part 25

886 26 10

"i want some fucking shrimp" (a/n: fun fact i'm allergic to shrimp :( )
i said while laying on the couch with my legs all over the place, rubbing my stomach. i was craving some juicy shrimp and i needed it now.

"i should go get shrimp before she burns down HQ" taeyong said grabbing his satchel and flip flops.

"im going to buy shrimp okay?" taeyong said to me before he left.

"wow he read my mind"


"DINNER'S READY ASSHEADS!" taeyong screamed from the kitchen.

i awakened from hibernation and ran towards the kitchen like there was no tomorrow.

we all began to eat. i was a smiley baby because i had gotten what i wanted. "cute" mark said next to me, caressing my cheek. we both smiled and returned to our plates.

"the food delicious taeyong!" i said while i terminated the shrimp. he just smiled and we all finished up our food.

"johnny and i are going out" ten said

"wait hold up y'all are dating?" jaemin asked


"no, we are not. we're just going to the store. bye!" johnny interrupted ten and dragged him outside HQ .

"somethings fishy"

*ten pov*

god damn y/n is fat.

anyway today me and john dad are going on a date to the mall. i mean he didn't say it was a date but it obviously is.

it was so rude how he interrupted my sentence. its not like i was going to say we were dating or anything.

*at the mall*

"ten, why'd you do that?" johnny asked ten in a serious tone

"do what?" ten responded

"why'd you throw the five year old out of the ball pit saying 'GET OUT IM THE QUEEN OF BALLS '"

"BECAUSE I AM, that boy tried to steal my spot, HA bye bitch" ten said flipping his non existent hair walking towards the next store.

johnny looked at him.

"i think i'm in love."


"that'll be 10,596 dollars and 17 cents sir. how would you like to pay for that? " the cashier said to him thinking he couldn't pay for all that

"cash, keep the change" ten took his bags and walked out with johnny.

"did you really have to buy all that?" johnny said.

"the bitch was testing me- OMG HIDE" ten scream whispered.

"what what what??" johnny said confused

"its the kid from before, he's drinking water how dare he" ten said furious

"ten...lets go"

follow me my child

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