Chapter Tweleve

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I sprinted as far as my legs would take me. I just knew that I didn't want to die.

"Ayva what the fuck !!!" King shouted running after me catching up close behind.

I should've known my short legs were going to fail me. King tackled me to the ground before I made it out by the street.

"Get off of me! You brought me here so you could kill me off !? " I tried my best to kick and squirm under his body.

"Ayva, stop nobody -"

"Fuck you !" I cut him off.

"Fuck, Ayva stop !!!" He yelled at me

But I was relentless squirming more Slapping and fighting him.

King pulled his gun out placing it on my forehead.

Yes, My ass immediately stopped moving.

"Good. I have your attention. " he locks eyes with me.


his eyes were serious with a hint of gentleness in them "If I wanted to kill you I would've done it the moment you opened your damn mouth .! Relax .. next time you pull a stunt like this I will kill you." He put his gun away.

He got off of me offering his hand to help me up.

"Fuck You ." I slap his hand away getting up gaining my balance.

"Follow me " he walks off toward the entryway, I follow him cautiously. Watching as He places a code on the panel on the side door and uses his index fingerprint. The heavy door pops open.

I was now in what looked like a giant mall. So many expensive looking clothes a woman who looked about 60 came around from a clothing rack. Her grey coiled hair in a tight low bun "Oh my goodness Darryl, hey baby . Give me a hug ." She smiles at king wrapping her arms around him in a comforting hug.

"Hey, Ma." He grinned from ear to ear when he saw her.

This niggas name is Darryl ?! And Did he just say ma?

"Hope you're staying your ass out of trouble ." She points a motherly finger at him.

Hell Nah. He's a WHOLE killer ma'am.

"I just need a favor. I need you to help me find a wardrobe for my friend here, this is Ayva, Ayva this is my mother" king introduced us

She nods as her eyes land on me "mhm young friend ?? " she raises his eyebrow at him.

"Well aren't you a pretty thing, my name is Vanessa but you can just call me Ms. V ." She beamed brightly at me before walking in a circle behind me eyeing my frame.

"Nice to meet you ." I smile back at her

" perfect shape " she mumbles to herself as she studies my every angle tapping a finger on her chin.

King watches eyeing me as well as leaning a shoulder against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"Well, I'll Let you ladies get to it. I'll be back in an hour, I have a few runs to make. " King kisses his mom on the cheek. "I'm sure Ayva will be on her best behavior. " he gives me a stern look.

I roll my eyes.

Yea, yea whatever

Ms. V had seen the exchange between us giggling to herself. "Boy, Stop intimidating my clients! Besides we will be just fine. get your behind on."

King shakes his head laughing "aight be back in a minute "

And there I was all alone with his mother...

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