part 24

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"babe i made you breakfast" i woke up to mark waking me.

"awe babe" i looked at the food he made me in shock "mark um i cant eat all this.." the plate had a stack of pancakes with oatmeal and juice.

"why not?" mark had a pout on his face "you have to eat for two now" he gave me a cute smile

"mark but i'm not carrying a's literally the size of a bean"
i said giggling "thank you" i put a fork full of pancakes in my mouth and mark looked at me with loving eyes.

if being pregnant meant this every morning i think i liked it.


"today is sunday little one, i met your mom on a sunday. she looked as beautiful as she looks today." mark rubbed my belly talking to it.
giving it plenty of kisses.

"we also created you on a sund-"

"mark its a child.!!"

"oh right... once upon a time. on a sunday. your mom looked super hot-"

at this point i just let him tell the baby whatever he wanted.
i played with his hair as he caressed my belly.

"i love our baby already.."


mark and i decided to go to church cuz we're holy unlike y'all.

"guys we're going to church wanna join?" i asked the others
"church? whats that like a cult?" chenle asked

instead of answering his question we just left

mark pov

'dear god.. so as you may know i'm starting a family with the love of my life. the one I've always loved. my princess y/n. thank you for giving me this opportunity to make me the happiest person in the universe. also please give johnny the balls to ask out ten, amen"


the days just seemed to go faster and my stomach was getting bigger every day that passed. every day mark and i would admire our creation. "dang the power of unprotected sex."


~time lapse~

"okay y/n & marko today as you know we will find out the sex of your baby." johnny said in his professional doctor voice.

"yes of course" mark and i both said. we felt so many emotions at the same time.

johnny applied the gel then put the device on my stomach as we all carefully looked at the screen.

oh did i mention all of nct was in the room?

"this is like a k drama" yang yang said

"i bet its a girl" "nah its a boy" "shut up doo doo faces im trying to concentrate"


"IS THAT A DICK I SEE" ten said loudly "I KNOW A DICK WHEN I SEE ONE" he said again

"yes indeed its a dick congrats its a BOY" johnny confirmed and everyone jumped with joy except for team girl wah wah

mark and i hugged for a while feeling completely overwhelmed with the news. i felt as if my whole life was perfect. i felt happy. but this wasn't the end.

yay a b-b boy 🥵🥵

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