part 33

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4 years later.

mark pov
"no..please get away from him... please" i heard beside me as i slept. i looked at the sleeping figure. y/n was crying badly, her eyes her shut tightly and her hands were now a fist. i sat up and put my hand and her wet cheek. i wiped away the newly made tear and spoke to her in a calm voice. "baby..its just a dream. wake up" she flinched at my words and her breath became faster. after a few minutes her eyes opened slowly. y/n jumped to cling on to me and i smiled at her reaction. 

"why do these dreams keep torturing me" she said. after a few seconds i responded. "we will get through it... together, these nightmares will soon be talk of the past. i promise"
y/n nodded and suddenly the door creaked open revealing a handsome young man.

"mommy! daddy!" hansol screams out in joy.
he hops on the bed and jumps on top of us. we laughed at his silly behavior. "good morning son" y/n said as the beautiful smile on her face grew wider. he was our hope. our everything. he gave the future meaning. and nothing could change that.


"where are we going" y/n asked giggling. her eyes were shut and mark was leading her to a unknown place. "its a secret" he responded. after some time they arrived to the secret place. "you can look now babe" mark said.

y/n removed the blind fold and stared at the place in awe. there were petals and candles across a garden leading to a small table for two.
mark took her hand and led her to the table walking through the petals.

after eating and having deep conversations mark stood from his seat and signaled y/n to do so as well. he looked at her in the eyes, deeply with passion.

"you're my best friend, my partner in crime, the mother of my child, my world my everything." mark said as he slowly got on one knee.
he took out a golden ring. and spoke.
"choi y/n will you spend the rest of eternity with me?"
and without hesitation
"yes, i will spend the rest of eternity with you."

the end :))
hoped you all liked my sucky story <3

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