Chapter 60

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"So?" Ty asks his mother. They're seated around the kitchen table after school along with Malcolm and Corey. They just gave her a long sob story about how Corey needs a place to stay since his mother is returning to Atlanta and his dad is locked up. Corey did most of the talking and now they're anxious to hear her answer.

Their mother studies each of them for a moment before looking at Corey. "You know you're always welcome here Corey. I've gotten so used to having you and Shaun here, you might as well rent a room."

" that a yes?" Ty presses. His mother gives him a look then smiles.

"It's a yes." She replies. Ty jumps out his seat, knocking the chair over.

"Yes! Welcome to the family dough boy!" He says. Corey beams and gets up from his seat to walk over and give their mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He's never been so greatful in his life.

Malcolm looks at the clock on the wall, "Do you want us to come over and help you pack up your stuff before it gets too late?"

Corey shakes his head, "Nah, I really just wanna lay down. My ribs are hurting me."

"Yeah, you should get some rest." Their mom agrees. "We don't want you straining yourself and causing more pain. Ty, go bring up the air matress from the basement. Corey you have the choice of the twins rooms or the living room." She places her cup of juice in the sink. "I'm going to head to bed, Sevyn wash the dishes."

Sevyn makes a face behind her back and pulls on the yellow gloves. "Goodnight Mrs.Johnson, thank you so much." Corey tells her.

"You're welcome." She smiles sweetly then heads up the stairs.

"Yo the house is gonna be so live with you here." Malcolm tells him with a sly grin.

Sevyn makes a snorting noise and looks at them over her shoulder, "This should be interesting." she remarks. Malcolm mugs her as Ty returns from the basement, lugging the air mattress behind him.

"Where do you want this sir?" He asks Corey.

"Living room for now, I'm too lazy to walk up the stairs." Corey admits with a laugh. Ty nods and drags the box to the living room and begins to unpack the air matress.

"Good choice," Sevyn comments. "Now you don't have to listen to them whisper sweet nothing to their girls over the phone."

"Oh yeah, I forgot that I'm the only bachelor now." He says stroking his jaw.

"Well you and Shaun but Lord knows that boy isnt gonna settle down for a while." She says and they all nod in agreement.

It took two days for Corey to transfer his stuff from his house to the Harris's house. Mostly because he had to sort out the things he wanted to keep and throw away. The main things he took were his clothes, shoes and accessories. He didn't have any memorabilia such as pictures and he left behind the unnecessary things like his radio or bed side clock. His room looked naked when he was done, with nothing left but his bed, dresser and mirror. A part of him wished he could stay, another part knows that he'll he back soon.

The day before his mother planned to leave, Corey asked a big favor from her. She hesitated at first but finally gave in. Ty drove them over to the jail that his father was being held at and they waited in the car, watching as his mom headed to the entrace. Once she had disappeared through the doors, Ty peeled off and they headed to the mall to meet with the rest of their friends.

"Where did mommy go?" Ariana asks from the back seat.

"To visit my dad." Corey replies.

She thinks for a moment, "How come I didn't get to go?"

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