part 12

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we all went to get our shit ready and walked out the door. mark whispered into my ear. "if you need something ill be right by your side. i wont leave you" he said with a reassuring smile. "thank you" he put his arm around my shoulder and we walked towards one of the cars we were taking. we couldn't go flying since we would go to a place where humans live.

mark and i entered the first car, along with taeyong, johnny, and jaehyun. mark and i sat in the back.

taeyong told us the plan and we all nodded in response.

"how many people are in the other gang?" i asked

"9 they call themselves exo." taeyong responded.

"oh okay"

i laid my head on marks shoulder thinking. i wasn't scared about killing someone. nor was i scared to get killed. but the thought of the members getting hurt.. haunts me. it's enough seeing my sister getting killed every time i close my eyes.

mark intertwined our fingers until we arrived.

"we're here guys" johnny announced. all of the cars were scattered around exo's headquarters.

first lucas, johnny and taeyong would find out were all the exo members were, by making their shadow go inside the building and tracing them down.

the three of them were doing as planned and when a member was called they would tell doyoung.

"one of them is taking a shit" lucas said and doyoung typed it down.
they did this until we knew were everyone was located.

now it was time to go inside.

everyone ran out their cars. and went in the building through different entrances. everyone was put into different groups that targeted a specific member.

i was put with mark and jeno since we were water, fire,and ice.

the three of us entered through the rooftop. the opening was just big enough for us to fit one at a time.

mark entered first making sure the coast was clear, followed by me and jeno. we were all holding guns like we weren't afraid to use them, which of course we weren't. ha pew pew bitch.

we were going after a guy who was in his office. we headed towards the office quietly and quickly.

*outside office*

jeno put his hand on the floor. his ice making its way into the office. in a span of 5 seconds, jeno had already froze  the guys arms and legs, so that he wouldn't be able to move.

we all entered the room and saw the man scared from what suddenly happened. jeno locked the door so we could do a interrogation. i sat on his desk while the guy sat on his chair.

" whats your name?" i asked him, looking straight in the eyes.

"b-byun b-aekhyun." he responded. he was freezing cold so he had trouble talking. "and why are you doing this." i asked

"you all deserve to die like the rest in the war." this time he didn't stutter. i stood up and put my burning hot hand on his neck. i watched him wince in pain.

mark watched you . it turned him on.

once i took my hand off was he left with a burned neck. i walked around his chair feeling like a bad bitch. "wheres all the shit y'all make?"

"as if i would tell you" he said with a raised eyebrow. earlier i saw a picture of him on his wedding day. his wife pregnant.

"what about your wife..that baby."
i threatened him. although we would never hurt an innocent person i just wanted info out of him. "n-no please." he said . he finally gave up. "theyre in that closet..those are the only ones we've made so far." he said

jeno and mark opened the closet revealing the deadly purple substances.

"and how do they work?" i asked him.

he took a deep breath "its really powerful poison..its powerful enough to kill a hybrid,"

"mark give me one." i said
mark looked at me surprised as i waited for the substance. he gave it to me and i turned around facing the guy.

"so...have you ever killed a hybrid before?"

baekhyun laughed
"many babygirl" 

mark heard what he just said and almost killed him before i stopped him.

i looked into byuns eyes and asked him a simple question.
"give me one reason for me not to kill you"  he looked at me in the eyes. "you will rot in hell either way piece of-" i put the substance in him and walked away.

"lets go guys" mark and jeno already had the stuff in their bags. we reached the rooftops and everyone was waiting for us.

we walked over to everyone. "what took y'all so long?" lucas asked
"y/n was giving the guy a taste of his own medicine." jeno replied
"oh, y/n i need you to burn down the place." kun told me and i nodded my head. and touched the walls making the burn into ashes.

we made our way back home. i yawned, feeling really tired.

"you did good today babe." mark told me with a reassuring smile.
"thank you" i smiled back at him. we both fell asleep and johnny woke us up that we were back home.

"ugh yes i miss my bed"

thank you for reading :,)

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