part 15

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kun opens his eyes, he sees that he is tied up in a chair in a large dark room, with a light shining on him. he tries to set himself free, but fails, he feels as if his powers have been taken away. he tries to use his ice powers but nothing happens.

"i see you've woken up" a deep voice is heard from the other side of the room. kun tries his best to look fierce, as if he isn't scared.

the man came into the light and kun can now see his face.

"i have your pretty girlfriend here with me." the man chuckled. kuns eyes widened..what will he do to his fiancée? kun's eyes have fear in them. the man walks out the room leaving kun. from the other room you could hear screams. hyuna's screams...

the man brings back the love of my reason to live. she was crying as he dragged her into the room. her powers weren't working just like kun. tears fell from her face. and all kun could do was watch her. he was unable to move.

"" kun says as tears fall from his eyes seeing as the man forces hyuna to the floor, making her bow down before him.

words couldn't explain what he was watching. he asked god what she did to deserve this.

the man tied hyunas arms and legs together making her unable to move.

slowly he walked to a table that was near kun which has many different weapons. "what should i kill her with?" the man said laughing at kun's scared face.

"please kill me not her.." the man ignored kuns words. "machete it is"

kun wished this were just a dream he would wake up from.

he watched as the man slit hyunas throat. blood fell from her neck. her eyes went blank. she turned pale. his beautiful love was killed. he tilted his head back. he squeezed his eyes together. his life fell apart even more as the man said his next words.

"bring in his family"

kun woke up from his dream. gasping for air. he began to cry, endlessly.

"i swear ill kill that man, even if i die"

kun drank his pills. making him feel numb from the pain. he wanted to avoid the memories that made him look weak. yet those memories were what made him so strong.

kun held his necklace. it was a gift he gave her before her death. it the only thing keeping her close to him. besides the memories they shared together. he held the necklace tight. kun wiped his tears away and got ready for breakfast. he didn't want them knowing how sad he felt. how affected he still was. his job was to lead them. not to make them pity him.

and just like that kun started his day.

a bit of kun's back story :(

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