Chapter 67

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With Malcom being at Miranda's house and her mother at lunch with her friends, Sevyn takes the oppurtunity to track down Ty and ask him the question that has been burning on the tip of her tongue for a while. She finds him in the kitchen, struggling to open a can of Ravioli.

She walks into the kitchen and leans against the counter. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"You just did." He grunts, still struggling to get the lid off.

"Do't be ignorant," Sevyn says. He ignores her and she sucks her teeth before snatching the can from him and using her thumb to lift the tab then the lid from the can. She thrusts it back towards him and he makes a face before taking it back. "I loosened it for you." He mutters.

"Sure you did. But seriously I have a question." Sevyn watches him walk over to the stove and pour the ravioli into the pot, then turn on the burner to a medium setting. He turns and looks at her. "What?"

Sevyn taps her nails on the counter, suddenly not sure if she really wants to have this conversation. Ty stares at her expectantly and she lets out a sigh. "Don't freak out, ok?" She asks. Ty looks her confused and he opens his mouth but she cuts him off. "Just take my word for it and don't freak out. Promise?"

"Now I feel like I'm gonna freak out, but fine. I promise to try and not freak out." He says. Sevyn looks down at the floor, an embrassed flush burning her cheeks. Her mouth feels a little dry and she licks her lips before speaking.

"How old were you when you lost your v-card?" She says quickly. Ty's eyes widen and his mouth drops open. "You promised to try and not freak out!" Sevyn adds, watching as his eye lids stretch to accomodate his widening eyes.

He slowly closes his mouth and frowns. "Oh nooooo, my little sister is growing up. Oh my gosh she's officially a sinner!"

"Shut up!" Sevyn exclaims, feeling even more embarrased. "I'm still a virgin idiot!"

"Oh..." Ty's face softens, but his eyes turn furious. "Is Jackson pressuring you?"

"No but I...ugh forget it!" She turns to walk away but Ty grabs her arm.

"No I'm sorry, come and talk to me." He insists. Sevyn faces him and takes a moment to see if he's serious before walking to the table and sitting down. Ty stares at his little sister and scratches the back of his neck. "I just didn't expect to have this conversation with you, you caught me off guard."

Sevyn rests her chin on her hand. "I know but I've been thinking about it for a while. Me and Jackson have gotten really close and we tease eachother and what not, things get heated quickly but I don't want to rush into anything blind. I just want to hear your take on it since you've slept with a helluva lot of girls."

He gives her a quick glare but it passes quickly. "Well for starters I was fourteen when I lost it. Remember Lexi White?"

"The short girl with hazel eyes and freckles?" Sevyn asks and Ty nods. "You lost it to her!? I thought she was so innocent."

Ty lets out a snort of laughter. "Yeah right, why do you think she left the school? She got caught on her knees with some football players after a game and pictures of it was leaked around the highschool floor. She transferred schools a month later."

"Well when did you sleep with her?"

"Two weeks before my birthday. I made a bet with Shaun that I could pull Lexi before he could. We were both cocky as hell, thinking we could get lucky with one of the baddest girls in the 10th grade. So after one of the school dances I went to, I cornered Lexi and started talking her up. I told her she was beautiful and started feeding her flattering shit in her ear. Next thing I know, we're sneaking into her garage, stripping down to nothing and one thing let to another. Then poof, no more virginity."

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