cave followed by Barbara and Cass. "Well I was just thinking about Mykie and the bat brat. Who do you all think is going to cave in first?" He asked and that's when I tear my eyes away from the computer to look at him. "I seriously think it's gonna be Kayla. She's a whole lot more accepting and human then he is." Dick finally states. I shake my head.

"I don't think she will. No matter how much she may accept this stupid bond and no matter how much she may forgive the demon I don't think it will be her. She will always be skeptical and won't trust him fully until he accepts what's going on between them. I think it'll be the kid demon." I stated and Steph nods. "I agree with Tim. Mykie doesn't seem like the kind of person to trust easily. She also doesn't seem like someone who loves easily. I think once they both truly come to terms with the fact that it's not just the bond that's pulling them closer that it's actually them falling for each other. That's when it'll happen and I think it'll be the demon brat that admits it first and to Dick as well." She explained. Cass agrees with her. Where as Barbara is agreeing with Dick.

"What about you Jason? Who do you think?" We all turn to him. "I'm agreeing with Dick and Babs on this one. I think it's gonna be Willy that admits it first." He starts but it is shortly cut off. "I quite agree with Master Dick, Master Jason and Miss Barbara. I think that it will be Miss Mykie that will admit her feelings for Master Damian first." Alfred walks in with Bruce following behind him nodding. "If this is the case. Why not make a bet. How does $50 sound? Whoever is wrong has to pay each member of the winning side $50." Jason continues "And the losers have to help Alfred for two months." Bruce speaks up with his famous Wayne smirk. "Deal." We all say. 

"Speaking of the little love birds. Where are they? I haven't seen them all day." Dick brought up. "Damian is in the library read yet another book and Mykie is in her room painting from what I last saw." Bruce said and we all nodded. 

Mykie's P.O.V

I've got my headphones in listening to music while I finish off a painting I started not to long ago. I start to move my hips subconsciously to the music when I start getting a shiver down my spine. I stop what I'm doing and turn around to see Damian standing there. I take my headphones off my head and put them around my neck pausing my music to turn to my soon-to-be-fiancé. 

"What are you doing here Damian?" I asked putting my paint brush down wiping my hands on my sweatpants. "Well you see Wilson. I felt this urge to be near you. Like I had to be with you. This urge to hold you." He says slowly walking closer to me. I look at him strangely. "Damian. What's gotten into you? This is the bond talking. You don't actually want to be near me." I sighed as I turned back to the canvas in front of me putting my headphones back on and starting my music again.

Just as I'm getting back into the groove of the painting, I feel his hand land on my waist and my hair being moved to the side. I then feel light kisses being placed on my neck. I don't know what comes over me but I move my head to the side to give him more space. He starts to take my headphones off again pausing my music and putting them to the side before turning me to face him. I place my hands on his chest as I feel his heart beat quicken. I lean up to whisper in his ear. "What's the matter Dami? Do I make your heart race?" I smirk at him and in response he pulls me closer to him leaning in to kiss me. He's stopped just as our lips are about to touch by the door to my room being swung open by 3 grown idiots. I pull away from Damian who's scowling at his brothers. 

"Can I help you bird brains?" I asked as my hands find their way to my tingling hips. 'Can his touch not do this to me right now.' I thought to myself "Are we interrupting something here?" Jason asked smirking wiggling his eyebrows at us. "No." "Yes." Both Damian and I say at the same time. I look at him and see he's now smirking at me. I roll my eyes at him and turn back to his brothers.

"Not at all. What do you idiots want?" I asked raising my eyebrow at them. "Oh Alfred just wanted us to come let you know that dinner was just about ready. We were gonna go to the Bat Brat's room after but I see that is unneeded." Jason says again still smirking. "Can you three please leave. Tell Alfie we will be down soon. I need to get this one out then I have to change." I said to them as both Dick and Jay wiggle their eyebrows at me again and Timmy smirks. I flip them all off and shoo them out of my room and turn back to Damian. 

"God I thought they'd never leave. Where were we?" He said walking closer to me again. I close my eyes and sigh. "Damian. We need to go down for dinner before your brothers eat everything on us. Well on me. You have your own separate meal." I said as I put my hand up to stop him. He scoffs. I sigh yet again before moving my hand. I walk over to him and stand on my tip-toes placing a small kiss on his cheek before moving around to his back and push him out of my room. "We are not done here Mykie." He said as he walks away. 'Wait. He called me by my name. Something is seriously wrong with him.' I thought to myself. 'Oh and my touch does something to you now does it?' I hear in my head 'Will you stop doing that god dammit! And maybe? But I make your heart race don't I?' I thought back and I laugh as I can just picture him scowling and scoffing at me. 

Once he's out of my room I quickly get changed into a pair of jeans and a black crop top with a flannel shirt covering it. I head downstairs to see everyone is there. The only spot that's left is between Damian and Jason. I take my seat between the two boys and start eating my food that Alfred brought out for me. Bruce clears his throat causing us to turn our attentions to him. "So as we all know the Halloween Gala is coming up soon so I have decided to do something different this year. We are doing a themed gala. The theme is the 1920's." Bruce said and I zoned out after that. I noticed yet again that has been some kind of change in Damian's attitude how he treats me. I don't know how I feel about it but he's changing. 

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