Chapter Twenty-Three

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I went downstairs seeing Trina laid up with Bo

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I went downstairs seeing Trina laid up with Bo..

she was definitely way too drunk lastnight she wouldn't have been caught dead laid up with another nigga besides wack ass Jaden.

I creep up smiling ,

honestly they were cute .

Trina was resting on his shoulder knocked out cold . I took one of the throw pillows aiming and throwing it at her face

"Wake y'all asses up!" I yell obnoxiously.

Bo damn near fell off the couch "Damn Ayva , do you have to be that fuckin loud ?"

Trina wiped her eyes confused looking at Bo . "Who the fuck are you ?"

"Oh baby, that's Your future." I snicker. Seeing something definitely potentially there .

"I don't know this nigga, besides I got a man." Trina gets up adjusting her shirt .

"You didn't mention him once during our conversation. Or do you not remember that either ?" Bo said looking lost.

Trina paused a moment. "No." She shrugs him off.  "I'm sure you were a good distraction, but I'm taken, sorry."

"Who said I was trying to get with you," Bo laughed.
"You were the one up in my face , you know , since you have a man and all." He shrugs shaking his head "Shady ass." He says before walking off.

"anyways," Trina waved him off

"You know, you could be a little more nice ." I sit next to her noticing her hair was wild on her head .

"Gotta be nice for what to these niggas ????" Trina quoted drake with a smile on her face.

I roll my eyes.

"Hello drunk ladies ." Ace makes his entrance being annoying like usual .

"How about some sunshine ?" He pulls open the living room curtains letting the sun soak into the room.

"Yo ! It's too bright !" I cover my eyes feeling the effects of the brutal hangover .

"Yea , I bet. How about some tv? " Ace flips on the Tv turning it up max volume .

This little bastard.

I whence as my head throbbed worse than it already was .

"Make it stop !" Trina whined putting a pillow over her head .

I scowl at Ace . "Turn that shit it down!" I yell

"What ? I can't hear you over this lovely television and all of it's glory!" He cupped the back of his ear as if he was trying to hard to hear me .

I go over snatching the remote out of his hands. Turning it down ."Thank you ." I throw the remote back at him as he cracks up laughing.

"Hangovers, them bitches are brutal huh?" He teases

"Fuck you." I go into the kitchen grabbing two bottles of water . Handing one to Trina.

"I'm sorry you have to stay with them ." She shakes her head before guzzling down her water .

"Actually , that's what I wanted to talk to you about .. I've been here too long and the testosterone around here is really working my NERVES" I direct my thumb toward Ace " do you think your mom will care if I stay with you guys just until I find somewhere else ? You know I turn 18 In a few days so it wouldn't be for too long . Maybe I could work someplace this summer and save up for my own spot ." I take a sip of water waiting for her answer .

"I'm sure my momma won't care. She loves you. Besides she's been wanting another daughter ." Trina rolls her eyes. "And We definitely need to discuss birthday plans , sis . You never do much but I'm sure we can have a kick back at my place." She says checking her phone.

I was never really keen on doing anything big for my birthday , simply because my parents were too busy beating me and making me their personal slave .

"Birthday, huh ? You turning eighteen , bow wow ?" Ace chimed In the conversation .

"Yea I am." I shrug "Just another year anyhow."

"Just another year?? Puddin that's an opportunity to party ! How about we have the kick back here ? Get some drinks, of course we'd have apple juice for y'all " he laughs before continuing "roll some blunts , have Mrs V, cook some bomb ass food, get some big booty bitches and have a good ass time." He holds his hands up "sounds like a hell of a fuckin time to me."

I've never really been to any kick backs let alone have a kick back for myself maybe it'd be a good opportunity. It'd be a celebration of a new beginning, no more scars and no more pain to bottle up ..I was game.

"Hmm Okay ," I nod "But how about Big booty men. Instead" I laugh

"Fuck outta here ! That's just nasty." Ace makes a ugly face .

I laugh at his face "it's a joke ."

"I'll invite Jaden and some other people from school ." Trina Beamed with happiness. "You deserve this Ayv. But I gotta go before my momma beats the black off me !" Trina hugs me before sprinting out the door .

"I'll run it by King and invite some people as well," Ace comes over putting his hands on both my shoulders " You just be prepared to have fun . No bullshit, just good vibes."

A kickback with drug dealers should be fun , right ?

I don't know about this one...

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