part 28

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"holy shit" i grabbed my stomach in pain. "MARKKK"

it was happening. now. the baby.

"whats wrong sweetie- holy shit now?!" marks eyes widened and he ran over to me and picked me up bridal style taking me to Johnny's special room.

"mark it hurts... like a lot" tears began to flow down my cheeks. "its all gonna be okay babe. breath for me" he calmed me down a bit as we arrived to the room where i would give birth.

mark opened the door with his foot revealing johnny. "now?! we're a week early" johnny got the bed ready for me putting towels down and a pillow.

mark gently laid me down as i groaned in pain.

it felt as if my bones were being broken in half. i looked up and prayed to god that my baby boy would be healthy once this was over. nothing else was on my mind besides that.

"okay now we have to wait till the cirvix reaches its final stage" johnny said while he did a few check ups on me.

mark sat beside me holding my hand. i squeezed it tight. even if i was suffocating his hand all that mattered to him was that he could be there for me during one of the most important moments of our lives.

we would meet our baby boy. the thing that matters most to us.

"we will now begin" johnny announced. i nodded my head aggressively. the pain was like nothing I've ever felt before. i was ready to see my son. my universe.

"one two three, push!" johnny said.

i pushed as hard as i could. sweat and tears fell from my face. i held marks hand. he was rooting for me. he kissed my hand with love.

i continued to push. until i heard a cry.

i let out a big breath with a smile.

"welcome to the world" johnny said to the baby as he cleaned the blood off his face handing him to mark. although he was born i still felt strange.

"y/n we still need to release the dead fetus.." johnny reminded.

it took a push. one push. for it to leave me.

i looked at the dead fetus. tears built up. they fell.


all the nct members were now in the room circled around mark, me and the baby he was a handsome baby if i say so myself.

everyone looked in awe. they had few words they were all very happy .

"so did you guys decide on a name?" lucas said.

mark and i looked at each other.

"yeah we did" mark said. still looking into my eyes.

"his name is hansol"

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