Chapter Sixteen

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"So you're the miss infamous Ayva Lloyd .. " a detective came in the room with a black button-up and slacks. His gold badge shining on his hip. "Call me detective Montage. He plops in the chair in front of me.

"Infamous? Really ?" I roll my eyes.

These damn cops are fools.

"Well you were on the run for five days, yes ?" detective montage pulled out a pen and paper along with my iPhone. "Let's talk ."

"First of all Mr. big nose, I was not on the run for five days, second, I will not speak to your trifling ass without a lawyer. And lastly, Give me my damn phone. " I scowl at him.

Bitch ass nigga

Detective asshole looked at me hard for a minute "it's best you don't sass me, girl ." He snarled

"The name is Ms. Lloyd" I smile politely knowing damn well cops make me sick.

"Ok Ms. Lloyd .. inform me, where were you the night your parents were brutally murdered . " he leaned in his blue eyes on me.

"Up your ass and around the corner ."

I said that shit with a straight face.

No games are being played.

"What part of, I'm not talking without a lawyer did you not get?" I tilt my head slightly blinking at him questionably.

Detective booty stain turned beet red at this point you would've thought he'd explode like a character from Mario Party.

He got up running his fingers through his greasy ass black hair. Before slamming both his hands on the table

Aww someone's throwing a tantrum.

"You listen and you listen to me well," he pointed a finger in my face his lips in a thin line. "I know you did it Ayva, there's proof ."

He must think I'm dumb. Ha!

I just looked at him and then I looked at my fingernails, ignoring him and focusing on my blue nail polish.

"Do you think this color looks good on me ???? Like I'm thinking maybe a yellow ?? Oooh no a red, sorta like your face maybe a bit darker? What do you think ?" I babble on.

Detective montage unbuttoned his collar, he was swearing under his breath and sweating. he was only talking to me for two seconds and was already wore out? He walked out of the interrogation room.

"Ok fine, I'll do yellow!" I shrug chuckling to myself.

After a 20 min break, he brought someone else in with him, I guess that good cop bad cop shit.

The other detective She walked in her greying short blonde hair sat in a tight ponytail on the nape of her neck. She looked me up and down. "Hi, the name is detective Logan," she sat down.

"Hi ." I looked back at her "look, I already told your huge nose partner over there that I'm not talking unless I have a lawyer. I don't know if he brought you in thinking it'd help or what ." I say.

Detective Logan nodded agreeing "yes, alright. We can do that. But we'd have to still hold you here until then." She starts getting up.

Aw hell nah.

"Hold me? For how long ?" I went into panic mode low key I knew I was way too cute for jail. And I was not wanting to stay here any longer

"Well the sooner you talk the sooner you get out of here Ms. Lloyd ." She sighs looking sympathetic. "Other than that you could be in here for a couple of weeks"

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