part 2

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*marks pov*

"i sensed her presence" i said to the gang
(a/n- yes they're a gang ;))

"yeah so did i she smelled so familiar.." said johnny "shes one of us guys we cant let anything happen to her" taeyong reminded us, we all agreed

tomorrow i will enter hybrid high, nobody knew about us because we chose to stay away until we found out y/n was alive. shes one of the 22 survivors.. we want to protect her..

*author pov*

y/n flew to school and ran into her class and burly made it in before the bell rang ,she sighed and went to sit next to her friends

y/n: "hey guys" she was out of breath so her words were short

taemin : "hey bro" (merman)
joy : "sup bitch, why are you so late" (mermaid)
y/n : hey ! im perfectly on time :)

y/n was clearly thinking of something else during the whole class

*y/n pov*
'ugh i wonder who they were'
'why do they have to find a abandoned house and put a spell on- wait, are they- hybrids? hM'

"miss y/n please repeat what i just said" i heard my teacher say and thats when i knew i was fucked

"um i wasn't paying attention" i said as nice as possible

"would you like me to inform your mother that you don't care about your studies enough to pay attention" he said with a smirk on his face.

"go ahead steve" i said with a raised eyebrow, i can play his games too.

"alright then" sTevE went straight to his phone speed dialed my mom and put it on speaker as we all heard what he was about to tell my mom as i sit there amused

*mom answers*

"hello mam your daughter here was daydreaming in my class clearly she doesn't care about her studies so i wanted to tell you"
"did you really just call me to tell me my daughter was daydreaming?! why the hell would you call me over something like this?! do you want to get fired you son of a-"

before we could hear the rest of what my mom was going to say stEvE took the phone off speaker and apologized to my mother. after the 10 minute long apology he turned around, psh dumbass.

"im sorry miss choi"

i respond to him with an innocent smile. :)

after class i walked to my mommas office so we can leave together

*in moms office*

"hey mom how was work"
"good honey except for the fact that, that dumbass stevE called me, how was class?'
"it was pretty good ready to go?"
"yea hun"

i decided not to talk to my mom about the guys i found in the woods because i had a feeling about them.. not a bad thing a good thing { ;) }

me and my mom flew back home we she was like 3 times my size so we looked like a baby dragon and a mom.(well thats what we were)


when mom and i got home we smelled some good ass FOOD

our dragon smell was turned on and we both ran to the kitchen to find dad cooking a classic (imagine it being wtv you want)
"hi daddy!!"
"hey princess!"
i saw my mom going up to my dad and they gave each other a hug looking like a newly wed couple totally in love ..
i looked at them as i wished one day i could have something like that

*time lapse*

"dinners ready!!"
me and mom rannnnnnnn to the table while dad served our bomb dinner.
we ate up together.

"guys" i say raising my head to look at my parents "i love you guys"
i smile at them and they smile back
"we love you too" they say back to me with a genuine smile.

when we finished dinner i went up to my room we did live in a mansion so once i got there i was out of breath , i have a drawer filled with water bottles just for that.
i drank my water and sat on my bed still thinking about those boys i saw.. who were they why cant i figure it out..

*with the gang*

ten : ayo ayo nCitY in the hoUse

johnny: oh my god is ten drunk again

chenle: affirmative

jeno : go go go go operation catch ten

renjun and heachan run after ten as ten runs around the cave as he sings baby at the top of his lungs

mark: yup this is nct, the most dangerous gang in the world ...


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