part 30

812 27 4

*mark pov*

i opened my eyes to the sound of y/n's voice and heavy breaths in her sleep. i sat up to look at her. the sheets covered her. she was sweating and crying as she mumbled words. ""  she was having another nightmare.

i couldn't stand the sight, i decided to wake her up. (wakey wakey wakey)

i slightly touched her arm.

she smacked my hand from the sudden touch. her hand was burning hot. literally. i winced in pain and put my other now icy hand over the burn.

she was still dreaming.

"babe you're having a nightmare.. c'mon" i said to her trying to wake her.

she woke up. gasping for air. she looked around the room for danger.
she turned to me and jumped on me, hugging me, crying on my chest.

"shh.. i'm right here baby"

she leaned back and stared into my eyes. i wiped the tears off her eyes and she noticed the burn on my hand. "omg did i make that? i'm so sorry-" i cut off her words with a small "shh its okay babe"

she got up from the bed. she brought back a first aid kit and sit down between my legs. and wrapped up my hand. i stared at her red pupils, and her perfect features admiring them. "i want to go see my parents" she said.
i remembered her saying something about her mom when she was having a nightmare.
"i have a feeling-" she continued and looked up at me "i need to talk to them, as soon as i can"

i smiled and nodded. kissing her forehead bringing her in my embrace.

"wahhg wahh" we heard. hansol

we ended the hug and we walked to our crying sons room.

swinging our interlocked hands.
*y/n pov*

its been about two months ever since i gave birth to hansol. he was a handsome baby like his daddy.

i loved him so much. more than i would have ever thought. its crazy how much love you can have for someone.

"he shitted, nice" i heard mark say and i handed him a fresh diaper.

i admired his figure as he changed our baby. i walked up to him and smacked his juicy ass. "oii~" he giggled finishing off the diaper.

i ran away min yoongi style and mark followed behind me with hansol in his hands. once he caught up he smacked my ass.

we giggled and hansol was having the time of his life. i smiled at the 2 smiley figures in front of me. gosh i love them


i rethought my nightmare. was it a sign that i should go see my parents? what else what it be? i needed to tell them everything thats been happening. they were grandparents now. my sons grandparents. i didn't want to hide from my parents. i loved them. i needed them to know. they needed to know. that i was okay. i needed to know if they were okay.


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