Chapter One

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Hey lovelies!!! Warning !!! graphic content ahead ! If you don't like the subject of rape please don't read ahead go back !!  !! Thank you


"And where the fuck have you been all night ? " my dad snarled as I watched him swing back a bottle of whiskey, gulping it down like it was nothing.

.. Here we go again..

"Dance practice."

His eyes lingered on my attire. my dance shorts and shirt hugged me maybe.. just a little too snug.

I started to make my way to my bedroom.

"Did I tell you to go any fucking where? Bring your ass back here." He slurred his words.  This wasn't the first time my daddy had gotten drunk. Hell, it probably wouldn't even be the last. But tonight, something was different.

I froze.

Of course I didn't want to anger him further knowing damn well, if I did, he'd only beat me worse. Last time  he beat me so badly  I couldn't see out of my right eye for days. I had use up sick days at school just to cover my ass.

"Where's momma ?"  My voice cracked under sudden fear.

"Sleeping. Come here and sit on d-daddy's lap."  He belched As he pats a hand on his thigh.

I hesitate and shake my head no.  "I-I'm really sleepy ." I lied.

He smirked , swallowing his last drop of liquor. His eyes suddenly a shade darker.

"Daddy wants to play."  My heart fell to my stomach as He stepped toward me rubbing his crotch through his jeans.

Fuck this shit.

I ran down the hall pushing my legs faster beyond their limit.  Just like a gazelle, running from its prey ..

I was his prey.

I heard him stumble behind me crashing and tripping over his feet. "You stupid little bitch!" He snapped.

I slam the door shut twisting the lock. My heart raced pumping faster As he beat on the door with urgent rage.

He slammed harder and harder on the door. Every thud making me shutter.  hot tears streamed down my brown cheeks As he screamed out "I SWEAR IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS ONCE I OPEN- *kick* THIS - *kick* GODDAMN  *kick* DOOR!"

The door flung open leaving me vulnerable to my pursuer.

He was breathing hard. fumes of anger coming from his nostrils his eyes dark and blood shot .

The devil himself.

He slammed my door shut. Before I could make a run for it he grabbed me by my ankles, pulling me off of my bed causing me to slam my head on the wooden floor with a loud smack.

I groan as My vision blurred from taking the hard hit to the floor.

All 6'5  of him got on top of only 5'5  of me . His big hand smacking me hard against  the whole side of my face. Repeatedly over and over, with more strength each time it collided.

"S-stop ! I'm sorry !" I cried,  my face hot with welts.

"Oh you will be when I'm done with you!" He fumbled with his belt unbuckling it . My eyes grew wide, bucking wildly under him .

"NO ,NO GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I tried hitting and scratching him as hard as I could . But he was stronger than I was. He punched me one good time In my head.

But I was relentless trying to fight the inevitable. He punched me again striking me in my jaw  so hard He could've shattered it. The taste of iron danced along my tongue as blood dropped from my lip.   He held my tiny wrists in one of his hands as he ripped my shorts.

"NO! MOMMA WAKE UP PLEASE! HELP ME !"  I screamed since I couldn't fight him off . I knew my mom was coked out on the bathroom floor high as a goddamn kite  ..

But I was hoping just THIS once she'd be the superwoman I've always needed her to be.

But I got no response as her husband laid on top of me ..

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" his fist struck me a few more times . Taking all of my strength and will to fight out of me. 

He beat me like a nigga on the streets that owed him money . But the thing is, I'm his daughter..

  "Fight more and I'll break your fucking neck ." He spat.

He ripped my panties off of me, the sound of the ripping cotton was enough to make me feel defeated. I choke on my tears. "D-dad no please don't do this ... please " My lip quivered and my voice shook. I whence in agony as he tore into me with force. "D-dad no .. s-stop!" he covered my mouth  with one hand gripping onto my wrist tightly with the other hand as he kept going.

Violating me, without a fucking care in the world.

I closed my eyes, trying to drift my mind off else where, anywhere but here in this moment .. instead I found myself asking God, Why me?

The one who was suppose to be my knight and shining armor ..  my protector father ..

Was now, my rapist  ..

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