part 22

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i woke up in marks arms. his hands were on my back and mine on his chest. i felt warmness.

i sat up and immediately laid back down. i felt too sore to even move.

mark chuckled. i looked at him. "hey! you're awake" i smiled "i woke up when i felt you move, looks like i fucked you too hard" he said feeling proud.

then i realized. "hey mark did you use a condom?" he also had the realization. "um.. little markie?" he said with a soft smile which made me laugh.

"mark i'm gonna take a shower wanna join?" i asked him and he just stood up excitedly.

i bent down to turn on the water and felt marks hands on my hips. i teased him by moving my hips a bit . "oi no teasing." he said playfully and turned me around to give me a kiss.

we washed up and headed downstairs.

*at dining room*

"why was everyone screaming names last night" jisung asked and taeyong chocked on his juice. every  guilty one stayed quite until chenle spoke. "they were probably playing monopoly." jisung gasped "WITHOUT ME?!"

we all awkwardly laughed.

"we should make the walls sound proof" taeyong suggested once chenle and jisung weren't around.

"i agree" johnny said.
"of course you agree you were the loudest one." hendery said frustrated
"'omg ten your ass is so tight'" yangyang and xiaojun mimicked until ten karate chopped their necks.

"you guys weren't so quite either" jaehyun said looking at them and lucas, kun and renjun.

in conclusion ten made the walls soundproof with his powers and now we could be as loud as we wanted;)


*2 months later*

"blehh~" i vomited in the bathroom as mark held my hair back for me, while he rubbed my back. "here" mark gave me a paper towel and i wiped my face. "thank you"
"still haven't gotten your period babe?" mark asked me with a calm expression. i shook my head "no, i haven't" i said . "lets go get a test yeah?" mark said to me and i agreed.

mark and i went to the store and bought multiple pregnancy tests.
while paying the sweet old lady looked at me with a sweet smile which i returned. "your kids will be beautiful" she said to me i smiled widely and so did mark. "thank you, have a good day" i said

mark opened the door for me and i entered the car. once mark was in the car he looked at me in the eyes. "whether you're pregnant or not i want you to know that i will stay. and raise it with you. i've loved you my entire life. and i will continue to love you and the little one if its in there.. for the rest of eternity. " i smiled at him and began to cry a bit. "thank you.." i said to him hugging him.


mark and i drove home, his right hand gripping my thigh

*at headquarters*

"we're home" mark said to not alarm the guys. ten was sitting on the couch and noticed the tests in the bag. "ARE THOSE PREGNANCY TEST?!" he screamed loudly. before you knew it everyone was running down the stairs wanting to know the tea.

"yes they are pregnancy tests" i said and everyone cheered.

"WAIT" i said making them shut it. "i don't even know yet im still gonna take it." i went to my bathroom and everyone followed me.

"mark stay, the rest of you wait outside" i said and everyone whined as they left.

i peed on one of the pregnancy tests. "okay now we wait 2 minutes." i said to mark.

i felt anxious and mark could tell by my expression. "hey come here babe" mark said to me bringing his arms out for a hug. i went to him and hugged him, as he kissed my forehead . "if its positive we will raise the baby. together. we will make it strong like its mom. and pretty or handsome like its parents" he chuckled . "we will be great parents. and i promise i'll always stick by your side. forever and always"

"i love you so much mark" i felt much better.

"okay its been two minutes" i said and walked over to the test, mark behind me.

"2 lines positive
1 line negative" we both said.

please remember that they've been knowing each other for years

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