Chapter 48

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"When our team arrived at the scene the door was already opened. They went inside and found him unconscious barely breathing and bleeding from the mouth." Dr.Marshall recites last nights events to the group sitting outside of Cordell's room. After Sevyn finally calmed down, Corey's doctor came to answer their questions along with a police officer who was on the scene.

"Who else was there?" Jared asks.

"No one, the house was reportedly empty."

Jared scrunches his face together, "Then who called?"

"An anonymous person called 911 and told them to send an ambulance to the house. When the cops arrived they found Cordell and no one else. Who ever was there fled the scene." Dr. Marshall says sounding just as puzzled as everyone feels.

"What about his father?" Christine asks. "It's weird that he isn't here right now."

"We've tried contacting his father but no one can find him. Our last resort was his mother but she lives out in Atlanta." Says police officer Colt. His eyes slide over to the boys and Sevyn. "Do you guys know anyone that could possibly be an enemy of Cordell's?"

The boys shake their heads. "Corey is friendly with everyone and wouldn't hurt a fly. He's the last person I thought could make enemies." Malcolm says and Ty and Shaun nod in agreement.

"Raymond..." Sevyn whispers, she looks at her brother then at the doctor. "Raymond is one of his dads friends. I met him once when I was over his house and he isn't the friendliest person. He got into an argument with Corey and I went to his room to avoid getting in the middle of it. Corey came back into the room with a swollen lip but he wouldn't tell me what happened. I'm assuming Raymond had something to do with it."

The police officer writes all this down in his notepad. Ty furrows his brows, "Isn't Raymond his crazy ex-girlfriends father?" He asks and Sevyn nods her head yes. "Then why didnt he ever tell us any of this?"

Sevyn shrugs, "He thought he could handle it."

"Obviously not if he's up in a hospital now." Ty retorts.

 Their mother buts in, "We don't know for sure who did this to Corey so let's not jump to conclusions. Who knows what he was going through."

Everyone goes silent after that until the police officer asks more questions. "Do you know anything else about this Raymond person? His house, his job, anything?"

Sevyn shakes her head, "I only met him that one time. I don't know anything about him except that his daughter goes to school in North Carolina...yet she's never there."

"Name?" The police officer asks.

"Rachel Clarke," This time it's Janine who speaks up, surprising everyone. "I can give you her contact information too."

Sevyn watches in surprise as Janine cooperates with the officer, giving Rachel's phone number, address and school name. When she's done, the police officer steps to the side and grabs his walkie talkie, proceeding to speak into it. Sevyn turns her head and looks through the window at Corey laying on the hospital bed.

"Can I go in and see him?" She asks.

Dr.Marshall nods his head, "Of course. One person at a time please."

Sevyn steps inside and shuts the doo behind her. Her family and friends watch as she cautiously walks over to the foot of the bed and stares at Corey's motionless body. His light skin is marred with black and blue bruises, his face is swollen on one side still and his lip is split in the middle. The bandages around his head hide his curly hair and Sevyn longs to run her fingers through his brown tendrils.

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