Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Ayva's POV

"What the fuck does he mean he'll see me soon?" I admit I sorta panicked

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"What the fuck does he mean he'll see me soon?" I admit I sorta panicked.

King ignored me. "Is everyone out of the house?"

"Yea, I checked everywhere. We all good." Slick adds nodding

"Good." King goes over locking the front door securing it with the passcode.

"I guess Trina and I are gonna get going." I add

"Nuh uh Yall not going out there when fake ass Bonnie and Clyde just threatened you, low key." Ace said.

"Looks like y'all are stuck with us tonight." Bo smirks at a now sober Trina . She blushes a bit smiling giddy.

"They're right it'd be safe to leave in the morning, not this late at night ." King sits on the couch sighing irritably

"Great." I roll my eyes.

"Well, it was a fun party until those two fucked it up. " Ace starts cleaning up the mess "and this nigga wasted the full bottle of fuckin Henney?!!! He definitely is getting his ass whooped."

"Honestly those two dumb asses let us know they were coming back to cause shit. " Slick adds "we should hit they ass first."

"I agree." Swan sits down next to King "should've busted a cap in they ass right then in there."

King sat for a moment. "Nobody is gonna do a goddamn thing  unless I say so that's still my brother he ain't doing nothing but talking.. plus if she's pregnant with my child we not shooting anybody."

"Pregnant ???" Ace stopped sweeping "nigga, she's a hoe. How do you even know if that baby is yours ??"
"That little nigga child  can get it too, if you ask me."

This nigga just threatened a child ?? What the fuck.

"The Baby is innocent." I clear my throat adding my two cents .

"Okay but a demon is carrying that baby, which means the baby ain't so innocent , so your point ?" Ace throws his hands up Losing his balance a smidge while being petty like usual .

Bo and Swan laugh at his petty remark. "Nigga is wildin." Bo says .

" naw but forreal, I think we all had too much to drink tonight by We I mean me.  , if we ain't busting caps right now I think ima go take my black ass to sleep ." Ace starts heading upstairs. "Happy birthday again, lil bow wow ." Ace gave me a tipsy kiss on the forehead before walking upstairs "and too all a goodnight!"

I think the little bastard has grown on me.

Everyone starts dispersing separate directions of the house

"You can crash in my room if you want ." Bo turns to look at Trina .

"To sleep ? Sure ? I get your bed you get the floor ?" Trina smiles big.

"Whatever floats your boat." Bo and Trina head upstairs. "Goodnight you two." Trina looks back and forth between King and I before disappearing with Bo.

"They hit it off pretty well huh?" I awkwardly say as I play with the bracelet around my wrist.

"Yea But I don't really wanna talk about them ." King gets up walking toward me making it harder to breathe with every step he took.  He backed me up against the wall his body against mine.

Defenseless and powerless .. damn he was everything

"W-Well, what do you wanna talk about because I mean , they'd be a great topic of discussion. I mean just look at the-"

"Stay." King says cutting me off from my rambling his eyes being glued to mine.

"King.. " I take a moment looking away from him.

"Ayva, you know you fit here with us . Just stay" he asks again not giving me time to come up with an excuse.

They all grew on me , From Ace Annoying ass pestering comments , to Bo hyping him up, to Slick being that trigger happy, crazy ass psycho , to Swan being quiet yet always down to ride for his boys  . All the way to King the one I was falling so damn hard could I leave ?  They were like my family now.

"I'll stay , on one condition ." I smile . Looking at him.

"Okay, whats that ?" He smirks. Giving me that half grin.

"I get the right side of the bed."

"Deal." He leans in kissing me slow and softly.

Nothing else mattered in this moment, nothing at all.

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